MOSIP is deployed as a combination of microservices. MOSIP deployment as mircroservices adds more scalability, robustness, resilience and fault tolerance. MOSIP services are grouped as multiple modules like Kernel, prereg, regproc etc. These modules can be deployed independently with all its dependencies as per the business needs.
MOSIP releases the below mentioned artifacts in open source:
Jars : Artifacts released into Maven Central Repository after successful compilation of tagged code from all Mosip repositories.
Docker images : Docker images for all MOSIP services.
MOSIP helm: Packaged charts for every MOSIP service.
helm repo add mosip https://mosip.github.io/mosip-helm
K8s Infra: Scripts to create kubernetes cluster and configure it for MOSIP.
Deployment scripts: These scripts are a part of mosip-infra to install the helm charts in a desired sequence.
MOSIP by default supports two ways of installation:
V2 - A simple sandbox-based implementation with very low resources to help understand the working modules (deprecated).
V3 - A scalable deployment with a service mesh, HA and other security protection (supported from v1.2.0.1-B1).
Apart from these installation models, countries can adopt a model of their choice. We recommend using Kubernetes or equivalent container orchestration tools for better management of the microservices.
Release date: May 31st, 2022
Note: This method of installation is deprecated for the newer releases of MOSIP + 1.2.x
MOSIP modules are deployed in the form of microservices in kubernetes cluster.
Wireguard is used as a trust network extension to access the admin, control, and observation pane.
It is also used for the on-the-field registrations.
MOSIP uses Nginx server for:
SSL termination
Reverse Proxy
CDN/Cache management
In V3, we have two Kubernetes clusters:
Observation cluster - This cluster is a part of the observation plane and it helps in administrative tasks. By design, this is kept independent of the actual cluster as a good security practice and to ensure clear segregation of roles and responsibilities. As a best practice, this cluster or it's services should be internal and should never be exposed to the external world.
Rancher is used for managing the MOSIP cluster.
Keycloak in this cluster is used for cluster user access management.
It is recommended to configure log monitoring and network monitoring in this cluster.
In case you have an internal container registry, then it should run here.
MOSIP cluster - This cluster runs all the MOSIP components and certain third party components to secure the cluster, API’s and data.
k8s-infra : contains the scripts to install and configure Kubernetes cluster with required monitoring, logging and alerting tools.
mosip-infra : contains the deployment scripts to run charts in defined sequence.
mosip-config : contains all the configuration files required by the MOSIP modules.
mosip-helm : contains packaged helm charts for all the MOSIP modules.
VM’s required can be with any OS as per convenience.
Here, we are referting to Ubuntu OS throughout this installation guide.
Wireguard Bastion Host
4 GB
8 GB
(ensure to setup active-passive)
Observation Cluster nodes
8 GB
32 GB
Observation Nginx server (use Loadbalancer if required)
4 GB
16 GB
MOSIP Cluster nodes
32 GB
128 GB
MOSIP Nginx server ( use Loadbalancer if required)
4 GB
16 GB
All the VM's should be able to communicate with each other.
Need stable Intra network connectivity between these VM's.
All the VM's should have stable internet connectivity for docker image download (in case of local setup ensure to have a locally accessible docker registry).
Server Interface requirement as mentioned in below table:
Wireguard Bastion Host
One Private interface : that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes (e.g.: inside local NAT Network). One public interface : Either has a direct public IP, or a firewall NAT (global address) rule that forwards traffic on 51820/udp port to this interface IP.
K8 Cluster nodes
One internal interface: with internet access and that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes (e.g.: inside local NAT Network )
Observation Nginx server
One internal interface: with internet access and that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes (e.g.: inside local NAT Network).
Mosip Nginx server
One internal interface : that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes (e.g.: inside local NAT Network). One public interface : Either has a direct public IP, or a firewall NAT (global address) rule that forwards traffic on 443/tcp port to this interface IP.
Private IP of Nginx server or load balancer for Observation cluster
Rancher dashboard to monitor and manage the kubernetes cluster.
Private IP of Nginx server for Observation cluster
Administrative IAM tool (keycloak). This is for the kubernetes administration.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Index page for links to different dashboards of MOSIP env. (This is just for reference, please do not expose this page in a real production or UAT environment)
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Internal API’s are exposed through this domain. They are accessible privately over wireguard channel
Public IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
All the API’s that are publically usable are exposed using this domain.
