Collaborate seamlessly with MOSIP through comprehensive partner guides, onboarding processes, and policy frameworks.
The MOSIP platform requires integration with several other systems. Typically, a System Integrator (SI) would assemble all the pieces to build a complete national ID solution. All entities that participate in providing the external components are called MOSIP Partners.
The below diagram illustrates the MOSIP Ecosystem, highlighting how the MOSIP platform integrates with various components to provide a complete ID solution.
Authentication Partner/Relying Party
Entities that use MOSIP for authentication like banks, telecom, Govt. institutes etc.
Online Verification Partner
Credential Partner
Provider of credentials like printed ID card, QR code etc. to residents
Device Provider
Provider of biometric devices that connect to registration client and authentication apps
FTM Provider
Manual Adjudication
Providers of Manual Adjudication Systems(MAS); enrollment data is shared with MAS
ABIS Partner
MISP Partner
MOSIP Infra Service Provider (MISP) provide network infrastructure/channel/pipe to various Authentication Partners to connect to the MOSIP system. Example, broadband service providers.
* Label: Please refer to in partner_type
table of mosip_pms
The MOSIP Partner Policy establishes a structured framework for collaboration between MOSIP adopters and their partners and defines the rules for data access and sharing.
It specifies which partners can access what information and the procedures for requesting it, for instance, a registered print provider automatically receives data via WebSub if designated under the print policy whereas an authentication partner must actively call the authentication system to retrieve data based on policy guidelines. If eKYC is permitted, the partner may receive additional personally identifiable information (PII).
The policy ensures granular control over shared attributes allowing different partners to receive varying levels of information; one may access only a name while another may obtain both a name and a photograph. This structured approach enhances security, compliance, and flexibility.
To learn more about partner policies please refer here.
Onboarding of a partner refers to registering a partner in a particular deployment of MOSIP. Partners need to be onboarded to establish trust. The onboarding process consists of loading partner details in the database, exchanging certificates, etc, detailed in the later sections. Such onboarding is required to be done on any fresh MOSIP installation. For instance, if you install a sandbox, you would need to follow the onboarding process for each partner.
The sections below describe the onboarding process for each type of partner.
MISP should have a trusted X.509 certificate with a chain of CA certificates.
MISP self-registers on the PMS portal providing partner ID, name, organization name (same as in certificate), partner type (MISP_type
) (This functionality will be available on the portal in the 1.2.x version of MOSIP)
MISP uploads all certificates.
MOSIP Admin generates the MISP license key and provides it to MISP.
Policy for the AP must be pre-defined (see Partner policies).
AP should have a trusted X.509 certificate with a chain of CA certificates.
AP registers with MISP and obtains the MISP license key (this setup is outside of the MOSIP system).
The MISP used by AP should have been already onboarded onto MOSIP.
AP self-registers on the PMS portal providing partner ID, name, organization name (same as in certificate), partner type (Auth_Partner
) etc.
AP uploaded all certificates.
AP selects the policy group and policy. This request is sent to the MOSIP Admin for approval.
On approval, AP generates an API key that can be used along with the MISP license key to interact with the IDA system.
DP should have a trusted X.509 certificate with a chain of CA certificates.
DP self-registers on the PMS portal providing partner ID, name, organization name (same as in certificate), partner type (Device_Provider
) etc.
DP uploads all certificates.
Any approval from MOSIP? (TODO)
FTMP should have a trusted X.509 certificate with a chain of CA certificates.
FTMP self-registers on the PMS portal providing partner ID, name, organization name (same as in certificate), partner type (FTM_Provider
) etc.
FTMP uploads all certificates.
Datashare policy must be pre-defined (see Partner policies).
CP should have a trusted X.509 certificate with a chain of CA certificates.
CP self-registers on the PMS portal providing partner ID, name, organization name (same as in certificate), partner type (Credential_Partner
) etc.
CP uploads all certificates.
CP selects the policy group and policy.
CP maps policy to one of the supported credential types.
CP adds biometric extractors for the policy.
Datashare policy must be pre-defined (see Partner policies).
OVP should have a trusted X.509 certificate with a chain of CA certificates.
OVP self-registers on the PMS portal providing partner ID, name, organization name (same as in certificate), partner type (Credential_Partner
) etc. (Using APIs, as OVP support on PMS Portal is available in the later version of MOSIP.)
OVP uploads all certificates.
OVP selects the policy group and policy.
OVP maps policy to auth
credential type.
OVP adds biometric extractors for the policy.
The MOSIP Partner Programme (MPP) was initiated to help stakeholders connect with MOSIP, and become part of an ecosystem invested in building foundational digital ID systems that are trustworthy, secure, efficient, and interoperable while being customized to specific needs.
Refer MPP document for further details.
Refer to Partner Management Services.
The admin application is a web-based application used by a privileged group of administrative personnel to manage various master data. The various resources that can be managed by an administrator are:
Center (Registration centers)
User (Admin, Registration staff)
Along with resource and data management, the admin can generate master keys, check registration status, retrieve lost RIDs, and resume processing of paused packets.
Masterdata Service exposes API to perform CRUD operations on masterdata through Admin service.
Hotlist Service provides functionality to block/unblock any IDs with option of expiry. This hotlisted information will also be published to MOSIP_HOTLIST WebSub topic.
Sync Data Service can be accessed only by the privileged group of admin personnel and enables default configurations and seed data to be setup when the MOSIP platform gets initialized.
The admin module has four services:
Admin service
Kernel Masterdata service
Kernel Syncdata service
Hotlist service
The documentation here will guide you through the pre-requisites required for the developer' setup.
JDK 11
Any IDE (like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA)
Apache Maven (zip folder)
Git/GitHub Desktop
Notepad++ (optional)
lombok.jar (file)
Follow the steps below to set up Admin Services on your local system:
Unzip Apache Maven and move the unzipped folder in C:\Program Files
and settings.xml
to conf
folder C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.8.4\conf
Install Eclipse, open the lombok.jar
file and wait for some time until it completes the scan for Eclipse IDE and then click Install/ Update
Check the Eclipse installation folder C:\Users\userName\eclipse\jee-2021-12\eclipse
to see if the lombok.jar
is added. By doing this, you don't have to add the dependency of lombok
in your pom.xml
file separately as it is auto-configured by Eclipse.
Configure the JDK (Standard VM) with your Eclipse by traversing through Preferences → Java → Installed JREs
Open the project folder where pom.xml
is present.
Open command prompt from the same folder.
Run the command mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true -DskipTests=true
to build the project and wait for the build to complete successfully.
After building of a project, open Eclipse and select Import Projects → Maven → Existing Maven Projects → Next → Browse to project directory → Finish
After successful importing of project, update the project by right-click on Project → Maven → Update Project
Any changes in the properties for Masterdata and Admin services should be done in application-local1.properties
By default the Admin-services is connected to dev environment.
To run the specific service from IDE, Open IDE -> Specific service -> src/main/java/io.mosip.specific service -> Right click on the file and select run as Java Application
For example, to run the Admin service, open IDE -> admin-service -> src/main/java/io.mosip.admin -> Right click on AdminBootApplication.java and select run as Java Application
To run the specific service from Command Prompt, Open Project folder -> open command prompt from same folder -> Execute java -jar target/specific-service-1.2.0.jar
For example, to run the admin service, Open Project folder -> open command prompt from same folder -> Execute java -jar target/admin-service-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
The service should now be up and running.
The APIs can be tested with the help of Swagger-UI and Postman.
Swagger is an interface description language for describing restful APIs expressed using JSON. You can access Swagger-UI of admin-services for dev-environment from:
Admin service– http://dev.mosip.net/v1/admin/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/admin/v3/api-docs/swagger-config#/
and localhost from http://localhost:8098/v1/admin/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/admin/v3/api-docs/swagger-config#/
Masterdata- http://dev.mosip.net/v1/masterdata/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/masterdata/v3/api-docs/swagger-config#/
and localhost from http://localhost:8086/v1/masterdata/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/masterdata/v3/api-docs/swagger-config#/
Syncdata- http://dev.mosip.net/v1/syncdata/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/syncdata/v3/api-docs/swagger-config#/
and localhost from http://localhost:8089/v1/syncdata/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/syncdata/v3/api-docs/swagger-config#/
Hotlist- http://dev.mosip.net/v1/hotlist/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/hotlist/v3/api-docs/swagger-config#/
and localhost from http://localhost:8095/v1/hotlist/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/hotlist/v3/api-docs/swagger-config#/
Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster. It is widely used tool for API testing.
Create an environment as shown in the image below.
This environment is created for dev. Give the variable name as url
and set both the values as https://dev.mosip.net
In the similar way, create another environment for localhost as shown below.
This environment is created for localhost. Give the variable name as url
and set both the values as http://localhost:8099
The MOSIP platform is configured via the Admin application. This application can be accessed only by a privileged group of administration personnel. The admin module provides the following functions:
Management of resources via CRUD operations:
Centers (registration centers)
Users (Admin, registration staff)
Registration administration
Packet status
Retrieve lost RID
Resume RID
Administrative zones are virtual boundaries which a country can define to better manage their resources that are used during registrations. These resources includes Centers, Users, Machines and Devices. These zones can be defined in a hierarchical fashion and a country can allocate resources to such zones based on their requirements.
Resources under each zone is managed by a Zonal Admin. This is done by assigning an Administrative zone to the Zonal Admin during user creation.
These Zonal Admins can exist at any zonal hierarchy. (For e.g, a Zonal Admin can directly be mapped to the whole country as a Zone or can be mapped to a significantly smaller zone such as a city). Thus, these resources when mapped to an Administrative zone can only be managed by the Admin of that zone.
Deactivation refers to a reversible action in which the isActive value for a resource in database is set to "False". This means that the resource will not be available for use unless and until it is activated later through the admin portal as required by the country.
Decommission refers to a permanent/irreversible action of the resource. This also automatically deactivates it and the isDeleted value for the resource is set to "True".
The primary difference being that a decommissioned resource cannot be bought into commission again as decommission refers to a permanent shutdown.
Also, in cases where a center has some resources mapped to it (e.g. machines, devices or users), the portal will not allow the admin to decommission such a center.
Note- Activation/Deactivation/Decommission of a center in one language will be applied to the same center created in all the languages.
Masterdata may be uploaded in the following manner:
One-time bulk upload:
The tables that need to be modified for country specific data are listed below. Other tables in mosip_master
DB are either system-filled or pre-filled and not to be modified.
Modify the files for your deployment as per guide below.
Partners are vendors or solution providers who offer their products/services to ensure the effective implementation and operation of MOSIP-based identity systems.
Partner Management Portal (PMP) is a web based application that is designed to facilitate the collaboration and integration of external partners with the MOSIP ecosystem. This portal serves as a platform to onboard all types of MOSIP partners, manage their details and build partner specific functionalities for seamless interaction.
We are undertaking a comprehensive overhaul of our existing Partner Management Portal (PMP). This revamp includes introducing a suite of new features and significantly enhancing the current ones. Our aim is to improve usability and elevate the overall user experience (UX). Also incorporating tech stack upgrade and realigning our focus to bring user centered design to PMP, we are committed to making the PMP more intuitive, efficient, and aligned with our partners' evolving needs.
You can refer to the comprehensive documentation as below:
Common policies group examples include 'Telecom', 'Banking', 'Insurance' among others.
Data Share Policy
Authentication Policy
Note: Policies are not applicable for Device Provider, FTM Provider and MISP Partner as data is not shared with them.
Partner Management System (PMS) is undergoing a major revamp and as our first step, we have introduced a brand new web application - Partner Management Portal. This brings:
Technology stack upgrade
Introduce new partner types.
Introduce new features.
Enhancement of existing features.
Improved usability and user experience.
The key features of Authentication Partner incorporated in this release are:
Partner Certificate:
Upload and Re-upload: Easily upload or re-upload Certificate Authority (CA) signed Partner Certificate.
Download: Download CA signed Partner Certificate and corresponding MOSIP Signed Certificate.
Request Policies: Request policies within selected policy group.
Policy List: View a tabular list of requested policies along with approval status from 'Partner Admin'.
View Policy Details: Access detailed views of individual policies, including status of Partner Admin approval/rejection.
Authentication Services:
OIDC Client:
Create OIDC Client: Create OIDC Clients for approved policies.
View OIDC Details: Access a tabular list and individual views of submitted OIDC Client details, including OIDC Client IDs.
Edit: Edit existing OIDC Client details.
Deactivate: Deactivate OIDC Client whenever needed.
API Key:
Generate API Key: Create API Keys for approved policies.
View API Key Details: View a tabular list and individual details of submitted API Keys.
Deactivate: Deactivate API Keys when necessary.
We are reconstructing the entire PMS ground up and our upcoming releases is going to keep the best of current system and rebuild everything else from scratch.
The 'Legacy PMS' will be available during the overhaul and new system is to gradually take over in phase wise releases of the system, ensuring thereby a smooth and seamless transition. This means existing system will continue to work and be available during the course of undergoing the rebuilding process.
Authorised and entrusted partners who host module to provide authentication service to various partners. Even MOSIPs IDA module an is an Online Verification Partner.
Providers of compatible integrated in biometric devices
Provider of
Download and .
For the code setup, clone repository and follow the guidelines mentioned in the .
For the environment setup, you need an external JAR that is available with different versions. (E.g.: You can download kernel-auth-adapter.jar
and add to project Libraries → Classpath → Add External JARs → Select Downloaded JAR → Add → Apply and Close
Clone .
For API documentation, refer .
Reference implementation of the Admin portal is available in repository.
To know more, refer to the .
To know more about the setup, read .
Refer .
Masterdata is the necessary base data to run MOSIP services. The data resides in . This data needs to be customized for a country specific deployment.
(for sandbox installation): Using . The default data uploaded during sandbox installation is available in .
Country specific data: Using .
Updates: Updates to tables may be done using the .
Copy Excel files from to a folder.
For all tables listed below modify lang_code
and add corresponding rows for your .
Upload first time using scripts given .
Subsequently, update data ONLY using .
: Documentation that includes the features in new UI
: Existing documentation (Old UI)
Refer to the loaded while installing MOSIP.
Partner policies control the data that needs to be shared with a partner. The policies reside in of mosip_pms
This release marks the developer's preview release (1.3.0-dp.1) of Partner Management System which focuses on implementation of workflow in the new UI. This version of PMS is designed to run on version of MOSIP platform.
Moving further from the current release our upcoming PMS releases will aim to introduce new features and incorporate all the essential functionalities of ''. The upcoming releases is also going to focus on working afreash on other Partner Type(s), Refer to to the to know more about what all will unveil gradually.
Categories of documents to be captured
Specific documents related to a country
Mapping of document category, type and applicant type
List of location hierarchy
List of locations stored in a hierarchical format
Holidays specific to different locations. Used in registration centre creation.
Example mobile, stationary. Refers to machine_spec
Model, make of the registration machine
ID Schema
Refer to ID Schema customisation. Update the JSON in schema_json
column of identity_schema.xlsx
Dynamic dropdowns used during data capture
Only name
and descr
can be changed based on language
UI specification for registration and pre-registration UI screens. See UI spec guides
Registration client
List of changeable configurations by the operator
Only method_seq
can be changed
Only name
and descr
can be changed based on language
Only priority
can be changed
Only method_seq
can be changed
List of reasons for a reason category
Only name
and descr
can be changed based on language
Registration center
Type of center
List of registration centers
Historical data for any modification done on a registration center. One time intialization of this table identical to registration_center
. Thereafter, the data will be system updated
Exception holiday for a registration center
Working and non-working day for a center
Only name
and descr
can be changed based on language
Only name
and descr
can be changed based on language
Only name
, descr
, file_txt
can be changed based on language
Only descr
can be changed based on language
Only descr
can be changed based on language
List of blocked words
Only name
can be changed based on language
Only name
and descr
can be changed based on language
Only name
and descr
can be changed based on language
Only descr
can be changed based on language
Only name
and descr
can be changed based on language
List of titles used in the country
List of administrative zones in a country
Partner Type
What do they do in MOSIP?
