Get ready to explore how your National ID as Verifiable Credentials (VCs) can be leveraged for secure and efficient access to essential services.
This step-by-step guide will take you through the complete loan application journey, demonstrating how a National ID can be used to seamlessly access financial services.
By following these simple steps, you will:
Self-register and obtain your National ID.
Download your National ID and Tax ID (TAN: Tax Account No.) VCs to your wallet.
Apply for a loan using your Verifiable Credentials (VCs).
Throughout this process, you will interact with the MOSIP national ID platform, the Inji credentialing stack, and the eSignet OIDC login provider.
Read on and follow the steps below to begin your experience!
Let’s get started! 🚀
Open your browser and visit the Self Registration Portal.
Fill in the required details and provide consent to proceed.
Upload a saved photo or capture one live via the portal.
Review your details, ensure accuracy, and click Submit.
Upon submission, you'll receive a confirmation screen displaying your National ID. Congratulation! You're done with the registration process!
Once successfully issued, you will receive:
UIN (Unique Identification Number)
TAN (Tax Account Number) - To enable you to experience the loan application use case (apply for loan)
You’ll receive two emails:
UIN Issuance Email - Includes your UIN (Unique Identification Number) / National ID in PDF format.
TAN Email Notification - Includes instructions on downloading your National ID and TAN VC via the INJI Mobile Wallet.
Download and install the INJI Mobile app using the link provided in the TAN notification email, or click here and select the relevant INJI Mobile option, based on your OS (Android or iOS).
Alternatively, You can also visit INJI Web to download the VCs as PDF.
Please refer below to know more.
To download the VCs in your INJI Mobile App follow the steps below:
Open the INJI Mobile app and tap + to view issuers.
Select National Identity Department → MOSIP National ID (browser redirects to eSignet).
Enter your National ID and the OTP sent to your email.
Upon validation, your National ID VC will be downloaded to your wallet.
Open the National ID VC in the wallet.
Tap Activate and enter the OTP to enable online authentication.
Tap + in the INJI Mobile app.
Select Republic of Veridonia Tax Department → Tax Account Number (browser redirects to eSignet).
Enter your National ID and the OTP received via email.
Upon validation, your TAN VC will be downloaded.
Open the TAN VC in the wallet.
Tap Activate and enter the OTP to enable online authentication.
To download the VCs using the INJI web follow the steps below:
Navigate to the INJI web portal and click on Get Started.
Select National Identity Department → MOSIP National ID.
Select the Consent Validity, and click on Proceed (browser redirects to eSignet).
Enter your National ID and the OTP sent to your email.
Upon validation, your National ID VC will be downloaded to you locally.
Navigate to the INJI web portal and click on Get Started.
Select Tax Department → Tax ID.
Select the Consent Validity, and click on Proceed (browser redirects to eSignet).
Enter your National ID and the OTP sent to your email.
Upon validation, your National ID VC will be downloaded to your local device.
Open your browser and go to the Banking Portal.
Click Sign in with National ID to be redirected to eSignet.
You will have two options to authenticate your National ID:
Authenticate with OTP
Authenticate with INJI Mobile
For experiencing this use case we recommend using the OTP as the authentication factor.
Choose Login with OTP.
Enter your National ID and the OTP sent to your registered email.
Once verified, you'll return to the portal to begin your loan application.
Click Apply for Loan on the home page, you will be redirected to the page to verify your TAN.
You have two options to verify your TAN VC:
Scan QR Code: Use your device camera to scan the QR code from your TAN VC.
Upload TAN VC: Upload the TAN VC file from your device.
Option 1: Scan the QR Code
Click on the Scan QR Code option on the page to verify your TAN.
You will need two devices: One device will have the camera open (where you are accessing the banking portal), and the other will display the TAN VC QR code.
When prompted, allow camera access to enable the device to scan the QR code.
Focus the camera on the QR code of the TAN VC displayed on the other device.
Once scanned, the data will be processed for verification.
After successful verification, your TAN VC credentials will be displayed on the banking portal.
Option 2: Upload the TAN VC
Select Upload QR Code.
Click Upload and choose your TAN VC file with a QR code from your local device.
The data will be processed for verification.
Upon successful verification, your TAN VC credentials will be displayed on the banking portal.
Once your TAN VC is verified, you’ll see a congratulations message with your credit score and loan eligibility status.
Review your credit score and loan eligibility.
Click Proceed to complete the loan application form.
The form consists of two sections:
Loan Details: Fill in all the mandatory fields related to your loan.
Pre-filled Personal Information: Your details will be auto-filled based on your National ID and TAN VC.
Submit your application.
Once processed, you'll receive confirmation of your approved loan amount.
You're all set! 🎉
Congratulations! You’ve successfully used your National ID and TAN VC to apply for a loan.
This experience showcases the power of secure foundational digital identity and verifiable credentials, in enabling hassle-free access to essential services. We hope this walkthrough gave you valuable insights into the potential of trusted digital identity ecosystems, powered by MOSIP, Inji, and eSignet.
Thank you for participating and stay connected for more exciting innovations ahead! 🚀