Public IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Domain name for MOSIP's pre-registration portal. The portal is accessible publicly.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Provides direct access to activemq
dashboard. It is limited and can be used only over wireguard.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Optional installation. Used to access kibana dashboard over wireguard.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Registration Client can be downloaded from this domain. It should be used over wireguard.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
MOSIP's admin portal is exposed using this domain. This is an internal domain and is restricted to access over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Optional- This domain is used to access the object server. Based on the object server that you choose map this domain accordingly. In our reference implementation, MinIO is used and this domain let's you access MinIO’s Console over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Kafka UI is installed as part of the MOSIP’s default installation. We can access kafka UI over wireguard. Mostly used for administrative needs.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
MOSIP uses an OpenID Connect server to limit and manage access across all the services. The default installation comes with Keycloak. This domain is used to access the keycloak server over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
This domain points to the postgres server. You can connect to postgres via port forwarding over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
MOSIP’s partner management portal is used to manage partners accessing partner management portal over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Accessing reports of MOSIP partner onboarding over wireguard
Public IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Accessing resident portal publically
Public IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Accessing IDP over public
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Accessing mock-smtp UI over wireguard
As only secured https connections are allowed via nginx server will need below mentioned valid ssl certificates:
One valid wildcard ssl certificate related to domain used for accessing Observation cluster, this needs to be stored inside the nginx server VM for Observation cluster. In above e.g.: *.org.net is the similar example domain.
One valid wildcard ssl certificate related to domain used for accessing Mosip cluster, this needs to be stored inside the nginx server VM for mosip cluster. In above e.g.: *.sandbox.xyz.net is the similar example domain.
Tools to be installed in Personal Computers for complete deployment
kubectl- any client version above 1.19
helm- any client version above 3.0.0 and add below repos as well:
Istioctl : version: 1.15.0
[Ansible](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/installation_guide/intro_installation.html: version > 2.12.4
Create a directory as mosip in your PC and:
clone k8’s infra repo with tag : (whichever is the latest version) inside mosip directory. git clone https://github.com/mosip/k8s-infra -b v1.2.0.1
clone mosip-infra with tag : (whichever is the latest version) inside mosip directory. git clone https://github.com/mosip/mosip-infra -b v1.2.0.1
Set below mentioned variables in bashrc
source .bashrc
Note: Above mentioned environment variables will be used throughout the installation to move between one directory to other to run install scripts.
A Wireguard bastion host (Wireguard server) provides secure private channel to access MOSIP cluster. The host restricts public access, and enables access to only those clients who have their public key listed in Wireguard server. Wireguard listens on UDP port51820.
Create a Wireguard server VM with above mentioned Hardware and Network requirements.
Open ports and Install docker on Wireguard VM.
cd $K8_ROOT/wireguard/
create copy of hosts.ini.sample
as hosts.ini
and update the required details for wireguard VM\
cp hosts.ini.sample hosts.ini
execute ports.yml to enable ports on VM level using ufw:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ports.yaml
Permission of the pem files to access nodes should have 400 permission.
sudo chmod 400 ~/.ssh/privkey.pem
These ports are only needed to be opened for sharing packets over UDP.
Take necessary measure on firewall level so that the Wireguard server can be reachable on 51820/udp.
Setup Wireguard server
SSH to wireguard VM
Create directory for storing wireguard config files.
mkdir -p wireguard/config
Install and start wireguard server using docker as given below:
Increase the no. of peers above in case more than 30 wireguard client confs (-e PEERS=30) are needed.
Change the directory to be mounted to wireguard docker as per need. All your wireguard confs will be generated in the mounted directory (
-v /home/ubuntu/wireguard/config:/config
Install Wireguard client in your PC.
Assign wireguard.conf
SSH to the wireguard server VM.
cd /home/ubuntu/wireguard/config
assign one of the PR for yourself and use the same from the PC to connect to the server.
create assigned.txt
file to assign the keep track of peer files allocated and update everytime some peer is allocated to someone.
use ls
cmd to see the list of peers.
get inside your selected peer directory, and add mentioned changes in peer.conf
cd peer1
nano peer1.conf
Delete the DNS IP.