Why do they need PMS portal?
Authentication Partner
They are also called Relying Party or Service Providers which uses MOSIP authentication services for delivering services
Shares partner certificate which would be used to build a trust store in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that they were the ones who were authenticating the citizens also this certificate is used to encrypt the response shared in e-KYC.
They choose a policy which they want to use and request for approval for the policy from the partner admin.
Once a policy is approved, they can perform eSignet (OIDC Client) and/or API based authentication.
They can create OIDC client for an approved policy which is used in eSignet authentication.
They can generate API Keys against the policy in order to use it during citizen authentication.
They can also deactivate an OIDC Client or API Key if it is compromised
Device Provider
Provide devices for Registration and Authentication
Shares partner certificate which would be used to build a trust store in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that the biometric data was captured by a device issued by the device provider.
Provides make & model details of devices for book keeping.
Provides SBI information for book keeping.
FTM Chip Provider
Provides secure chip for Authentication devices
Shares partner certificate which would be used to build a trust store in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that the biometric data was captured by a device integrated with a chip issued by the FTM chip provider.
Provide chip model details for book keeping.
ABIS Partner
Provides ABIS engine to deduplicate biometrics
Shares partner certificate which would be used for encryption the biometric data that is shared during deduplication.
The request for a policy based on which data is shared with them for deduplication
Manual Adjudication System
Manual Adjudication system helps a biometric expert to compare two sets of biometric data and few demographic data, so that, the adjudicator can take the final decision that the identified record is actually a duplicate.
Shares partner certificate which would be used for encryption the biometric and demographic data that is shared during deduplication.
The request for a policy based on which data is shared with them for adjudication
SDK Partner
Provides SDKs that are used for performing matching of two records, checking the quality of the biometrics or generating biometric templates.
They don’t need Partner Management Portal
MISP (MOSIP Infrastructure Service Providers)
They provide infrastructure services to MOSIP and help relying parties (authentication partners) access the authentication endpoints exposed by MOSIP
Share partner certificate which helps verify that the ISP is a genuine partner, the certificate uploaded is generally not used in MOSIP.
Generate License Keys which would be used for during citizen authentication.
ID Authentication Module / Online Verification Partner
Module that stores ID data used for authenticating the citizens
This is an internal module
Generally added from the backend by the administrator
Printing/ Credential Partner
They provide print solution
Shares partner certificate which would be used for encryption the face and demographic data that is shared for printing the ID card.
The request for a policy based on which data is shared with them for printing
Policy type
Auth policy
Specifies authentication types and KYC fields to be shared during authentication.
Datashare policy
Online Verification Partner, Credential Partner, Manual Adjudiation, ABIS partner
Specifies data to be shared with partners
Partner Type
Associated Role
Partner Admin
Policy Manager
Authentication Partner
Credential Partner
Device Provider
FTM Provider
The key features of Authentication Partner and the Partner Management System are here below.
A Partner can self-register with much of the process as automated with least manual intervention.
Partner has to select the Policy Group and then choose an applicable Policy which is based on the Partner Type the organization belongs to. Policy selection gets easier as there is description provided against each policy helping a Partner carefully select an applicable policy.
The new interface of PMP, for its user part, has undergone a complete revamp not only on UI but the UX been worked upon ground up. The select few points from the UX enhancements are as below:
Card view presentation – You now get ‘Partner User Dashboard’ and this offers Card view presentation for each functionality with brief / one liner description to help you understand the services offered in:
User Profile - User can view his organisation name and username on the top right , the user dropdown on the top right- has two options: User Profile and Logout.
Login: Existing Partner who has already registered can login to the portal with email / username and password.
Retrieve Password / Forgot Password: Partner will have option to reset password using the Forget Password option.
Upload and Re-upload: Easily upload or re-upload Certificate Authority (CA) signed Partner Certificate.
Download: Download CA signed Partner Certificate and corresponding MOSIP Signed Certificate.
Request Policies: Request policies within selected policy group.
Policy List: View a tabular list of requested policies along with Partner Admin approval status.
View Policy Details: Access detailed views of individual policies, including status of Partner Admin approval/rejection.
OIDC Client:
Create OIDC Client: Create OIDC Clients for approved policies.
View OIDC Details: Access a tabular list and individual views of submitted OIDC Client details, including OIDC Client IDs.
Edit: Edit existing OIDC Client details.
Deactivate: Deactivate OIDC Client whenever needed.
API Key:
Generate API Key: Create API Keys for approved policies.
View API Key Details: View a tabular list and individual details of submitted API Keys.
Deactivate: Deactivate API Keys when necessary.
Complete support on Chrome, Firefox, Edge and Safari ensures a seamless user experience across these popular browsers.
Currently supports English, French and Arabic with plans to incorporate additional languages in future releases.
Optimized for standard browser sizes (laptop/desktop) with responsive UI design for laptop/desktop views.
This guide contains all the information required for successful deployment and running of Partner Management Portal. It includes information about the Database and roles.
Partner Management Service DB Scripts to be run: DB scripts
needs to have below roles in keycloak:
view-users (from realm-management roles)
Add below property to partner-management-default.properties file in mosip-config repository to Deploy PMS Revamp 1.3.0-DP.1 release in your env.
This repository contains the UI code for Partner Management portal. To know more about the features and functions present on the portal, refer here.
Note: The code is written in React JS.
Install node.js
- To build the react JS code that runs on node, recommended Node: 21.7.3, Package Manager: npm 5.2+
Check out the source code from GIT – To download the source code from git, follow the steps below to download source code on your local system.
git clone https://github.com/mosip/partner-management-portal (to clone the source code repository from git)
Build the code
Follow the steps below to build the source code on your system.
Navigate to the pmp-reactjs-ui directory inside the cloned repository.
Run the command npm run
build in that directory to build the code.
Build Docker image
Follow the steps below to build the docker image on your system.
docker build -t name .
(replace name with the name of the image you want, "." signifies the current directory from where the docker file has to be read.)
Example: docker build -t pmp-revamp-ui .
Run the Docker image
Follow the steps to build docker image on your system.
docker run –d –p 80:80 --name container-name image-name
(to run the docker image created with the previous step,-d
signifies to run the container in detached mode, -p
signifies the port mapping left side of the":" is the external port that will be exposed to the outside world and right side is the internal port of the container that is mapped with the external port. Replace container-name
with the name of your choice for the container, replace image-name
with the name of the image specified in the previous step)
Example: docker run -d -p 3000:3000--name nginx pmp-revamp-ui
Now you can access the user interface over the internet via browser.
Example: http://localhost:3000
Build & deploy the code locally
Follow the steps below to build the source code on your system.
Navigate to the pmp-reactjs-ui directory inside the cloned repository. Then, run the following command in that directory:
npm install
npm start
Now, you can access the user interface via browser.
Example: http://localhost:3000
PMS Revamp Portal web application is currently compatible and certified with the following list of browsers:
Version 126.0.6478.185
and above
Version 128.0.3
and above
Version 127.0.2651.86
and above
Version 16.6
and above
Scope for Release 1.3.0-dp.1 - Compatible on standard browser size (laptop/desktop) and UI responsiveness in laptop/desktop.
Compatibility on Mobile and also on specific tablet and mobile sizes will be taken up only after Release 1.3.0-dp.1.
An admin application is a web-based application used by a privileged group of administrative personnel to manage various master data sets. The various resources that an Admin can manage are:
Center (Registration centers)
Users (Admin, Registration staff)
Along with the resource and data management, the admin can generate master keys, check registration status, retrieve lost RID, and resume processing of paused packets. To start using the Admin portal, an admin user must be assigned to a zone.
To learn more, refer to the video below!
Setup of hierarchical zones
Create Admin roles in KeyCloak
Create the first admin user in KeyCloak and assign the "GLOBAL_ADMIN" role
Note: On the login of the first admin user, user zone mapping is handled automatically.
The above is done automatically as part of the default sandbox installation.
Select the preferred language.
Login with KeyCloak credentials.
Map the other users(admins/registration operators/supervisors) to their respective zones
Create centers and assign the users to a particular center
Highly recommended: Ensure to revoke the first super user's zone mapping and role after the first user actions are completed.
Packet Status
User Zone Mapping
Pause/ Resume RID
All Master Data
User Zone Mapping
Retrieve Lost RID
All Master Data
Masterdata Bulk Upload
User Center Mapping
Packet Bulk Upload
Masterdata Bulk Upload
All Master Data
Masterdata Bulk Upload
This portal allows an Admin to view, create, edit, activate, deactivate and decommission registration centers.
An Admin can manage only centers under their administrative zones.
The administrator can filter the list of registration centers based on parameters like Center name, Center type, Status, and Location code.
The system does not fetch the details of decommissioned registration centers but only active and inactive centers are displayed.
If the admin does not find a center, they can click the Center not available in logged in language button. Clicking on this button displays the list of centers that are already created in other languages. On selecting a particular center, the information will be auto-populated in the Create page and be made available to the admin for modifications.
Language specific fields can be modified to create a center with the currently logged in language.
A center is created with multiple attributes and is mapped to the administrative zone that it belongs to.
A center can only be mapped to the configured location hierarchy level.
While defining centers, an admin can also define the working days of the week for a center and any exceptional holidays that might be applicable for a particular center.
An admin can update a center even after it has been created. The updates can include adding the details that were missed during the creation of the center or changing the details of a center as required.
To update, click the Edit option from the Actions menu against a center name.
Note- Updates made to language specific fields updates data only for that language in the database while updates made to non-language dependent fields updates data against all the language entries for that center.
Select the Deactivate/Decommission option from the Actions menu against the center.
Activation/Deactivation/Decommission of a center in one language will be applied to the same center created in all the languages.
To know more, refer Activate/deactivate/decommission resources
Using this portal, an admin can manage the devices a country will use for registering residents like devices used for bio-metric capture (Fingerprint, Iris, Web camera, etc.), printers, and scanners.
This portal allows an Admin to view, create, edit, activate, deactivate, and decommission registration centers.
The admin portal allows an admin to view the list of all the devices available in the jurisdiction of their administrative zone.
The system does not fetch the details of decommissioned devices but only the active and inactive devices.
The device entity is language agnostic (independent of languages).
The data collected about Devices is used only for book keeping, i.e., the MOSIP system does not use this data for any validation.
The Admin can filter the list of Registration centers based on parameters like Device Name, Mac Address, Serial Number, Status, Map Status, Device Type, and Device Spec ID.
A Device can be created with multiple attributes and be mapped to the Administrative Zone it belongs to.
An admin can update missing information or change device details even after it is created.
To update, click the Edit option from the Actions menu against a device.
Select the Deactivate/Decommission option from the Actions menu against the device.
Admin portal allows an Admin to map/un-map each device to a center.
This mapping specifies as to which center the device will be used in.
A device can only be mapped to a center that belongs under the device’s Administrative Zone.
To do so, select the device and choose a Center Name from the dropdown.
Admin portal allows an administrator to manage the machines a country will use for registering residents.
This portal allows an Admin to view, create, edit, activate, deactivate and decommission machines.
The admin portal allows an admin to view the list of all the machines available in the jurisdiction of their administrative zone.
The system does not fetch the details of decommissioned machines but only shows the active and inactive machines.
Note: Machine entities are also language agnostic.
The administrator can filter the list of machines based on parameters like Machine name, Mac address, Serial number, Status, and Machine type.
A machine can be created with attributes like Machine ID, machine name, MAC address, serial number, machine spec ID, and administrative zone the machine belongs to.
A machine needs to be mapped to an administrative zone.
An admin can update missing details or make changes to machine details even after it is created.
To update, click the Edit option from the Actions menu against a machine.
Note- Updates made to language specific fields update data only for that language in the database while updates made to non-language dependent fields updates data against all the language entries for that center.
An admin can deactivate or decommission a machine through the admin portal.
Admin portal allows an Admin to map/un-map each machine to a center.
This mapping specifies as to which center the machine will be used in.
A machine can only be mapped to a center that belongs under the machine’s Administrative Zone.
To do so, select the machine and choose a Center Name from the dropdown.
MOSIP uses Keycloak as an IAM (Identity access management tool) for managing Users. These users are internal users of MOSIP including Registration Officers, Registration Supervisors, Zonal Admins, Global Admins, etc.
using this portal, an Admin can map the users to a zone and a center.
Once a user is created in KeyCloak, they need to be mapped to a zone to access specific information available in that zone.
Admin portal allows an admin to map users to a zone. This mapping specifies which zone the user will belong to.
A user can only be mapped to a zone that belongs under the user’s Administrative Zone.
A user can later be unmapped from the zone in case a user needs to be moved to another zone. In such cases, the user will later need to be mapped to the new zone. The below image displays the list of users that are mapped to a zone.
To map a user to a zone,
Click Resources-> User Zone mapping
Click +Map Zone
Select the User Name, and Administrative Zone from the dropdown.
Click Save.
To re-map a user to a zone,
Click Resources-> User Zone mapping
Select Remap from the Actions menu against the mapped user.
Update the User Name/ Administrative Zone from the dropdown.
Click Save.
Note- If the center is already mapped, the admin needs to unmap the center to remap the zone.
Once the user is mapped to a zone, they will be listed in the screen below. Now, the user will be mapped to a center to be able to manage their assigned center.
Admin portal allows an admin to map users to a center. This mapping specifies as to which center the user will be used in.
A user can only be mapped to a center that belongs under the user’s Administrative Zone.
A user can later be unmapped from the Center in cases where a User needs to be moved to another Center. In such cases, the user will later need to be mapped to the new center. In case the user is required to be mapped to a Registration center outside the Administrative Zonal restriction, the Administrative Zone of the user must be changed.
To map a user to a center,
Click Resources-> User Center Mapping
Select Map from the Actions menu against the mapped user.
Select the Center Name from the dropdown against the User Name, Administrative Zone.
Click Save.
To get the results starting with a specific character/ set of characters, prepend that specific character/set of characters with asterisk
Similarly to get the results ending with a specific character/ set of characters, append that specific character/ set of characters with asterisk
For the results containing a specific character/ set of characters, prepend and append that specific character/ set of characters with asterisk
Below is the image illustrating the same.
A Registration packet generated in the Registration client is sent to the Registration Processor for further processing and UIN generation.
Using this Portal, A Registration Admin can view the status of a packet by entering the RID of the packet.
The packet status will contain all the stages the packet has passed through along with the last stage the packet is in.
In case the packet has not been processed or is marked for Re-Send/Re-Register, the admin will be able to view specific comments indicating the reason for that particular status.
The Registration Admin has the privilege to view the registration packets that are in a paused state.
Admin can use this portal to resume or reject paused packets. They would have 3 options:
Resume processing (from where it was paused)
Resume from the beginning
Once processing of a packet is resumed, it will be removed from this list
The Registration Admin can use this feature to retrieve lost RID.
For instance, if the resident did not provide any valid email and/or phone number and has lost the RID slip received during the registration, to find their RID details, the resident contact the MOSIP helpline and share details such as name, center name, registration date, and postal code to the admin, who will use the lost RID feature and try to retrieve the RID number.
A few filters may be applied to retrieve the RID.
Note: This feature is currently under development.
Admin portal allows an Admin to manage the Masterdata applicable for a country.
These data include a list of Genders, a list of Holidays, Templates, Center Types, Machine Types, etc.
