This repository contains the UI code for the Resident portal. To know more about the features and functions present on the portal, refer here.
The code is written in Angular JS.
Install node.js
- To build the angular code using angular cli that runs on node, recommended Node: 14.17.3, Package Manager: npm 6.14.13
Install angular cli
– To install angular cli for building the code into deployable artifacts. Follow the following steps to install angular cli on your system.
npm install -g @angular/cli
(to install angular cli)
ng --version
(to verify angular is installed in the system) We recommend Angular CLI: 7.2.1
Check out the source code from GIT – To download the source code from git, follow the steps below to download the source code on your local system.
git clone (to clone the source code repository from git)
Build the code
Follow the steps below to build the source code on your system.
Navigate to the resident-ui directory inside the cloned repository.
Run the command ng build "--prod" "--base-href" "." "--output-path=dist"
in that directory to build the code.
Build Docker image
Follow the steps below to build the docker image on your system.
docker build -t name .
(replace name
with the name of the image you want, "." signifies the current directory from where the docker file has to be read.)
Example: docker build -t residentui .
Run the Docker image
Follow the steps to build a docker image on your system.
docker run –d –p 80:80 --name container-name image-name
(to run the docker image created with the previous step,-d
signifies to run the container in detached mode, -p
signifies the port mapping left side of the":" is the external port that will be exposed to the outside world and the right side is the internal port of the container that is mapped with the external port. Replace container-name
with the name of your choice for the container, replace image-name
with the name of the image specified in the previous step)
Example: docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name nginx residentui
Now you can access the user interface over the internet via a browser.
Example: http://localhost:8080/#/dashboard
Build & deploy the code locally
Follow the steps below to build the source code on your system.
Navigate to the resident-ui directory inside the cloned repository. Then, run the following command in that directory:
npm install
ng serve
Now, you can access the user interface via the browser.
Example: http://localhost:4200