Update the allowed IP's to subnets CIDR ip . e.g.
Share the updated peer.conf
with respective peer to connect to wireguard server from Personel PC.
add peer.conf
in your PC’s /etc/wireguard
directory as wg0.conf
start the wireguard client and check the status:
Once connected to wireguard, you should be now able to login using private IP’s.
Observation K8s Cluster setup
Install all the required tools mentioned in pre-requisites for PC.
rke (version 1.3.10)
Setup Observation Cluster node VM’s as per the hardware and network requirements as mentioned above.
Setup passwordless SSH into the cluster nodes via pem keys. (Ignore if VM’s are accessible via pem’s).
Generate keys on your PC ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy the keys to remote observation node VM’s ssh-copy-id <remote-user>@<remote-ip>
SSH into the node to check password-less SSH ssh -i ~/.ssh/<your private key> <remote-user>@<remote-ip>
Make sure the permission for
for ssh is set to 400.
Run env-check-setup.yaml
to check if cluster nodes are fine and do not have known issues in it.
cd $K8_ROOT/rancher/on-prem
create copy of hosts.ini.sample
as hosts.ini
and update the required details for Observation k8 cluster nodes.
cp hosts.ini.sample hosts.ini
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini env-check-setup.yaml
This ansible checks if localhost mapping is already present in /etc/hosts file in all cluster nodes, if not it adds the same.
Open ports and install docker on Observation K8 Cluster node VM’s.
cd $K8_ROOT/rancher/on-prem
Ensure that hosts.ini
is updated with nodal details.
Update vpc_ip variable in ports.yaml
with vpc CIDR ip to allow access only from machines inside same vpc.
Execute ports.yml
to enable ports on VM level using ufw:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ports.yaml
Disable swap in cluster nodes. (Ignore if swap is already disabled)
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini swap.yaml
execute docker.yml
to install docker and add user to docker group:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini docker.yaml
Creating RKE Cluster Configuration file
rke config
Command will prompt for nodal details related to cluster, provide inputs w.r.t below mentioned points:
SSH Private Key Path
Number of Hosts
SSH Address of host
SSH User of host
Make all the nodes Worker host
by default.
To create an HA cluster, specify more than one host with role Control Plane
and etcd host
Network Plugin Type
: Continue with canal as default network plugin.
For rest of other configurations, opt the required or default value.
As result of rke config
command cluster.yml
file will be generated inside same directory, update the below mentioned fields:
nano cluster.yml
Remove the default Ingress install
Add the name of the kubernetes cluster
cluster_name: sandbox-name
For production deplopyments edit the cluster.yml
, according to this RKE Cluster Hardening Guide.
Setup up the cluster:
Once cluster.yml
is ready, you can bring up the kubernetes cluster using simple command.
This command assumes the cluster.yml
file is in the same directory as where you are running the command.
rke up
As part of the Kubernetes creation process, a kubeconfig
file has been created and written at kube_config_cluster.yml
, which can be used to start interacting with your Kubernetes cluster.
Copy the kubeconfig files
To access the cluster using kubeconfig
file use any one of the below method:
cp $HOME/.kube/<cluster_name>_config $HOME/.kube/config
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/<cluster_name>_config
Test cluster access:
kubectl get nodes
Command will result in details of the nodes of the Observation cluster.
Save your files
Save a copy of the following files in a secure location, they are needed to maintain, troubleshoot and upgrade your cluster.
: The RKE cluster configuration file.
: The Kubeconfig file for the cluster, this file contains credentials for full access to the cluster.
: The Kubernetes Cluster State file, this file contains credentials for full access to the cluster.
Once the rancher cluster is ready, we need ingress and storage class to be set for other applications to be installed.
Nginx Ingress Controller: used for ingress in rancher cluster.
this will install ingress in ingress-nginx namespace of rancher cluster.
The following storage classes can be used:
Vsphere storage class: If you are already using VMware virtual machines, you can proceed with the vSphere storage class.
MOSIP using NFS as a staorage class for Reference architecture
For Nginx server setup we need ssl certificate, add the same into Nginx server.
Incase valid ssl certificate is not there generate one using letsencrypt:
SSH into the nginx server
Install Pre-requisites
Generate wildcard SSL certificates for your domain name.
sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d *.org.net
replace org.net
with your domain.