To know more, refer to the Masterdata guide.
If a country decides to upload the data through the .csv files, they could use this feature to upload the existing data into the MOSIP platform.
The listing screen displays the uploaded data transaction information.
As the information inside .csv files may be huge, it would go through the batch job to process the information and store it in the tables. Also, it may take time to get a unique transaction ID against a particular action.
To upload Master data using the Admin portal,
Go to Bulk Upload > Master Data
On the master data dashboard, click Upload Data.
Select the operation (insert/update/delete)
Select the table name into which the data needs to be uploaded.
Click Choose file to select the data and click Upload
To view the format for inserting data in a particular table, click on the Download icon.
A CSV file gets downloaded in which the first row represents the column names and the rest of the rows are the data that will be inserted into the table(sample).
From the version, apart from the comma, other special characters (i.e., '|','$'etc.) can also be used as a separator in the CSV file used for masterdata bulk upload. This can be done by updating the property mosip.admin.batch.line.delimiter
with the same special character.
Note: While editing CSV files, it is recommended to keep track of the Date format and Time format to be the same as the acceptable formats. The acceptable Date format is YYYY-MM-DD and the acceptable Time format is HH:MM:SS. Any other Date and Time formats in CSV files will result in a DataType Mismatch Error
To upload packets using the Admin portal,
Go to Bulk Upload > Packets
On the packet upload dashboard, click Upload Packet.
Select the following from the dropdown:
Center name
Source (currently displays Registration Client)
Process (New, Update UIN, Lost, Biometric correction)
Supervisor status (Approved/Rejected)
These details are important if the packet needs to be synced before upload.
Click Choose file to select the packets and click Upload.
How is the packet upload performed with or without the DATA_READ role?
only after successful sync
For uploading the packets through the Admin portal, ensure that the packets are available in the machine or the external hard disk connected from where the Admin Portal is being used.
With the help of this feature, the Admin user can generate and manage the keys required in MOSIP.
The logged in user with KEY_MAKER
role will have access to view and generate the master key in the Admin portal.
Using this option, the logged in user will be able to generate only the Root key and Module master key. To generate the key, the user has to select the Application ID from the options available in the dropdown, leave the Reference ID blank for the Root and Module master key, and provide other certificate attributes to be used at the time of generation of the certificate for the key.
These certificate attributes in the portal are optional, if not provided, default values configured in the Key Manager service will be used.
For the Kernel signature key (which is considered the master key and stored in HSM), a Reference ID needs to be provided and the value has to be SIGN
The force flag option is available in key generation. The logged in user can select the option value True to force the invalidation existing key and generate a new key in Key Manager service.
The logged in user has to select the return object after the generation of the key.
The user can select either Certificate or CSR (Certificate Signing Request). The key will be generated only when the key is not available in Key Manager service otherwise already generated key certificate will be returned for the generation request.
CSR (certificate signing request) is required when there is a need to procure a valid certificate from a valid CA.
GenerateCSR option can be used to request for a CSR and this option will be visible to all the users who log in to the Admin portal.
The logged in user can request for generation of CSR for any key generated in Key Manager service.
The user has to provide the Application ID and Reference ID to get a CSR.
A new key will be auto-generated in case the key does not exist and the already existing key has expired for the Module Encryption keys.
The user can get a certificate for all the keys generated in Keymanager and any partner certificates uploaded in Keymanager service for partner data sharing purposes.
The GetCertificate option is visible to all the users who log in to the Admin portal.
The user has to provide the Application ID and Reference ID to get a certificate.
A new key will be auto generated in case the key does not exist and the already existing key has expired for Module encryption keys.
Only current valid certificates will be returned when the user requests a certificate.
The logged in user can use this option to update the certificate for all the keys generated in the Key Manager service.
This option is used in scenarios where a valid CA certificate has been procured for a key available in the Key Manager service.
The logged in user can use this option to upload a partner certificate in Key Manager service.
Partner certificates will be used in the Key Manager service to encrypt any sharable data using the partner certificate required in datashare from MOSIP to any partner.
Partner certificates can also be used in the Key Manager service for signature verification purposes.
PMS Portal UI:
The table below outlines the frameworks, tools, and technologies used in PMS Portal.
Tool / Technology
React JS
React JS is used to develop the UI web application
Node JS
Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS is a Utility-first CSS framework for building rapid custom UI.
Partner Management Services:
The table below outlines the frameworks, tools, and technologies employed by Partner Management Services.
Tool / Technology
Java SE 11
OpenJDK 11
Language Runtime in Docker Image
GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception
Ubuntu Server
Docker base image Operating System
Application Framework
Apache License 2.0
Apache commons
Version compatible with Spring 5
Apache License 2.0
Apache Software License 2.0
Hibernate validator
Apache Software License 2.0
JSON marshal/unmarshal
Apache Software License 2.0
4.x and above
Unit Testing
Common Public License - v 1.0
Junit - Mock Objects
GNU Lesser GPL Version 2.1
Apache Software License 2.0
Open API - 3
API Documentation
Apache Software License 2.0
Server: 10
Postgres License BSD 2-clause "Simplified License"
Code quality Checking
Open Source License
Micrometer Prometheus
Apache Software License 2.0
JSON parser
Apache Software License 2.0
h2 database
JUnit Test DB
EPL 1.0, MPL 2.0
Development - reduce the boilerplate code
PDF Generation
AGPL 3.0
Partner Management Service provides various partner services like onboarding partners and providing partner data to other modules.
The diagram below illustrates the relationship of this service to other MOSIP services.
Certificates of partner are uploaded to Key Manager as part of onboarding.
Registration processor fetches ABIS datashare policy from PMS.
PMS sends notification messages to partners via notification service (of Kernel).
Audit logs are logged into Auditmanager.
ID Repository fetches credential data share partners and their polices from PMS.
All PMS data is stored in mosip_pms DB.
Certificates of Authentication Partners are sent to IDA module as IDA runs independently. The certificates are shared using Datashare (which futher uses Websub to share data with IDA).
PMS invokes the client management endpoint of eSignet to register OIDC client
Rest of the content can be referred to here: https://docs.mosip.io/1.2.0/modules/partner-management-services
PMS Portal is used by the Partners to onboard with MOSIP and manage Devices, FTM, Create API Keys and Create OIDC clients etc.
Partner Management module has two services:
Partner Management service
Policy Management service
The documentation here will guide you through the prerequisites required for the developer's setup.
Below is a list of tools required in Partner Management Services:
JDK 11
Any IDE (like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA)
Apache Maven (zip folder)
Notepad++ (optional)
lombok.jar (file)
settings.xml (document)
Follow the steps below to set up Partner Management Services on your local system:
Download lombok.jar
and settings.xml
from here.
Install Apache Maven.
Copy the settings.xml
to ".m2" folder C:\Users\<username>\.m2
Install Eclipse.
Open the lombok.jar
file and wait for some time until it completes the scan for Eclipse IDE and then click Install/Update
. Specify the eclipse installation location if required by clicking the ‘Specify location…’ button. Then, click Install/Update
the button to proceed.
Check the Eclipse installation folder C:\Users\userName\eclipse\jee-2021-12\eclipse
to see if lombok.jar
is added. By doing this, you will not have to add the dependency of lombok in your pom.xml
file separately as it is auto-configured by Eclipse.
Configure the JDK (Standard VM) with your Eclipse by traversing through Preferences → Java → Installed JREs
For the code setup, clone the repository and follow the guidelines mentioned in the Code Contributions.
Open the project folder partner-management-services\partner
where pom.xml
is present.
Open the command prompt from the same folder.
Run the command mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true
to build the project and wait for the build to complete successfully.
After building a project, open Eclipse and select Import Projects → Maven → Existing Maven Projects → Next → Browse to project directory → Finish
This will import 5 projects into Eclipse: partner, partner-management-service, pms-common, policy-management-service and policy-validator
After successful importing of all the projects, update each project by right-clicking on Project → Maven → Update Project
For the environment setup, you need an external JAR that is available here with different versions. Download the below-mentioned JARs with appropriate latest/appropriate versions. You will need to input the appropriate artifact ID and version and other inputs. kernel-auth-adapter.jar
E.g.: You can download kernel-auth-adapter.jar
and add to the project Libraries → Classpath → Add External JARs → Select Downloaded JAR → Add → Apply
and Close).
Properties Files - Update application-dev.properties
and bootstrap.properties
files in below folder partner-management-services\partner\partner-management-service\src\main\resources
to run the Partner Management Service locally
Name of property
File Name
Password of DB
Replace all URL’s https://dev.mosip.net with ${mosip.api.internal.url}
${mosip.api.internal.url} should be set to the URL to the your env where all below dependent services are running.
WebSub, MasterData, KeyManager, AuthManager, DataShare, Notifier, Esignet, IDP etc
Key Cloak Secret of mosip-pms-client
Key Cloak Secret of mosip-pms-client
Key Cloak Secret of mosip-pms-client
Config Server URL pointing to identity-mapping.json
Config Server URL pointing to amr-acr-mapping.json
Click the "run" option, the service will start locally on port 9109.
Policy management service also can run by following the above steps.
For API documentation, refer here.
The APIs can be tested with the help of Postman or Swagger-UI.
Swagger is an interface description language for describing restful APIs expressed using JSON. Can access Swagger-UI of partner-management-services for dev-environment from https://dev.mosip.net/v1/partnermanager/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/partnermanager/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
and localhost from http://localhost:9109/v1/partnermanager/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/partnermanager/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
Can access Swagger-UI of policy-management-services for dev-environment from https://dev.mosip.net/v1/policymanager/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/policymanager/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
and localhost from http://localhost:9107/v1/policymanager/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/policymanager/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster. It is widely used tool for API testing.
Download the JSON collection and then import it in your postman.
This guide provides step-by-step instructions for adding support for a new language in PMS application that uses react-i18next for internationalization. The i18n.js file is already configured to dynamically load language files based on the selected locale. Currently, the application supports English, French, and Arabic. For demonstration, we will add Spanish as an additional language.
The PMS React application source code is available at: PMP Revamp UI Repository.
Each language in the application is stored as a separate JSON file inside the /pmp-revamp-ui/public/i18n directory. To add Spanish (es), create a new translation file:
Open es.json and add the translations required, for example:
"dashboard": {
"welcomeMsg": "Bienvenido {{firstName}} {{lastName}}",
"accountStatus": "Estado de la cuenta"
We use Keycloak for authentication, and users select their preferred language during login. Once logged in, the selected language is picked up by the i18n bundle. This requires updating Keycloak's supported locales.
Steps to Enable Spanish in Keycloak
Log in to Keycloak Admin Console as an administrator.
Navigate to Realm Settings:
Select the appropriate realm.
Go to the "Realm Settings" section.
Click on the "Themes" tab.
Add Spanish to Supported Locales:
Ensure that "Internationalization" is enabled.
In the "Supported Locales" field, add es (for Spanish) to the list.
Click "Save" to apply changes.
Verify Language Selection in Keycloak Login Page:
Navigate to the Keycloak login page.
Ensure that Spanish appears as an option in the language selection dropdown.
After adding the new language bundle, you must rebuild the code to ensure the new translations are correctly loaded into the application.
Steps to Rebuild the React Application
Open a terminal or command prompt.
Navigate to your React project directory:
cd partner-management-portal\pmp-revamp-ui
Install dependencies (if not already installed):
npm install
Build the project:
npm run build
Deploy the updated build to your hosting environment.
Open the application in a browser.
Select Spanish from the language options on the Keycloak login page.
Confirm that the UI displays the correct Spanish translations after logging in.
By following these steps, you can easily add support for any new language in your applica
Partner Management Portal (PMP) is used by both; PMS Admin and Partner User.
Partner Administrator: Partner Admin
Partners: Partner User
[Partner User - 'Authentication Partners' can use the new interface to perform all the activities mentioned under 'Authentication Partner Workflow']{.mark}
[Partner Admin - Partner Admin still will have to user the older 'Partner Admin Interface to perform all the activities explained under'What all activities does a 'Partner Admin' perform for Authentication Partner?'.
Being a 'Partner Admin' you can perform following 3 activities to complete the end to end functionality pertaining to Authentication partner.
It should be noted that all these activities that you can perform as an admin you will still have to use the older 'Partner Admin Interface' as of now untill we complete its revamp which is already underway on a war footing.
Upload Root CA and Sub CA Certificates
Create Policy Group and Policy
Approve/Reject Policy
Only after you 'Upload Root CA and Sub CA Certificates (From Older PMP Interface)' that a Partner will then be able to 'Upload CA signed Partner Certificate.
As a process of Partner onboarding onto PMP after successful registration, Partner is required to Upload CA signed Partner Certificate on behalf of their organisation which would be used to build a trust store in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that they are from a trusted organisation to perform authentication of citizens. Also this certificate is used to encrypt the response shared in e-KYC.
You will have to use older Partner Admin interface, Yes! you read it correct! before a Partner will be able to 'Upload 'CA Signed Certificate' it is prerequisite that the 'Partner Admin' must upload the Root CA and Sub CA certificates and this you can do from 'Older PMP Interface'.
[In 'Certificate Trust Store' click on 'Upload Trust Certificate'.]{.mark}
[Select the Partner Domain- AUTH in Upload Trust Certificate page.]{.mark}
[Choose the Root CA Certificate to upload (only files with extensions as .cer or .pem).]{.mark}
[Click Submit.]{.mark}
[Similarly, sub/intermediate CA certificate should be uploaded by following the above steps (1-4).]{.mark}
[As Partner Admin you are required to 'Create Policy Group' and 'Create Policy(s)' which a 'Partner' will be able to select while self-registering on PMP.]{.mark}
[As an admin you will also have privilege to 'Approve Policy Request' when a Partner selects a Policy and it comes to you for approval, You can read more about this here.]{.mark}
[Login as Partner Admin into the PMS portal (Older PMP Interface).]{.mark}
[All the policy groups created so far by Partner Admin/ Policy Manager are displayed on 'List of Policy Groups' page.]{.mark}
[On clicking the 'Create Policy Group' option on the top right of the screen, we can create a Policy Group by providing suitable name and description that is self explanatory for partners, who would be selecting them during Partner Policy Request to create API Key/ OIDC Client etc.]{.mark}
[On click of Submit, a success message appears.]{.mark}
[Once you 'Create Policy' you will also be required to activate it and then it will reflect when a Partner wants to select a policy. You can also change the status of Policy Group ( Deactivate) or edit it using the Action menu as shown below.]{.mark}
[On clicking Authentication Policy tab, List of all previously created Authentication Policies are displayed.]{.mark}
[On clicking Authentication Policy tab, List of all previously created Authentication Policies are displayed.]{.mark}
[On clicking 'Create Authentication Policy' button, Partner Admin/ Policy manager is navigated to Create Authentication Policy page where details such as policy group, policy name, description etc will have to be entered]{.mark}
[Note: Only active policy groups are available in the policy group dropdown.]{.mark}
[click on the upload button to upload policy data . Only json files are allowed for upload.]{.mark}
[On clicking on Save as Draft, following success message appears .]{.mark}
[On clicking 'Go Back', admin is navigated back to tabular view where the policy is saved as 'draft' status.]{.mark}
[To publish policy which is currently in draft status, click on 'publish' option in action menu. A popup window appears seeking for confirmation to publish.]{.mark}
[On clicking Publish, a success message appears . Click on close to close the window.]{.mark}
[The given policy changes to 'Activated' status after being published. Once activated, the admin cannot edit the policy, hence the option is disabled.]{.mark}
[Approve Policy Request]{.mark}
[When a Partner have chosen a 'Policy Group' and the 'Policy', an approval request will come to you and you can approve or reject a 'Policy Request' using 'Request Policy' screen.]{.mark}
[When a Partner have chosen a 'Policy Group' and the 'Policy' an approval request will come to you and you can approve or reject a 'Policy Request' using 'Request Policy' screen.]{.mark}
[Click on Partner Policy Linking in the admin dashboard.]{.mark}
[Select the policy mapping that needs an approval.The options provided for policy linking requests in 'Pending for Approval' are to Approve/ Reject. Also an option to view the policy request details is also provided.]{.mark}
[On clicking the Approve/ Reject option, the window appears - and partner admin can click on either Approve or Reject to take appropriate action]{.mark}
[The status- Approved / Rejected gets updated in the tabular view.]{.mark}
To be able to access the services by PMP and to validate that the partner is from a trusted organisation, undergoing self registration on PMP and uploading CA signed certificate is necessary'.
Self Register on PMS Interface
Upload CA signed Certificate
The Authentication Partner can register themselves on MOSIP PMS portal by clicking Register on the Login Page, a form comes up.
Enter the Authentication Partner details:
Partner type (Authentication Partner)
First and Last name
Organization Name
Address, Phone number
e-mail, Username and password
Click on Register, a popup comes up which asks you to 'Choose a Policy Group' and seeks you to 'Agree to Terms and Conditions' before you can be considered as 'Authentication Partner.
Select the relevant/applicable Policy Group on Select Policy Group popup using Policy Group dropdown by reading through policy group description in dropdown.
On Submit it will ask you to read through ‘Terms and Condition’ and having carefully read through it you can agree and accept it.
User can select only one Policy Group per Partner Type.
Policy selected once cannot be edited later.
Terms & Conditions: Partner consent refers to voluntary and informed agreement provided by a partner user on behalf of the Partner Organisation, to a specific action or process where the users have a clear understanding of what they are consenting to. User consent is important to ensure data privacy, where it is compliant to obtain explicit consent from partners before collecting, processing, or sharing their personal/ organisation level data.
A detailed description explaining which of their personal and organisation data is used and for what purposes it will be used in PMP will be informed while seeking user consent.
User is now in Home Page/Dashboard where the following features are provided to Authentication Partner: 1) Partner Certificate, 2) Policies and 3) Authentication Services: OIDC Client and API Key generation.
Once registered, as a process of Partner onboarding onto PMP after successful registration, user is required to perform upload CA signed Partner Certificate on behalf of their organisation which would be used to build a trust store in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that they are from a trusted organisation to perform authentication of citizens. Also this certificate is used to encrypt the response shared in e-KYC.
Later when required a Partner can also ‘Download Certificate’ and ‘Re-Upload Certificate’ (As the need may be).
Before a Partner can upload a ‘CA Signed Certificate’ it is prerequisite that the ‘Partner Admin’ should have already had uploaded the Root CA and Sub CA certificates (From older PMP interface).
Go to Authentication Partner (New UI) -> Dashboard.
Click on Partner Certificate option, Click on the Upload button to upload the partner certificate signed by CA.
Select the CA signed partner certificate from local system by tapping on the upload section (blue area).
Certificate is successfully fetched from local system.
Click on Submit, Partner Certificate is uploaded successfully.
On closing the popup, The user can view the uploaded certificate details in the form of a list view.
There is also an option to download initially uploaded CA signed certificate and also the MOSIP Signed Certificate.
Reuploading certifacte is required in cases when MOSIP Signed Certificate gets expired after one year.
'MOSIP Signed Certifcate has a validity of 1 year from the time of Partner Certificate Upload.
You must ensure that you re-upload the partner certificate again so that new MOSIP signed certificate can be generated and other functionalities such as Request Policy, Authentication Policies can function.
Pre-Requisite: Policy Manager (in our case 'Admin') must have created a Policy Group and then created a Policy within it for the Partner to be able to ‘Request a Policy’.
Click on the 'Request Policy' option in User homepage/dashboard.
Each policy name is provided with policy description, You can make a suitable policy selection. You can provide appropriate request comments and submit the policy request details. A message conveying Policy request submitted successfully to admin is displayed.
This newly created policy request will be in ‘Pending for Approval’ status. You can also click on action menu to see all the submitted policy details irrespective of its status.
Once the request is approved (Partner Admin will Approve Policy Request). Once the request is approved you can view the status turns to ‘Approved’ status.
After the partner has selected a policy group, uploaded partner certificate, requested for policy and also got admin approval - partner can now perform 'Authentication Services':
OIDC Client: Create OIDC Client for approved policy
API Key : Generate API Key for approved policy
Prerequisites: Policy requested by the Partner must be already approved by Policy Manager (Read More here).
The authentication partner needs to provide the following details to create OIDC Client
Select suitable Authentication policy for OIDC Client creation. Only the policies that are APPROVED by admin will be available in dropdown for selection.
Enter the public key in JWK format, name or label for OIDC Client, LogoURI and one or more Redirect URI.
On successful submission, user can find this record in tabular list of submitted OIDC Client details in ‘Activated’ status. Tabular list and individual view of submitted OIDC Client details along with OIDC Client ID, Edit OIDC Client details and Deactivate OIDC Client can also be seen from here.
This Client ID can then be consumed in eSignet to perform authentication. Client ID can be accessed by clicking on eye icon.
User can utilize this OIDC Client ID to perform eSignet based authentication of citizens
The user can also view every OIDC Client detail individually using the View option
The user can also edit the OIDC Client details in Activated status (only OIDC Client Name, LogoURI and RedirectURI are editable) by selecting the edit option in Action Menu.
User can deactivate the OIDC Client ID by clicking on deactivate option . The deactivate popup window appears and on clicking confirm, the OIDC Client record is changed to Deactivated status. Once deactivated, the client ID can not be used anymore for authentication.
The authentication partner needs to provide the following details to generate API Key
Select suitable Authentication policy for API Client. Only the policies that are Approved by admin will be available in dropdown for selection.
Enter an appropriate name or label for API Key to be generated and submit, On successful submission, a popup window displays API Key along with a copy button.
This API Key can be viewed by user in PMS application only once due to security reasons, hence the user is well notified with an appropriate message in the same API Key popup window to avoid closing the window unless user has not copied the API Key.\
User can find this record in tabular list of submitted API details in ‘Activated’ status.
User can either view individual API Key entries or view the consolidated list in tabular view.
You also have an option to deactivate an API Key, which thereafter cannot be used for authentication. On clicking confirm, the API Key record is changed to Deactivated status. Once deactivated, it cannot be activated again. You may need to generate a new API key as per requirement.
PMP (Partner Management Portal) is going under a comprehensive overhaul. This revamp includes improving usability and elevate the overall user experience (UX). The focus is to bring user centered design to PMP, make the PMP more intuitive, efficient, and aligned with our partners' evolving needs.
Card view presentation is there for each functionality with brief description to help you understand the services offered in Partner User Dashboard.
After successfully registering you can access the Home Page / Dashboard. You will be able to view the features and functionalities on the dashboardand based on your Partner Type.
Note: You can access the partner dashboard only when you are duly registered and have selected the 'Policy Group'.
Each functionality that the user can perform is displayed in each card so that there is independent navigation for each tasks.
Partner Certificate: Upload or Reupload CA Signed Partner Certificate and Download CA Signed Partner Certificate & corresponding MOSIP Signed Certificate
Policies: Request for a policy within the selected policy group, tabular list of requested policies along with status of admin approval, view requested policy details along with admin comments/status.
Authentication Services:
OIDC Client : Create OIDC Client for approved policy, tabular list and individual view of submitted OIDC Client details along with OIDC Client ID, Edit OIDC Client details and Deactivate OIDC Client
API Key : Generate API Key for approved policy, tabular list and individual view of submitted API Key details and Deactivate API Key.
You can view your organisation name and username on the top right called 'User Profile', logout options is also placed here only.
Login to PMP and Go to Dashboard.
Click on Re-Upload button of Authentication Partner Type.
Re-upload certificate pop-up window appears. The time and date of previous certificate upload is also displayed for user reference. Click on the certificate upload section (blue area) to upload a new partner certificate from the local system.
After selecting the certificate from local system, the fetched certificate name is displayed.
Click on Submit, Partner certificate upload success message is displayed.
Click on Close to come back to list view of partner certificate.
You can retrieve password in case you are unable to recall.
Click on Forgot Password link displayed on login page to reset password.
Enter registered email address and submit, a message is displayed informing user that further instructions to reset password has been sent on te email address entered.
Click on the Reset password link received on his email address, you will be redirected to Change Password screen.
Enter a new password that adheres to password policy and re enter to confirm before you save it.
After clicking submit, This new password will be further used in subsequent logins
Partner Admin [supervises]{.mark} the overall partner and policy management functionalities in PMS. The admin is responsible for:
Upload Root Certificate
Intermediate CA Certificates
Manage Partners and Policies
Approve / Reject new entries created by different partners or deactivate partner related records
Partner Admin can also assume the role of Policy Manager to
Create and manage policy groups and policies
As a partner admin [cum]{.mark} policy manager a Policy Manager performs following roles:
Creation and management of Policy Group, Authentication Policy, Datashare Policy
In UI - both PARTNER_ADMIN and POLICYMANAGER roles should be granted for the 'POLICIES' card to appear in the dashboard.
Partner admin too has to register [himself]{.mark} just like any other 'Partner Registration' by selecting any one of the partner type i.e. Admin has to register in PMS with any one of the partner type.
Partner Admin can register in PMP as any one of the partner type and then get the various roles/privileges by going to Keycloak.
After registration .....you need to come to keycloak..
Go to keycloak and search your user name in Users tab.
Go to the Role Mapping tab.
In the Available Roles section, select PARTNER_ADMIN or POLICYMANAGER, click Add to move the selected role to the Assigned Roles list.
You can now log in to the PMS portal with the same user credentials and you will have access to the Admin Dashboard.
Note: Add POLICYMANAGER role if Policies card should be made accessible in UI
By following the above steps (1-4) in keycloak, the admin can also configure POLICY_MANAGER role to view and manage Policies card as shown in the dashboard below:
1. If only 'Policy Manager' role is configured in keycloak, then the user will still be able to access as a normal partner. Hence 'Partner Admin' & 'Policy Manager' roles are necessary to access all the cards above.
After configuring the roles and if PMS portal is still logged in, make sure to logout and login again for the roles to get updated.
Certificate Trust Store provides features such as Upload, Download, View Root CA and Intermediate CA certificates to Partner Admin such that at the time of CA Signed Certificate upload by partner MOSIP verifies the certificate chain of trust and then signs the partner's certificate using MOSIP(PMS) private key.
Root Trust (Root CA) Certificate
Intermediate Trust (Intermediate CA) Certificate
You can use the 'Root Trust (Root CA) Certificate' section to do the following:
Upload Certificate -- Upload Root CA certificate such that the root of trust can be verified when an intermediate CA is uploaded.
Download Root CA: Download the root certificate as and when needed.
View Root CA
Root CA: Tabular view of all uploaded Root CA certificates is displayed.
View Root CA Details
List of Root CA Certificates
Viewing Root CA Certificate
In Certificate Trust Store, the user can view the list of 'Root CA Certificates' uploaded by admin till date with details such as Certificate ID, Partner Domain, Issued To, Issued By, Validity Period and Validity Status (Valid / Expired) [etc]{.mark}.
Each active certificate record has two options in action menu - View and Download Certificate.
View Root CA details
On clicking View, the Root CA certificate detail can be viewed individually.
Download Root CA
In the same page (Root CA details), an option to download the Root CA certificate in .p7b file is also provided. Clicking on download, a success message appears.
On opening the .p7b file from local system, the Root CA Certificate can be viewed as below:
NOTE: any external installation required swetha.N Prathmesh Jadhav ???
To upload Root CA/ Intermediate CA Certificate, click on 'Upload Trust Certificate'.
Admin is thus [navigated]{.mark} to Upload Trust Certificate page.
Admin can upload Root CA / Intermediate CA certificate in the same page but should be in a sequential order ie. Root CA Certificate upload first and then Corresponding Intermediate CA certificate upload.
Select the partner domain (AUTH / DEVICE / FTM) in the Upload section. Partner Domain typically refers to the specific functional area for which the Root or Intermediate CA certificate is being uploaded.
AUTH: Select Partner domain as AUTH if Root or Intermediate CA certificate is being uploaded for Authentication Partner.
DEVICE: Select Partner domain as DEVICE if Root or Intermediate CA certificate is being uploaded for Device Provider.
FTM: Select Partner domain as FTM if Root or Intermediate CA certificate is being uploaded for FTM Chip Provider.
Only .cer or .pem format certificates are allowed for upload
Future dated certificates [is]{.mark} [should]{.mark} not [be]{.mark} allowed for upload, in case it is attempted an error message is thrown.
Only [Version 3]{.mark} certificate is allowed for upload.
If the corresponding root certificate is not uploaded, then while submitting the Intermediate certificate upload, an error message appears asking 'Please upload corresponding Root Certificate to proceed further'.
Note for Root CA Certificate:
Issued To and Issued By is the same - which means these are self signed certificates.
Upload Root CA Certificate: Partner Admin can upload Intermediate CA certificate so that the root of trust can be verified when a partner uploads Partner / FTM Chip Certificate.
Download Certificate Chain of Trust: Partner Admin downloads the certificate chain of trust of intermediate certificate as and when needed.
View Intermediate CA: Tabular view of all uploaded Intermediate CA certificates is displayed.
View Intermediate Certificate details: Uploaded intermediate certificate details is displayed along with the list of certificates within the certificate trust chain.
List of Intermediate CA Certificates
On clicking the Intermediate CA tab, List of all Intermediate CA certificates uploaded by Partner Admin is displayed.
Action menu for all active certificates displays the following options:
Download Certificate Chain
Viewing the Intermediate CA Certificate
Either by clicking on the row item or the View option in action menu, the admin is [navigated]{.mark} to View Intermediate CA Certificate details page where the certificate details are displayed such as Certificate ID, Partner Domain - (AUTH, FTM, DEVICE), Issued To- <subject > field of Certificate, Issued By- <issuer > field of Certificate, Valid From, Valid To*- same as system browser date format* etc
Clicking on Download, downloads the entire certificate chain as .p7b file and a success message is displayed - 'Certificate Chain of Trust for the given Intermediate CA certificate is downloaded successfully'.
Note: For expired status, 'Download Certificate Chain' button will be disabled in View Root Certificate page / Tabular View page.
On clicking the .p7b file from local system, the certificate hierarchy of the intermediate CA certificate is present where its corresponding root certificate is also downloaded.
To upload the Intermediate CA certificate, carry out the same steps of Root CA Certificate upload.
Note for Intermediate CA Certificate:
The Subject of the root certificate matches the Issuer of the intermediate certificate.
Issued To and Issued By are different as the Intermediate CA certificate is signed by the Root CA.
Intermediate certificate must expire before its root certificate.
Validity of Root CA Certificate > Intermediate CA Certificate > CA Signed Partner Certificate
Sequence of Upload: Root CA Certificate (by Partner Admin)→ Intermediate CA Certificate (by Partner Admin) → CA signed Partner Certificate (by Partner)
As a Partner Admin you can view the list of all partners who have enrolled to PMS portal by clicking on the Partners card on dashboard or side panel, hamburger menu.
List view of partner detail (Action menu: View, Deactivate)
Details view of individual Partner an the certificate details
Download original Partner Certificate and MOSIP Signed certificate
Deactivate Partner
Note: Deactivate option appears disabled if the partner is already deactivated.
Click on a row item or use the view option in action menu you come to 'Partner Details Page' to view the Partner Details such as Partner type, Organisation name, First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Email Address, Policy Group (If partner is of the type 'Authentication Partner'). Partner certificate details are also visible.
The admin can download original certificate / MOSIP Signed certificate as and when necessary.
The download functionality of following certificates is possible only during following instances:
This button is enabled only for Activated partner record of which the certificate is already uploaded.
This button is disabled for deactivated partner records/partner records whose partner certificate is not uploaded yet.
If Original Certificate / MOSIP Signed Certificate is expired then on clicking respective menu items in the button-dropdown an appropriate error message is displayed.
On downloading the Original / MOSIP Signed certificate, a success message appears.
To deactivate a partner, click on Deactivate option in action menu. A popup window appears seeking for confirmation from the partner.
After confirming deactivation, the respective record is greyed out in the tabular view. The action menu here appears enabled with only 'View' option after deactivation and Deactivate in action menu is disabled.
Note: After deactivation, the View partners page will display the following-
'Deactivated' status
Certificate section is greyed out with and download button is disabled.
The deactivated partner will not be able to create or utilize any of the services in their PMS portal (For e.g. no new transactions will work such as creation of OIDC Client , API Key etc).
Known Issue: Even after partner deactivation, partner is able to access the existing transactions in their PMS portal such as
Existing OIDC client ids are still operational for Authentication Partner.
Existing API keys are still operational for Authentication Partner.
SBI / Devices / FTM - trust validation does not fail even after partner deactivation.
You can use the 'Policies' section/card for creation and management of Policy Group, Authentication Policy, Datashare, You should have privileges of both; Partner Admin and Policy Manager.
This [card]{.mark} / [Section]{.mark} is accessible to you only if both Partner Admin and Policy Manager roles are configured / allocated which, from the UI, for the card to appear in the dashboard.
Policies has theree tabs
**Policy Group, (This tab is selected by default)
Authentication Policy,
Datashare Policy
Policy Group
Create Policy Group
View Policy Group
List view
Details View
Deactivate Policy Group
Authentication Policy
Create Authentication Policy (by mapping to an already created Policy Group)
View Authentication Policy
List view
Details View
Deactivate Authentication Policy
Clone Authentication Policy
Edit Authentication Policy (Which is in draft status)
Publish Authentication Policy (Which is in draft status so that the status changes to 'Activated')
Datashare Policy
Create Datashare Policy
View Datashare Policy:
List view
Details view
Deactivate Datashare Policy
Clone Datashare Policy
Edit Datashare Policy (Which is in draft status)
Publish Datashare Policy (Which is in draft status so that the status changes to 'Activated')
All the policy groups created so far by Partner Admin / Policy Manager are displayed on 'List of Policy Groups' page.
Admin can either click on 'Go Back' to redirect to 'List of Policy Groups' page as shown below or click on 'Home' to navigate back to Home page/ dashboard.
The options provided in 'Action menu are: View, Deactivate.
Clicking on View in action menu or by clicking the row item itself, admin is navigated to View Policy Group page where the policy group details are displayed along with its status: Activated or Deactivated.
On clicking the 'Create Policy Group' option on the top right of the screen, we can create a Policy Group by providing suitable name and description that is self explanatory for partners, who would be selecting them during Partner Policy Request to create API Key / OIDC Client [etc]{.mark}.
On click of Submit, a success message appears.
If the admin wants to deactivate the Policy Group, then click on Deactivate option in action menu.
A popup window appears seeking for confirmation before proceeding to deactivate.
After confirming deactivation, the respective record is greyed out in the tabular view.
The action menu here [should be]{.mark} enabled with only View option. (Deactivate in action menu is disabled).
After deactivation, the View policy group page MOSIP-36963 will display 'Deactivated' status
Once the policy group is deactivated by Policy Manager, the partner will not be able to fetch this policy group in any of the screens in their [PMS portal]{.mark}.
Policy Group cannot be deactivated if there are active or draft policies associated to the given policy group.
If the Policy Group has active or draft policy / policies associated to it, then on clicking Confirm, following error message is displayed along with the count of such policies -
a) In case of Active and Draft policies associated to Policy Group:
b) In case of Active policies associated to Policy Group:
c) In case of Draft policies associated to policy group:
On clicking Authentication Policy tab, List of all previously created Authentication Policies are displayed.
On clicking Datashare Policy tab, List of all previously created Datashare Policies are displayed.
The steps and features are same for both Authentication and Datashare Policy.
Policies can have the following status - Draft, Activated or Deactivated.
Only Draft or Activated row items are clickable which [navigates]{.mark} to View Authentication Policy details.
Action - Action menu displays a common menu item (View, Clone, Deactivate) with only the following menu items enabled for clicking based on below statuses:
Draft: Publish, View, Edit
Activated: View , Clone , Deactivate
Deactivated: View
On clicking 'Create Authentication Policy' button, Partner Admin / Policy manager is navigated to Create Authentication Policy page where details such as policy group, policy name, description etc will have to be entered.
Only active policy groups are available in the policy group dropdown.
Click on the upload button to upload policy data. Only json files are allowed for upload.
Before saving the policy in draft, the policy data can be edited in the text area after policy data json file has been successfully uploaded.
On clicking on Save as Draft, following success message appears.
On clicking 'Go Back', admin is navigated back to List view where the policy is saved as 'draft' status.
The Edit option provided to Draft policy can be used by admin to make any changes in the policy details (except policy group) before publishing the policy.
On submitting after making required changes, a success message appears.
To publish policy which is currently in draft status, click on 'publish' option in action menu. A popup window appears seeking for confirmation to publish.
On clicking Publish, a success message appears . Click on close to close the window.
The given policy changes to 'Activated' status after being published. Once activated, the admin cannot edit the policy, hence the option is disabled.
To clone any active policy onto another policy group, click on 'clone' in action menu. A popup window appears to select the policy group where the policy has to be cloned.
On selecting the policy group where policy has to be cloned, click on Clone and a success message appears.
Click on Close to navigate back to List of Authentication Policies screen.
To deactivate a policy, click on Deactivate option in action menu of any activated policy record. A popup window appears seeking for confirmation.
If the Policy has active partners associated to it i.e. there are Approved partner policy requests, then on clicking Confirm, following error message is displayed and the admin will be restricted to deactivate such policy groups.
Policy can be deactivated if there are no policy requests associated with this policy
Policy can be deactivated if there are Rejected policy requests associated with this policy.
Policy cannot be deactivated if there are pending policy requests associated with this policy. In this case , following error message is displayed- '<title> Error: Partner - Policy Request Detected! <Description> Pending policy requests are associated with this policy. Please take appropriate action in List of Partner Policy Linking screen'
Once the policy is deactivated by partner admin/policy manager, the partner will not be able to fetch this policy in any of the screens in their PMS portal.
On clicking View option of any policy or by clicking the row item itself, admin is navigated to View Authentication Policy where policy details can be viewed. Also click on preview to view the policy data in json format.
On clicking preview, policy data can be viewed in json format and an option to Download the data in local system is provided.
The features provided to Partner Admin:
Approve/ Reject Policy requested by partner - clicking on 'Approve/ Reject' option in action menu of a policy record whose status is in pending for approval
Tabular view of Policies requested by partners along with the status
View individual policy request details : Either on clicking on view option in action menu of any of the active policy request in the tabular view or by clicking on the row item itself, it navigates to View Policy Request details page.
All the policy requests created by various partners are displayed in 'List of Partner - Partner Linkages' . The different statuses possible are: Pending for Approval, Approved, Rejected, Deactivated.
The options provided for policy linking requests in 'Pending for Approval' are to Approve/ Reject. Also an option to view the policy request details is also provided.
On clicking the Approve/ Reject option, the window appears - and partner admin can click on either Approve or Reject to take appropriate action
The status- Approved / Rejected gets updated in the tabular view.
On clicking view of active record or the row item itself, the partner- policy linking view page is displayed along with comment history where partner comments and admin's approval status is displayed.
This card is exclusively used to manage Device Provider's requests on SBI and Device creation.
The 'SBI-Devices' option will have the following features:
2 Tabs- SBI and Device are displayed. SBI tab view is selected by default
SBI features
Tabular view of SBIs created by Device Providers along with the status
Approve/ Reject SBIs on clicking Approve/Reject in action menu of Pending for Approval records
View submitted SBI details : Either on clicking on view option in action menu of any of the submitted SBI details in the tabular view or by clicking on the active row item itself, it navigates to View SBI details page
Deactivate an SBI on clicking Deactivate option in action item of activated records in Tabular view screen
Linked Devices of a given SBI can be viewed through a filtered search on the pre-selected SBI
Device features:
Tabular view of Devices created by Device Providers along with the status
Approve/ Reject devices on clicking Approve/Reject in action menu of Pending for Approval records
View submitted Device details : Either on clicking on view option in action menu of any of the submitted API key details in the tabular view or by clicking on the row item itself, it navigates to View device details page
Deactivate device on clicking Deactivate option in action item of activated records in Tabular view screen
List of all SBIs created by various different device providers are available here. Any SBIs that are pending for approval can be approved/ rejected
The SBI can be approved or rejected by partner admin by going to Dashboard → SBI-Device → List of SBIs.
The admin selects on Approve/ Reject option from the given record and chooses appropriate action.
On approval, the status changes to 'Approved' and on rejection, the status changes to 'Rejected'
To view any individual records, click on View option in the action menu.
To approve or reject an SBI, select the approve / reject option in action menu.
The approved / rejected status is updated on the tabular view.
To know the list of linked devices associated to this SBI, click on the linked devices count in the tabular view or in the individual view page.
To deactivate an SBI, click on Deactivate option in action menu. An alert appears seeking for confirmation. Also admin is informed how the linked devices will be impacted after SBI deactivation.
After confirming Deactivation: the respective SBI record is greyed out and the status is displayed as 'Deactivated'.
Impact on linked devices after SBI deactivation is as below
All approved device records are displayed in 'Deactivated' status and those row items being greyed out. The action menu in such records should be enabled with only View option. (Deactivate in action menu is disabled)
The devices of which the status was 'Pending for Approval' before SBI deactivation will now be displayed with 'Rejected' status.
Rejected devices will continue to remain in the same status even after SBI deactivation.
On clicking 'Devices' tab, List of all Devices submitted so far are displayed.
On clicking the action menu of the respective device record, an option 'Approve / Reject' is provided
A popup window appears for the admin to take appropriate action- APPROVE/ REJECT and select the respective button
The status is thus updated accordingly in List of Devices Page as Approved / Rejected based on the above action.
'Pending for Approval' status is displayed when the device request is pending with admin for approval and no action has been taken by admin yet.
Click on view option in action menu or the row item itself (of any active device record) to view the device details individually
Click on deactivate option in action menu . A confirmation window appears to proceed for deactivation.
The deactivated device record is greyed out and status is also changed to 'Deactivated'
The following features are provided to admin to manager FTM Chip Provider's requests:
[Tabular view of FTM chip details]{.underline} along with the status of approval
[Approve/ Reject]{.underline} FTM chip details submitted by FTM Chip Providers
[View FTM details]{.underline} : Either on clicking on view option in action menu of active FTM Chip details in the tabular view or by clicking on the row item itself, it navigates to View FTM details page
[Download FTM Chip Certificate]{.underline} : On clicking on Download option within FTM Chip Certificate section in 'View FTM Chip Certificate' page, then originally uploaded FTM Chip certificate can be downloaded
[Deactivate FTM detail]{.underline} : On clicking on 'Deactivate' option in action menu of approved records in Tabular view of FTM details screen, the respective FTM detail along with its certificate will be deactivated.
View FTP Chip Details
The List of FTM Chip details displays all FTM Chip details created by FTM Chip Provider
The admin navigates to 'List of FTM Chip details' page where list of all FTM Chip records submitted so far by different FTM Chip providers are displayed.
Approve / Reject FTM Chip
On clicking the action menu of the respective FTM Chip record, an option 'Approve/ Reject' is provided
A popup window appears for the admin to take appropriate action- APPROVE/ REJECT and select the respective button
The status is thus updated accordingly in List of Devices Page as Approved / Rejected based on the above action.
Note: 'Pending for Approval' status is displayed when the FTM Chip request is pending with admin for approval and no action has been taken by admin yet.
View Details of FTM Chip
To view FTM Chip details indivudally, click on View option in action menu
Download FTM Chip Certificate
To download the FTM Chip Certificate uploaded by FTM Chip Provider, click on download button.
To deactivate an FTM Chip record, click on Deactivate option in action menu and a confirmation popup appears.
The deactivated FTM Chip record is greyed out after deactivation.
The screen will have the following features:
[Two tabs namely OIDC Client and API key]{.underline} are displayed. OIDC Client tab view is selected by default [as shown in UXD]{.mark}.
OIDC Client
[Tabular view of OIDC clients created by partners]{.underline} along with the status
[View submitted OIDC Client details]{.underline} : Either on clicking on view option in action menu of any of the submitted OIDC details in the tabular view or by clicking on the row item itself, it navigates to View OIDC Client details page
[Deactivate]{.underline} an OIDC Client on clicking Deactivate option in action item of activated records in Tabular view screen
[Tabular view of API keys]{.underline} [generated by partners]{.underline} along with the status
[View submitted API Key details]{.underline} : Either on clicking on view option in action menu of any of the submitted API key details in the tabular view or by clicking on the row item itself, it navigates to View API key details page
[Deactivate]{.underline} API key on clicking Deactivate option in action item of activated records in Tabular view screen
View OIDC Clients
Within OIDC Client tab, all OIDC Clients created by various Authentication partners are displayed.
For Activated records → the action menu has two options: View, Deactivate
For Deactivated records → the action menu is enabled with only 1 option: View, Deactivate.
On clicking view option in action menu, the admin is redirected to View OIDC Client details page.
On clicking view option in action menu, the admin is redirected to View OIDC Client details page.
To view the list of all API Keys created by Authentication partner, click on API Key tab
For Activated records → the action menu has two options: View, Deactivate
For Deactivated records → the action menu is enabled with only 1 option: View, Deactivate.
On clicking view option in action menu, the admin is redirected to View API Key details page.
To deactivate an API Key, click on deactivate option in action menu.
The deactivated record is greyed out and is updated with Deactivated status.
Partner management portal allows the partners to register themselves in MOSIP. With LTS release, the following types of partners can register themselves:
Authentication Partners
Credential Partners(with limited features)
Device Providers
FTM Provider
A Partner Admin can create Policies that are required for Authentication and Credential partners. The section below describes the types of policies that are supported by MOSIP.
To create policies, policy groups should be defined. Policy groups can be considered as the regulatory bodies in a country, examples could be Telecom, Insurance, Banking, etc.
Login as Partner Admin
into the PMS portal.
After successful login, on the left navigation pane, click on Policy -> Policy Group.
The existing policy groups are listed on the screen and the new ones can be created.
To create Policy groups
Click Policy -> Policy Group -> +Create Policy Group
Enter the Policy group Name and Description and click Save.
To search or filter any data pertaining to policy groups, use the filter menu.
You can also change the status of policy group(Deactivate/Re-activate) or edit it using the Action menu as shown below.
On successful creation of Policy groups, polices can be created under that group. MOSIP supports two types of policies, i.e., Auth policy and Datashare policy.
Click Auth Policy -> Create Policy.
Add the Name and Description.
From the dropdown, select the Policy group.
Add the Policies Data.
Click Save.
Note: Once the policy is created, it will be in Inactive state. You have to activate it before using it for a partner.
Select the policy you want to activate or edit.
From the Actions menu, select Activate/Edit.
Use the filter menu.
Data Share policy can be created/edited in the same way as the steps mentioned in the previous section on Auth policy
by using Data Share Policy menu options.
Partners in MOSIP are created in a self-service mode. The partner visits the MOSIP partner management portal and requests for collaborating with MOSIP by providing basic details such as organization name and email-id, purpose of registration (how they want to collaborate with MOSIP - as a device provider, authentication partner, print partner, etc), basic credentials and performing an OTP based verification. Once these details are filled by the partner and a request is sent to MOSIP, the Partner Admin
verifies the details of the partners and allows the partner to integrate with MOSIP.
To know more about each of the partners, click:
Partner Management System (PMS) module provides the following services:
Partner Management Service
Policy Management Service
Provides various partner services like onboarding partners and providing partner data to other modules.
The diagram below illustrates the relationship of this service to other MOSIP services.
Registration processor fetches ABIS datashare policy from PMS.
PMS sends notification messages to partners via notification service (of Kernel).
Audit logs are logged into Auditmanager.
All PMS data is stored in mosip_pms
This service manages partner policies.
Audit logs are logged into Auditmanager.
All policies are stored stored in mosip_pms
Datashare service fetches partner policies and shares data with partners accordingly.
The following guide outlines some important properties that can be customized for a given installation. Please note that this list is not exhaustive but serves as a checklist for reviewing properties that are likely to differ from the default settings. For a complete list of properties, refer to the files listed below.
Partner Management Services uses the following configuration files:
This property is used by kernel-authcodeflowproxy-api to check request is coming from allowed urls not.
These properties are used to specify the keymanager API to upload certificates and get original partner uploaded certificates.
These properties are used to set attributes for partner management services.
app id : ApplicationId for partner
client id : Kernel auth client ID for partner management services
client secret : Kernel auth secret key for partner management services
These configurations are used to create user in keycloak and map to a role.
Note : All partner types should be created as roles in keycloak.
These properties are used to specify the auth manager API to validate the token.
This property is used to populate required roles which should be allowed in UI.(Roles are nothing but partner types)
These properties specify the url to redirect after logout and the end session endpoint in OIDC.
These configurations specify the E-Signet claims mapping file url, amr-acr mapping file url and the service apis for create and update OIDC and OAuth Client.
These properties are used to set the user inactivity idle time.
Inactivity Timer : Specifies the duration (in minutes) before the session is timed out due to inactivity.
Prompt Timer : Specifies the duration (in minutes) before the user is prompted about the impending session timeout.
This property is used to set the server request and response time(in minutes) for Axios.
These properties are used to set attributes for OIDC client creation and update.
Grant Types : Specifies the grant types used by the OIDC client.
Client Authentication Methods : Specifies the client authentication methods.
These properties specify partner type roles that are used to grant access to various APIs in partner management service.
Partner Management Portal (PMP) is used by both; PMS Admin and Partner User.
Partner Administrator: Partner Admin
Partners: Partner User
Being a 'Partner Admin' you can perform following 3 activities to complete the end to end functionality pertaining to Device Provider.
Upload Root CA and Sub CA Certificates
Approve/Reject FTM Chip
Only after Partner Admin 'Upload Root CA and Sub CA Certificates' that a Partner will then be able to Upload CA signed Partner Certificate.
As a process of Partner onboarding onto PMP after successful registration, Partner is required to Upload CA signed Partner Certificate on behalf of their organisation which would be used to build a trust store in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that they are from a trusted organisation.
Certificate Authority (CA) is an organization that acts to validate the identities of entities (in this case, a partner organisation) and bind them to cryptographic keys through the issuance of electronic documents known as digital certificates. A country needs to onboard valid CAs before onboarding any partner as MOSIP will only accept certificates which are signed only by a Trusted CA.
Go to PMS Portal and login as Partner Admin. Click on Certificate Trust Store in Admin dashboard
Within Root CA tab - click on Upload Trust Certificate button on the top-right of the screen.
Select the Partner Domain, (FTM)
Choose the Root CA Certificate to upload (only files with extensions as .cer or .pem).
Click Submit and an appropriate success message appears.
Similarly, sub/intermediate CA certificate should be uploaded by following the above steps (2-4) by navigating to Upload Intermediate CA Certificate button provided within Intermediate Root CA tab.
To be able to access the services by PMP and to validate that the partner is from a trusted organisation, undergoing self registration on PMP and uploading CA signed certificate is necessary'.
Self Register on PMS Interface
Upload CA signed Certificate
The FTM Chip Provider can register themselves on MOSIP PMS portal by clicking Register on the Login Page, a form comes up.
Enter the FTM Chip Provider details:
Partner type (FTM Provider)
First and Last name
Organization Name
Address, Phone number
e-mail, Username and password
On successful registration, you will be asked to read through 'Terms and Conditions' and having carefully read through it you can agree and accept it.
Terms & Conditions: Partner consent refers to voluntary and informed agreement provided by a partner user on behalf of the Partner Organisation, to a specific action or process where the users have a clear understanding of what they are consenting to. User consent is important to ensure data privacy, where it is compliant to obtain explicit consent from partners before collecting, processing, or sharing their personal / organisation level data.
A detailed description explaining which of their personal and organisation data is used and for what purposes it will be used in PMP will be informed while seeking user consent.
For existing partner users who are already registered in Partner Management Portal, they can login to the portal with their email, username and password.
On logging in you come to Partner Dashboard (considering the pre-requisites such as policy group selection and consent are already completed)
Partner user has an option to reset password , you can use it when you forget password or want to change password after a certain duration.
Partner Certificate 2.FTM Chip Provider Services
These features can also be accessed by clicking on side panel (in the form of icons) or clicking on the hamburger menu on the top left which is available across all screens of PMP to help user easily navigate.
Once registered as a process of Partner onboarding onto PMP after successful registration, user is required to perform upload CA signed Partner Certificate on behalf of their organisation which would be used to build a trust store in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that they are from a trusted organisation........
Later when required a Partner can also 'Download Certificate' and 'Re-Upload Certificate' (As the need may be).
Before a Partner can upload a 'CA Signed Certificate' it is prerequisite that the 'Partner Admin' should have already had uploaded the Root CA and Intermediate CA certificates.
To Upload CA signed Certificate
Go to FTM Provider > Dashboard.
Click on Partner Certificate option, Click on the Upload button to upload the partner certificate signed by CA.
Select the CA signed partner certificate from local system by tapping on the upload section (blue area).
The required certificate is selected from the local system.
Certificate is successfully fetched from local system.
Click on Submit, Partner Certificate is uploaded successfully.
On closing the popup, The user can view the uploaded certificate details in the form of a list view.
Download Certificate
There is also an option to download initially uploaded CA signed certificate and also the MOSIP Signed Certificate.
Success Message is displayed on successful download of Originally uploaded certificate/ MOSIP Signed Certificate.
On closing the popup the user can view the uploaded certificate details in the form of a list view.
Download Certificate
There is also an option to download initially uploaded CA signed certificate and also the MOSIP Signed Certificate.
Re-Upload Certificate
Re-uploading certificate is required in cases when MOSIP Signed Certificate gets expired after one year.
'MOSIP Signed Certificate has a validity of 1 year from the time of Partner Certificate Upload.
You must ensure that you re-upload the partner certificate again so that new MOSIP signed certificate can be generated and other functionalities such as FTM Chip Provider Services can function.
The rest of the steps is same as covered in Upload Certificate flow (Step 3-7)
After the partner has uploaded partner certificate he can now perform 'FTM Chip Provider Services':
Add FTM Chip details and upload the FTM Chip certificate for the request to be sent to partner admin for approval.
Deactivate FTM details.
Re-upload and Download FTM Chip Certificate.
You can add details of Foundational Trust Module (FTM) chip by clicking on 'Add FTM Chip' button which takes you to 'Add FTM Chip Details' screen.
The partner is expected to enter the make and model of FTM Chip and submit the details.
After successful submission of FTM Chip details, the partner is prompted to click on 'Upload FTM Chip Certificate' to proceed further.
The partner clicks on the Upload section to select the FTM Chip Certificate from local system.
After selection, the uploaded certificate is displayed on screen which the partner has to submit.
A success message on successful submission is displayed on the screen.
On click of Close you come back to List of FTM Chip details page where the status of the record is in 'Pending for Approval status'.
Let's assume, the certificate upload process was not carried out after adding FTM details due to a technical issue / unexpected closing of the PMS portal. At such instances, while navigating to FTM Chip Services Dashboard → List of FTM Chip details, the given record is found to be in 'Pending for Certificate Upload' status. Which means that without the certificate upload the record will not go to admin for approval..
To upload the FTM Chip certificate, select the Manage Certificate option from action menu.
The partner is navigated to Manage FTM Chip certificate page where on clicking upload button, the partner can upload the certificate by following the same steps as mentioned above.
Once the upload is complete - the record moves to 'Pending for Approval' status where the Partner Admin can take appropriate action by approving / rejecting this entry.
To approve / reject an FTM Chip, admin clicks on 'FTM Chip' card in his homepage.
The admin navigates to 'List of FTM Chip details' page where list of all FTM Chip records submitted so far by different FTM Chip providers are displayed.
On clicking the action menu of the respective FTM Chip record, an option 'Approve/ Reject' is provided.
A popup window appears for the admin to take appropriate action- Approve / Reject and select the respective button.
The status is thus updated accordingly in List of Devices Page as Approved / Rejected based on the above action.
'Pending for Approval' status is displayed when the FTM Chip request is pending with admin for approval and no action has been taken by admin yet.
Once the FTM Chip record is approved, FTM Chip Provider can click on Manage Certificate option in action menu so that the partner can download / reupload the FTM Chip certificate in Manage FTM Chip Certificate page.
To re-upload certificate after expiry or otherwise, click on Re-Upload button.
Follow the same steps as upload flow to perform the reupload functionality.
After reupload of certificate is successfully completed, the status again changes to 'Pending for Approval' as the renewed certificate needed to go through admin check for the FTM Chip record to be validated.
Every Approved FTM Chip record has a download option provided to download the FTM Chip certificate at any given time.
on click of download button, a success message is displayed on the screen.
Partner / Partner Admin can deactivate an active FTM Chip any time provided it is in 'Approved' status. To perform deactivation, click on 'Deactivate' option in the action menu of the given FTM Chip in 'List of FTM Chip details' page.
On clicking 'Deactivate', a popup window appears seeking for confirmation and appropriate info text is displayed.
on deactivation , the status changes to 'Deactivated' status.
This guide enables the Device provider partner to use the partner portal effectively. Below is the workflow:
The partner self-registers through the portal.
Partner admin uploads the CA certificate.
Partner admin or Partner uploads the partner certificate.
Partner admin or Partner creates device details.
Partner admin approves or rejects device details.
Partner admin or Partner creates SBI details.
Partner admin approves or rejects SBI details.
Partner admin or Partner maps devices and SBI.
The Device Provider partner can register themselves on the MOSIP PMS portal by clicking Register on the landing page.
They need to fill up a form with the details below:
First and Last name
Organization Name
Partner type (Device Provider)
Address, e-mail, phone number
Username and password
To view the details entered, click Home to see the dashboard.
The Partner admin needs to upload the CA certificate to enable the partner for using the portal. To do so, the Partner admin:
Clicks Upload CA Certificate option on the left navigation pane of the partner portal.
Selects the Partner Domain.
Chooses the certificate to upload (only files with extensions such as .cer or .pem).
Clicks Upload.
The uploaded certificates can be viewed by clicking on View Certificates-> View
Similarly, the Partner certificates can be added by the Partner admin/ partner.
The certificate can be uploaded by clicking Home-> Upload Certificate -> Upload.
The certificate can be viewed by clicking Home-> View Certificate ->View.
The partner can add devices to the portal. To do so,
Partner clicks Device details-> Create Device
Enters the necessary details to create/add devices like:
Partner Name
Device Type and Sub Type
Make and Model
Click Save.
The Partner Admin can choose to approve/reject the device details entered by the partner.
The Partner can create SBI by filling in the required details.
The Partner Admin can choose to approve/reject the SBI details entered by the partner.
The partner can map the device with an SBI.
Below is the workflow that includes the registration process for an Auth or Credential partner and the steps that need to be followed for using the partner portal.
The partner self-registers through the portal.
Partner selects the relevant Policy Group.
Partner admin uploads the CA certificate.
Partner admin or partner uploads the partner certificate.
Partner admin or Partner maps the Partner Policy.
Partner admin approves or rejects partner policy mapping.
Partner logins after the approval and generates the API key for the approved partner policy mapping using an unique label.
The Auth/ Credential partner can register themselves on MOSIP PMS portal by clicking Register on the landing page.
They need to fill up a form with the details below:
First and Last name
Organization Name
Partner type (Authentication Partner/ Credential Partner)
Address, e-mail, phone number
Username and password
To view the details entered, click Home to see the dashboard.
On successful registration, the partner can see their username displayed on the top right corner.
Partner selects the relevant Policy Group from Map Policy Group dropdown.
Clicks Save.
The Partner admin needs to upload the CA certificate to enable the partner for using the portal. To do so, the Partner admin:
Clicks Upload CA Certificate option on the left navigation pane of the partner portal.
Selects the Partner Domain.
Chooses the certificate to upload (only files with extensions as .cer or .pem).
Clicks Upload.
The uploaded certificates can be viewed by clicking on View Certificates-> View
Similarly, the Partner certificates can be added by the Partner admin/ partner.
Once the certificates are uploaded,
Partner maps the policy to the Policy group by clicking on Partner Policy Mapping -> +Map Policy.
Partner enters the Partner Name.
Selects the Auth Policy Name from the dropdown.
Enters a value for the Request Details (unique value) and clicks Save.
Once this is done, you will see a message saying Policy mapping grequest submitted successfully
Also, the status is displayed as "In progress" and this means that the partner cannot generate the API key until the request is approved by the Partner admin.
Once the Partner Policy Mapping request is raised by the partner, the Partner admin has the privilege to approve/ reject the mapping. To do so,
Partner admin logs into the PMS portal and clicks on Partner Policy Mapping
in the left navigation pane.
Selects the policy mapping that needs an approval.
From the action menu against the policy mapping, selects Manage Policy.
Clicks Approve.
Once the request is approved, the partner can view the status being updated to Approved
instead of InProgress
Partner logins after the Partner Policy Mapping is approved by the Partner admin and generates the API key with an unique label. To do so,
Partner clicks Partner Policy Mapping
on the left navigation pane.
From the actions menu, click Generate API Key.
Partner enters a unique value for the Label
Click Generate.
The API key is generated and can be used by the partner.
The partner can also deactivate a particular API Key by clicking on the cross-mark (X) next to it. Please note, once deactivated, it cannot be activated again. You may need to generate a new API key as per requirement.
When a country is implementing and running the ID program, people at the forefront, like policymakers and other executives, will need to monitor the progress. Progress can be measured with the help of various attributes, like:
total enrollment count
gender profile for enrollment
age group profile
enrollment numbers and profiles per registration centre
quality of biometric data captured
Information like this will allow policymakers to take corrective measures as and when required.
Some examples are given below:
Example 1: If registration centres are setup for enrolling residents and if they see that the number of women enrolling in a particular area is less because of cultural factors, they can introduce a door-to-door enrollment process to increase coverage.
Example 2: The quality of biometrics captured for a particular registration centre or region can be monitored. And if it is found to be unacceptable, they can proceed to replace the biometric devices in that centre.
Example 3: They can compare the total number of enrollments against the total number of UINs issued. If there is a big gap, they can then address this by increasing the capacity of the registration processor module to handle and process more packets.
In order to achieve this, we have published a fixed anonymized profile of the users and ensured the same is accessible to a search engine such as elastic search so that it can be used for analytics. The basic guideline followed to create these profiles is that the limited dataset should not violate the privacy of the person or point to specific individuals. These JSON profiles are not configurable in the current design and a code change is required to change them.
This dataset is called an anonymous profile and is captured at various stages in the ID lifecycle like pre-registration, registration processing, ID issuance and authentication.
As a part of this implementation, a new anonymous_profile table is created in each of these modules and is populated as per the JSON structure given below for each profile.
Note: New DB tables are added for the anonymous profile because data in existing tables are encrypted and cannot be used to create reports and dashboards.
This profile will be used to capture data about enrollment. This suggests that the user has started the registration process.
This data is captured at two stages, i.e., during pre-registration and registration processing.
The same registration profile JSON is re-used to capture data in these two modules.
This profile data is captured in anonymous_profile
tables under the mosip_prereg
We can configure the stage at which the anonymous profile data in the registration processor needs to be captured. This can be configured as a part of the registration processor camel routes in the mosip-config
repository as shown below.
The profile will be available from version 1.2.0 and above.
JSON structure of the registration profile is given below
Below is the image for the Anonymous profile table created in the Pre-registration schema
Below is the image for the Anonymous profile table created in the Registration processor schema
This profile data will be captured during the identity issuance process when an entry is made in the ID repository.
The profile data is captured in a anonymous_profile
table under the mosip_idrepo
The profile will be available from and above.
JSON structure of the identity issuance profile is given below:
Below is the image for the Anonymous profile table created in the ID repository schema
This profile data will be captured when the resident performs authentication.
The profile data is captured in an anonymous_profile
table under the mosip_IDA
The profile will be available from 1.2.0 and above.
JSON structure of the Authentication profile is given below:
Below is the image for the Anonymous profile table created in the IDA schema
This guide enables the Foundational Trust providers to use the PMP portal effectively. Below is the workflow:
Partner self-register through the portal.
Partner admin and uploads CA certificate.
Partner admin/ Partner uploads partner certificate.
Partner admin/ Partner creates FTM.
Partner admin/ Partner uploads certificate from the menu before approval/ rejection.
Partner admin approves/ rejects the FTM.
The partner can register themselves on the MOSIP PMP portal by clicking Register on the landing page.
They need to fill up a form with the details below:
First and Last name
Organization Name
Partner type (Device Provider)
Address, e-mail, phone number
Username and password
To view the details entered, click Home to see the dashboard.
The Partner admin needs to upload the CA certificate to enable the partner to use the portal. To do so, the Partner admin:
Clicks Upload CA Certificate option on the left navigation pane of the partner portal.
Selects the Partner Domain as FTM.
Chooses the certificate to upload (only files with extensions such as .cer or .pem).
Clicks Upload.
The uploaded certificates can be viewed by clicking on View Certificates-> View
Similarly, the Partner certificates can be added by the Partner admin or partner.
The certificate can be uploaded by clicking Home-> Upload Certificate -> Upload.
The certificate can be viewed by clicking Home-> View Certificate ->View.
The partner can create FTM details by,
Clicking FTM Details -> Create FTM
Fill up the information like Partner Name, Make and Model.
Clicking Save.
The partner can upload FTM certificates by,
Selecting Upload Certificate option from the Actions menu against the FTM created.
Entering the Partner Domain as FTM and choosing the certificate file.
Clicking Upload.
The Partner Admin can choose to approve or reject the FTM certificate uploaded. Below illustrates the workflow:
Finally, you can see the FTM activated.
MOSIP provides a reporting framework for real-time streaming of data and visualization. The dashboards give a visual display of metrics and important data to track the status of various pre and post-enrollment processes. This data helps ID issuers with improving efficiency, forecasting, and better decision-making. The framework has been used to create a set of default dashboards using Kibana.
The reporting pipeline and dashboards may be customized according to an adopter's requirements.
Partner Management module has two services:
Policy Management service
Partner Management service
The documentation here will guide you through the prerequisites required for the developer's setup.
Below are a list of tools required in Partner Management Services setup:
JDK 11
Any IDE (like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA)
Apache Maven (zip folder)
Notepad++ (optional)
lombok.jar (file)
settings.xml (document)
Follow the steps below to set up Partner Management Services on your local system:
Unzip Apache Maven and move the unzipped folder in C:\Program Files
and settings.xml
to conf
folder C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.8.4\conf
Install Eclipse, open the lombok.jar
file and wait for some time until it completes the scan for Eclipse IDE and then click Install/Update
Check the Eclipse installation folder C:\Users\userName\eclipse\jee-2021-12\eclipse
to see if the lombok.jar
is added. By doing this, you don't have to add the dependency of lombok
in your pom.xml
file separately as it is auto-configured by Eclipse.
Configure the JDK (Standard VM) with your Eclipse by traversing through Preferences → Java → Installed JREs
Open the project folder where pom.xml
is present.
Open command prompt from the same folder.
Run the command mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true -DskipTests=true
to build the project and wait for the build to complete successfully.
After building of a project, open Eclipse and select Import Projects → Maven → Existing Maven Projects → Next → Browse to project directory → Finish
After successful importing of project, update the project by right-click on Project → Maven → Update Project
Create an empty folder inside the mosip-config
with sandbox-local
name and then copy and paste all config files inside sandbox-local
folder except .gitignore, README and LICENSE
Put both the files in the same folder and change the location attribute to sandbox-local
folder in config-server-start.bat
file and also check the version of kernel-config-server.jar
towards the end of the command.
java -jar -Dspring.profiles.active=native -Dspring.cloud.config.server.native.search-locations=file:C:\Users\myDell\mosipProject\mosip-config\sandbox-local -Dspring.cloud.config.server.accept-empty=true -Dspring.cloud.config.server.git.force-pull=false -Dspring.cloud.config.server.git.cloneOnStart=false -Dspring.cloud.config.server.git.refreshRate=0 kernel-config-server-1.2.0-20201016.134941-57.jar
As mentioned in the steps above, you may have to make some changes in the two properties files as per your environment.
Run the server by opening the config-server-start.bat
The server should now be up and running.
Below are the configurations to be done in Eclipse:
1. Open Eclipse and run the project for one time as Java application
, so that it will create a Java application which you can see in debug configurations and then change its name. (e.g.: project name with environment - "partner-management-dev").
2. Open the arguments and pass this -Ddomain.url=dev.mosip.net -Dapplication.base.url=http://localhost:8090 -Dspring.profiles.active=default -Dspring.cloud.config.uri=http://localhost:51000/config -Dspring.cloud.config.label=master
in VM arguments.
3. Here, the domain URL represents the environment on which you are working (eg., it can be dev2.mosip.net
or qa3.mosip.net
4. Click Apply and then debug it (starts running). In the console, you can see a message like "Started PartnerManagementService in 34.078 seconds (JVM running for 38.361)"
Policy management service also can run by following the above steps.
The APIs can be tested with the help of Swagger-UI and Postman.
Swagger is an interface description language for describing restful APIs expressed using JSON. Can access Swagger-UI of partner-management-services for dev-environment from https://dev.mosip.net/v1/partnermanager/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/partnermanager/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
and localhost from http://localhost:9109/v1/partnermanager/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/partnermanager/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
Can access Swagger-UI of policy-management-services for dev-environment from https://dev.mosip.net/v1/policymanager/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/policymanager/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
and localhost from http://localhost:9107/v1/policymanager/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=/v1/policymanager/v3/api-docs/swagger-config
Postman is an API platform for building and using APIs. Postman simplifies each step of the API lifecycle and streamlines collaboration so you can create better APIs—faster. It is widely used tool for API testing.
Partner Management Portal (PMP) is used by both; PMS Admin and Partner User.
Partner Administrator: Partner Admin
Partners: Partner User
Being a 'Partner Admin' you can perform following 3 activities to complete the end to end functionality pertaining to Device Provider.
Upload Root CA and Sub CA Certificates
Approve/Reject SBI
Approve/Reject associated devices of an SBI
Only after Partner Admin 'Upload Root CA and Sub CA Certificates' that a Partner will be able to 'Upload CA signed Partner Certificate.
As a process of partner onboarding onto PMS after successful registration, Partner is required to Upload CA signed Partner Certificate on behalf of their organisation which would be used to build a 'Trust Store' in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that they are from a trusted organisation.
A Certificate Authority (CA) is an organization that acts to validate the identities of entities (in this case, a partner organisation) and bind them to cryptographic keys through the issuance of electronic documents known as Digital Certificates. A country needs to onboard valid CAs before onboarding any partner as MOSIP will only accept certificates which are signed only by a Trusted CA.
Go to PMP and login as Partner Admin. Click on Certificate Trust Store in Admin dashboard.
Within Root CA tab click on Upload Trust Certificate button on the top-right of the screen.
Select the Partner Domain. (AUTH)
Choose the Root CA Certificate to upload (only files with extensions as .cer or .pem).
Click Submit and an appropriate success message appears.
Similarly, sub/Intermediate CA certificate should be uploaded by following the above steps (2-4) by navigating to Upload Intermediate CA Certificate button provided within Intermediate Root CA tab.
To be able to access the services by PMP and to validate that the partner is from a trusted organisation, undergoing self registration on PMP and uploading CA signed certificate is necessary'.
Self Register on PMP Interface
Upload CA signed Certificate
The Device Provider can register themselves on PMP by clicking Register on the Login Page, a form comes up.
Enter the Authentication Partner details:
Partner type (Device Provider)
First and Last name
Organization Name
Address, Phone Number
e-mail, Username and Password
On successful registration, you will be asked to read through 'Terms and Conditions' and having carefully read through it you can agree and accept it.
Terms & Conditions: Partner consent refers to voluntary and informed agreement provided by a Partner User on behalf of the Partner Organisation to a specific action or process where the users have a clear understanding of what they are consenting to. User consent is important to ensure data privacy, where it is compliant to obtain explicit consent from partners before collecting, processing, or sharing their personal organisation level data.
A detailed description explaining which of their personal and organisation data is used and for what purposes it will be used in PMP will be informed while seeking user consent.
For existing partner users who are already registered in Partner Management Portal, they can login to the portal through their email username and password.
On logging in the User lands to Partner Dashboard (considering the pre-requisites such as policy group selection and consent are already completed).
Partner User has option to 'Reset Password'.
Partner Certificate
Device Provider Services: SBI and Device creation
Once registered through the process of 'Partner Onboarding' onto PMP after successful registration, user is required to perform 'Upload CA signed Partner Certificate' on behalf of their organisation which would be used to build a trust store in MOSIP to cryptographically validate that they are from a trusted organisation.
Later when required a Partner can also 'Download Certificate' and 'Re-Upload Certificate' (As the need may be).
Before a Partner can upload a 'CA Signed Certificate' it is prerequisite that the 'Partner Admin' should have already had uploaded the Root CA and Intermediate CA certificates.
To Upload CA signed Certificate
Go to Device Provider Dashboard.
Click on Partner Certificate option > Click on the Upload button to upload the partner certificate signed by CA.
Select the CA signed partner certificate from local system by clicking on the upload section (blue area).
Certificate is successfully fetched from local system.
Click on Submit, Partner Certificate is uploaded successfully.
On closing the popup, The user can view the uploaded certificate details in the form of a list view.
Download Certificate
There is also an option to download initially uploaded CA signed certificate and also the MOSIP Signed Certificate.
Re-Upload Certificate
Re-uploading certificate is required in cases MOSIP Signed Certificate gets expired after one year.
MOSIP Signed Certificate has a validity of 1 year from the time of Partner Certificate Upload.
You must ensure that you re-upload the partner certificate again so that new MOSIP signed certificate can be generated and other functionalities such as Device Provider Services (SBI, Devices) can function.
After the partner (you) have uploaded partner certificate, you can now perform 'Device Provider Services':
SBI: Add SBI (The request is sent to Admin for approval).
Devices: After approval of a given SBI devices can be added within it which is then sent to Admin for approval.
Details of Secure Biometric Interface (SBI) can be added by clicking on 'Add SBI' button which takes you to 'Add SBI Details' screen.
The SBI details thus submitted is sent to Admin for approval and is displayed for the partner in 'List of SBI' page.
The partner can add devices only if the corresponding SBI has been approved by Admin.
User can add devices only after the SBI is approved by Partner Admin.
User cannot add devices if the SBI is expired
Even if SBI has expired it is still visible for Partner Admin for approval/rejection.
If the SBI version is both deactivated and expired, deactivation will take more precedence.
Partner Admin's portal: (To approve / reject SBI)
The SBI can be approved or rejected by partner admin by going to Dashboard → SBI-Device → List of SBIs.
The admin can select Approve or Reject option from the given record.
On approval, the status changes to 'Approved' and on rejection the status changes to 'Rejected'.
Partner's Portal - (Add Device)
To Add Devices under a given SBI, click on 'Add Devices'.
Option to Add Device is only provided if the SBI is in 'Approved' status.
Each device detail added gets submitted for admin approval.
A maximum of 25 devices can be added and viewed at once within this page.
On clicking Add Device button after submitting 25 devices a warning popup is displayed as following
Maximum of 25 devices can be added at a time. Click Confirm to refresh this page and add more devices. Please note that all the previously submitted devices will not be visible upon refreshing but can be viewed in List of Devices Page.
To add more than the stated number (25 devices), the user confirms by clicking on the popup, the page undergoes automatic refresh with all the previously submitted devices not displayed anymore as shown in the below screenshot and then the devices can be added sequentially.
Once all the required devices are submitted, Clicking on 'Back to SBI List' button navigates to 'List of SBIs' page.
All devices pertaining to a given SBI can be viewed in a tabular structure by clicking on View Devices provided in each SBI card of List of SBIs page.
Each device record can be viewed individually (in both Partner and Partner Admin portal) by clicking on record itself or on clicking View option in action menu of the corresponding device. The partner admin is taken to 'View Device Details' for detailed view.
Partner Admin portal for approval/rejection of devices:
To approve / reject a device, admin clicks on SBI-Device card in his homepage.
On clicking 'Devices' tab, List of all Devices submitted so far are displayed.
On clicking the action menu of the respective device record, an option 'Approve/ Reject' is provided
A popup window appears for the admin to take appropriate action- APPROVE/ REJECT and select the respective button
The status is thus updated accordingly in List of Devices Page as Approved/ Rejected based on the above action.
'Pending for Approval' status is displayed when the device request is pending with admin for approval and no action has been taken by admin yet.
Deactivate Device:
Partner / Partner Admin can deactivate an active device any time provided it is in 'Approved' status. To perform deactivation, click on 'Deactivate' option in the action menu of the given Device in 'List of Device' page.
On clicking Deactivate option, a popup window appears seeking for confirmation.
On clicking Confirm, the status of the device changes to 'Deactivated' and the record is greyed out in the List of Devices page.
Deactivate SBI:
Partner / Partner Admin can deactivate an active SBI any time provided it is in 'Approved' status. To perform deactivation, click on 'Deactivate' option in the action menu of the given SBI in 'List of SBI' page.
On clicking 'Deactivate SBI', a popup window appears seeking for confirmation and cautioning the admin about the impact on associated devices.
On deactivation of SBI - the devices associated to it gets impacted as below:
All approved device records are displayed in 'Deactivated' status and those row items being greyed out.
The devices of which the status was 'Pending for Approval' before SBI deactivation will now be displayed with 'Rejected' status, which means devices get auto-rejected.
Rejected devices will continue to remain in the same status even after SBI deactivation.
The SBI record is greyed out and devices cannot be added anymore within it.
Status of Devices before SBI Deactivation:
Previously approved device records are displayed in 'Deactivated' status and those row items being greyed out.
Devices which were 'Pending for Approval' before SBI deactivation will now be displayed with 'Rejected' status, which means devices get auto-rejected.
Devices which were earlier rejected continue to remain in the same status even after SBI deactivation.
Impact on status of Devices after SBI Deactivation:
Option to deactivate an SBI is also available to Partner Admin by clicking on 'Deactivate option' in action menu of approved SBIs in List of SBI page.
Filter section in Partner portal:
It displays an expandable and collapsible filter section on consecutive clicks.
Here each filter field is a drop-down and the tabular results dynamically updates based on the drop-down item selected.
Once the filter section is expanded, the filter button thus becomes disabled.
On applying filters, the ( ) beside 'List of Devices' title should display the total number of filtered results.
User will have to use Reset Filter to remove the Filters. On clicking it, page will reload and the entire results are displayed in the tabular view , instead of filtered results..
This should point to the URL of your env where KeyCloak is running. Ex:
These features can also be accessed by clicking on side panel (in the form of icons) or clicking on the hamburger menu on the top left which is available across all screens of PMP to help user to easily navigate.
Once the details are in Activated status, user will be able to view the OIDC Client ID generated, by clicking on the eye icon ( ). clicking on the OIDC Client ID eye icon, opens a popup window which displays the Client ID and a copy button.
The PMP Interface 'Card View' for 'Authentication Partner' presents you with following features, These features can also be accessed by clicking on side panel (in the form of icons) or expanding the hamburger menu ( ) on the top left which is available across all screens of PMP to help user to easily navigate.
Click on Partner Certificate option in the dashboard / side panel / hamburger menu ( ), you will be redirected to list view of partner certificate.
By default, on clicking Auth policy, the screen displays the list of existing auth .
For an overview of role of partners in MOSIP, refer .
Certificates of partner are uploaded to as part of onboarding.
fetches credential data share partners and their polices from PMS.
Certificates of Authentication Partners are sent to IDA module as IDA runs independently. The certs are shared using (which futher uses Websub to share data with IDA).
To know more about the partner portal, refer .
To know more about the developer setup, read .
Refer .
User is now in where the following features are provided to FTM Chip Provider:
Reports and dashboards can be created using anonymous profile data. The used for the platform can be used to push this data into elastic search and dashboards can be configured using Kibana. A dashboard created using ID Issuance Anonymous profile data is available as a part of the reference implementation. The same is shown below.
More details about reporting module and dashboards can be found .
Details of reporting framework can be found .
The following dashboards are configured on . The NDJSON source files are available .
Setup a data pipeline for populating data from database to Elasticsearch as given .
After data is populated in Elasticsearch, add/customize dashboards in Kibana as given .
are the self-services which are used by the partners themselves via a portal. Partner Management Portal is a web based UI application that provides services to various types of partners.
Download lombok.jar
and settings.xml
from .
For the code setup, clone the repository and follow the guidelines mentioned in the .
For the environment setup, you need an external JAR that is available with different versions. (E.g.: You can download kernel-auth-adapter.jar
and add to project Libraries → Classpath → Add External JARs → Select Downloaded JAR → Add → Apply and Close
Clone .
As Partner Management Services is using two properties files, partner-management-default
and application-default
, you will have to configure them according to your environment. The same files are available for reference.
To run the server, two files are required- and .
For API documentation, refer .
Download the and then import it in your postman
User is now in where the following features are provided to Device Provider:
Partner Admin
Policy Manager
Authentication Partner
Credential Partner
Device Provider
FTM Provider
API Path
Changes done in release
This endpoint retrieves a list of all OAuth clients created by the Auth Partners. It supports pagination, sorting, and and filtering based on optional query parameters. If the token used to access this endpoint, does not have the PARTNER_ADMIN role, then it will fetch all the OAuth clients created by all the partners associated with the logged in user only. If the token used to access this endpoint, has PARTNER_ADMIN role, then it will fetch all the OAuth clients created by all the partners. It is configured for PARTNER_ADMIN and AUTH_PARTNER roles.
Newly added in release
This endpoint is used for creating OIDC Client.
Added validation to check the partner id in the request body belongs to the user who’s token is being used to access this endpoint. This will ensure that PMS user can create OIDC client only for the partner id which belongs to the user. This validation is skipped if the user’s role is PARTNER_ADMIN.
Added validation to check if the Partner ID used in the request body is active. This will ensure that OIDC client cannot be created for an inactive partner. (MOSIP-34276)
If multiple policy requests were created by the partner for a policy, then while creating the OIDC client, this endpoint was checking the status of only the first policy request. So even if there was an approved policy request, it was still throwing an error. Fixed this bug (MOSIP-34599)
Improved JWK validation for the public key by adding validation that n value (modulus value) of the JWK must be unique (MOSIP-36219)
Updated client name to be a JSON string to support client name language map (ES-836)
This endpoint retrieves the OIDC client details by client id
Added validation to check the partner id in the request belongs to the user who’s token is being used to access this endpoint. This will ensure that PMS user can access OIDC client only for the partner id which belongs to the user. This validation is skipped if the user’s role is PARTNER_ADMIN.
This endpoint is used for updating OIDC Client based on client id
Added validation to check the partner id in the request body belongs to the user who’s token is being used to access this endpoint. This will ensure that PMS user can update OIDC client only for the partner id which belongs to the user. This validation is skipped if the user’s role is PARTNER_ADMIN.
Added validation to check if the Partner ID used in the request body is active. This will ensure that OIDC client cannot be updated for an inactive partner. This validation is skipped if the user’s role is PARTNER_ADMIN and status in the request is changed to INACTIVE. (MOSIP-34276)
If the status in the request is changed to INACTIVE, only the status is updated in the database other fields remain unchanged. This will ensure that PUT endpoint can be used to deactivate the OIDC client.
Added a bypass for a user with PARTNER_ADMIN role. If the user with PARTNER_ADMIN role is used to access this endpoint, then it will deactivate the OIDC client for any partner ID, even if the partner ID is deactivated.
Added a validation to check if the OIDC client is already deactivated.(MOSIP-34108)
Updated client name to be a JSON string to support client name language map (ES-836)
This endpoint retrieves a list of all the Devices across all the Device Providers in PMS. It supports pagination, sorting, and filtering. It is configured for the role PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
Service to update Device Detail
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release-
Service to save Device Detail
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new POST /securebiometricinterface/{sbiId}/devices endpoint
This ensures that a device will always be created for a SBI and not without one.
Service to approve/reject Device Detail
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new POST devicedetail/{id}/approval endpoint
This endpoint deactivates a Device based on the Device Id. It is configured for the roles DEVICE_PROVIDER or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
This endpoint is for the Partner Admin user to approve or reject a Device and activate the mapping between the Device and the SBI. It is configured for the role PARTNER_ADMIN
Newly added in release
Service to filter Device Sub Types
No changes made in release
Service to filter Device Types
No changes made in release
Service to search Device Types
No changes made in release
Service to filter Device Detail
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /devicedetail endpoint
Service to search Device Detail
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /devicedetail endpoint
This endpoint retrieves a list of all FTM Chip details created by all the FTM Providers associated with the logged in user. It is configured for the roles FTM_PROVIDER or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
Service to update ftp chip detail
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release-
Service to save ftp chip detail
Improved the validation check by trimming extra spaces in make and model to prevent duplicate entries. (MOSIP-35788)
Service to approve/reject ftp chip detail
No changes made in release
This endpoint deactivates the ftp chip detail based on the ftp chip detail Id. It is configured for the roles FTM_PROVIDER or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
This endpoint fetches both the CA signed certificate uploaded by the FTM Chip Provider and the MOSIP signed certificate generated by PMS. It is configured for the roles FTM_PROVIDER or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
Service to get certificate of ftp chip
Improved Key Manager error handling, to capture the correct error code from Key Manager and send it in the endpoint’s response.
Service to search ftp chip details
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /ftpchipdetail/v2 endpoint.
Service to upload certificate of ftp chip
Added validation to allow certificate upload only if the FTM chip details certificate status is APPROVED or PENDING_CERT_UPLOAD.(MOSIP-36283). So for Rejected or Deactivated FTM, a certificate cannot be uploaded.
Improved Key Manager error handling, to capture the correct error code from Key Manager and send it in the endpoint’s response.
Set isActive to false after certificate re-upload. This will ensure that after cert is reuploaded, partner admin will have to approve the FTM again. (MOSIP-36285)
This endpoint retrieves a list of all FTM Chip details created by all the FTM Providers. Also supports pagination, sorting, and filtering. It is configured for the role PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
This endpoint retrieves a list of all Partners. Also supports pagination, sorting, and filtering. It is configured for the role PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
This endpoint retrieves all the details of the Partner based on Partner Id. It is configured for the role PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
This endpoint retrieves a list of all the API keys created by the Auth Partners. Also supports pagination, sorting, and and filtering based on optional query parameters. If the token used to access this endpoint, does not have the PARTNER_ADMIN role, then it will fetch all the API keys created by all the partners associated with the logged in user only. If the token used to access this endpoint, has PARTNER_ADMIN role, then it will fetch all the API keys created by all the partners.
Newly added in release
This endpoint fetches list of all the policy requests made by the partners. Also supports pagination, sorting, and filtering based on optional query parameters. If the token used to access this endpoint, does not have the PARTNER_ADMIN role, then it will fetch all the policy requests made by all the partners associated with the logged in user only.If the token used to access this endpoint, has PARTNER_ADMIN role, then it will fetch all the policy requests made by all the partners.
Newly added in release
Service to get partner details
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /partners/v3 endpoint.
Service to activate/de-activate partner
Added a check to verify if the partner is already deactivated. If yes, partner cannot be deactivated again. (MOSIP-37017)
Service to get policy for given API key
No changes made in release
Service to update policies against to API key
No changes made in release
Service to activate/de-activate partner API key
If the API key is already deactivated, it cannot be deactivated again.(MOSIP-34430)
Added a validation to check if the Partner ID used in the request body is active. This will ensure that API cannot be deactivated if partner has been deactivated. This validation is skipped if the user’s role is PARTNER_ADMIN. (MOSIP-34430)
Service to get API key requests
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /partner-policy-requests endpoint.
Service to get API key request
No changes made in release
Service to approve/reject partner policy mapping
No changes made in release
Service to get partner details
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /partners/v3 endpoint.
This endpoint retrieves a list of all the Trust Certificates uploaded by the Partner Admin. Also supports pagination, sorting, and filtering. It is configured for the role PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
This endpoint will download p7b file for a CA / Intermediate CA certificate along with the trust chain based on Certificate Id. It is configured for the role PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
partner self registration
No changes made in release
Service to get details of partner
Corrected the version in the response body
Service to update details of partner
Service to get API key requests of partner
Corrected the version in the response body
Service to get partner certificate
Added a check to verify if the partner id in the request exists in the database.(MOSIP-37017)
Added validation to check if the certificate has been uploaded previously.
This endpoint retrieves both the CA signed certificate uploaded by the partner and the MOSIP-signed certificate generated by PMS. It is configured for role any of the partner type or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
To generate API Key for approved policies
Added a check to remove extra spaces in the API key label before saving to the database, preventing the creation of duplicate API key labels with extra spaces.(MOSIP-35788)
To request for policy mapping
Updated error messages to indicate if the policy is already mapped and its status is Approved or In Progress.(MOSIP-33803)
Service to update the policy group for partner
No changes made in release
Service to filter API key requests
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /partner-policy-requests endpoint.
Service to search API key requests
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /partner-policy-requests endpoint.
Service to search API key
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /partner-api-keys endpoint.
Service to upload ca certificate
No changes made in release
Service to upload partner certificate
Added a validation to check if the Partner ID used in the request body is active. This will ensure that certificate cannot be uploaded if partner has been deactivated. (MOSIP-34498)
If domain is FTM, do not call the uploadOtherDomainCertificate endpoint of KeyManager.(MOSIP-35797)
Service to verify partner email
No changes made in release
Service to filter partner details
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /partners/v3 endpoint.
This endpoint retrieves a list of all Partner Certicates uploaded by the logged in user
Newly added in release
Service to search partner types
No changes made in release
Service to search partner details
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /partners/v3 endpoint.
Registers partner details
No changes made in release
Service to update details of partner
No changes made in release
This endpoint retrieves a list of Partners associated with the logged in user, based on the query parameters. It is configured for role any of the partner type or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
Service to get required roles
No changes made in release
This endpoint retrieves a list of all SBIs created by the Device Providers. Also supports pagination, sorting, and and filtering based on optional query parameters. If the token used to access this endpoint, does not have the PARTNER_ADMIN role, then it will fetch all SBIs created by all the partners associated with the logged in user only. If the token used to access this endpoint, has PARTNER_ADMIN role, then it will fetch all the SBIs created by all the partners.
Newly added in release
Service to update SecureBiometricInterface
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release-
Service to save SecureBiometricInterface details
Added a check to remove extra spaces in the SBI version before saving to the database, preventing the creation of duplicate SBI versions with extra spaces.(MOSIP-35788)
Service to approve/reject SecureBiometricInterface
Added separate error codes for cases when SBI is already approved or rejected.(MOSIP-38973)
This endpoint deactivates an SBI along with associated Devices. It is configured for the roles DEVICE_PROVIDER or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
This endpoint fetches the list of Devices associated with a given SBI Id. It is configured for the roles DEVICE_PROVIDER or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
This endpoint adds a new Device and creates an inactive mapping between the device and the given SBI. It is configured for the roles DEVICE_PROVIDER or PARTNER_ADMIN.
Newly added in release
Service to map device details with sbi
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new POST /securebiometricinterface/{sbiId}/devices endpoint.
Service to remove mapped device details with sbi
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release-
Service to search mapped device details and SecureBiometricInterface details
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /securebiometricinterface/{sbiId}/devices endpoint.
Service to filter SBI's
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /securebiometricinterface endpoint.
Service to search SecureBiometricInterface details
This endpoint has been deprecated since the release- It has been replaced by the new GET /securebiometricinterface endpoint.
This endpoint fetches the configurations for PMS and sends them to the UI. No roles are required for access.
Newly added in release
Service to register user
No changes made in release
This endpoint fetches the user's consent related to the data captured by PMS. The consent is requested only once after the user's first login, and won't be asked again if already given. It is configured for all Partner Type roles.
Newly added in release
This endpoint saves the user's consent related to data captured by the PMS portal, which is requested only once after the user's first login. Once provided, the consent will not be asked again. It is configured for all Partner Type roles.
Newly added in release
API Path
Changes done in release-
Service to get policies
No changes made in release
Service to create a new authentication, data sharing, or credential policy.
Handled missing 'Empty Array and Empty String' Schema Validation
Service to retrieve the details of a specific policy by its ID.
No changes made in release
Service to update policy details
No changes made in release
This endpoint deactivates a policy based on the Policy Id. It checks if any policy requests are associated with the policy: it can be deactivated if there are no requests or if there are rejected requests. It cannot be deactivated if there are approved or pending requests, returning error codes PMS_POL_063 or PMS_POL_064, respectively. This endpoint is configured for the POLICYMANAGER or PARTNER_ADMIN roles.
Newly added in release
Service to publish policy
No changes made in release
Service to get active policy details for policy group name
No changes made in release
Service to get policy group
No changes made in release
Service for Partner Admin users to deactivate a Policy Group based on the Policy Group Id. It is configured for the POLICYMANAGER or PARTNER_ADMIN roles.
Newly added in release
Service to create a new policy group
No changes made in release
Service to search policy group
No changes made in release
Service to retrieve details about all active Policy Groups
Newly added in release
Service to retrieve the list of all Policies. It is configured for the POLICYMANAGER or PARTNER_ADMIN roles.
Newly added in release
Anonymous Registration profile
Registration Processor
Anonymous Registration profile
ID Repository
Anonymous Identity Issuance profile
Anonymous Authentication profile