The default challenge HTTP is changed to DNS challenge, as we require wildcard certificates.
Create a DNS record in your DNS service of type TXT with host _acme-challenge.org.net
, with the string prompted by the script.
Wait for a few minutes for the above entry to get into effect.
host -t TXT _acme-challenge.org.net
Press enter in the certbot
prompt to proceed.
Certificates are created in /etc/letsencrypt
on your machine.
Certificates created are valid for 3 months only.
Wildcard SSL certificate renewal. This will increase the validity of the certificate for next 3 months.
Clone k8s-infra
Provide below mentioned inputs as and when promted
Rancher nginx ip : internal ip of the nginx server VM.
SSL cert path : path of the ssl certificate to be used for ssl termination.
SSL key path : path of the ssl key to be used for ssl termination.
Cluster node ip's : ip’s of the rancher cluster node
Post installation check:
sudo systemctl status nginx
Steps to Uninstall nginx (in case required)
sudo apt purge nginx nginx-common
DNS mapping: Once nginx server is installed sucessfully, create DNS mapping for rancher cluster related domains as mentioned in DNS requirement section. (rancher.org.net, keycloak.org.net)
Rancher provides full CRUD capability of creating and managing kubernetes cluster.
Install rancher using Helm, update hostname
in rancher-values.yaml
and run the following command to install.
Open Rancher page.
Get Bootstrap password using
Assign a password. IMPORTANT: makes sure this password is securely saved and retrievable by Admin.
Keycloak is an OAuth 2.0 compliant Identity Access Management (IAM) system used to manage the access to Rancher for cluster controls.
: Used to create SAML client on Keycloak for Rancher integration.
Login as admin
user in Keycloak and make sure an email id, and first name field is populated for admin user. This is important for Rancher authentication as given below.
Enable authentication with Keycloak using the steps given here.
In Keycloak add another Mapper for the rancher client (in Master realm) with following fields:
Protocol: saml
Name: username
Mapper Type: User Property
Property: username
Friendly Name: username
SAML Attribute Name: username
SAML Attribute NameFormat: Basic
Specify the following mappings in Rancher's Authentication Keycloak form:
Display Name Field: givenName
User Name Field: email
UID Field: username
Entity ID Field: https://your-rancher-domain/v1-saml/keycloak/saml/metadata
Rancher API Host: https://your-rancher-domain
Groups Field: member
For users in Keycloak assign roles in Rancher - cluster and project roles. Under default
project add all the namespaces. Then, to a non-admin user you may provide Read-Only role (under projects).
If you want to create custom roles, you can follow the steps given here.
Add a member to cluster/project in Rancher:
Navigate to RBAC cluster members
Add member name exactly as username
in Keycloak
Assign appropriate role like Cluster Owner, Cluster Viewer etc.
You may create new role with fine grained acccess control.
Add group to to cluster/project in Rancher:
Navigate to RBAC cluster members
Click on Add
and select a group from the displayed drop-down.
Assign appropriate role like Cluster Owner, Cluster Viewer etc.
To add groups, the user must be a member of the group.
Creating a Keycloak group involves the following steps:
Go to the "Groups" section in Keycloak and create groups with default roles.
Navigate to the "Users" section in Keycloak, select a user, and then go to the "Groups" tab. From the list of groups, add the user to the required group.
Certificates expiry
In case you see certificate expiry message while adding users, on local cluster run these commands:
Install all the required tools mentioned in Pre-requisites for PC.
rke (version 1.3.10)
Setup MOSIP K8 Cluster node VM’s as per the hardware and network requirements as mentioned above.
Run env-check-setup.yaml
to check if cluster nodes are fine and dont have known issues in it.
cd $K8_ROOT/rancher/on-prem
create copy of hosts.ini.sample
as hosts.ini
and update the required details for MOSIP k8 cluster nodes.
cp hosts.ini.sample hosts.ini
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini env-check-setup.yaml
This ansible checks if localhost mapping ia already present in /etc/hosts
file in all cluster nodes, if not it adds the same.
Setup passwordless ssh into the cluster nodes via pem keys. (Ignore if VM’s are accessible via pem’s).
Generate keys on your PC
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy the keys to remote rancher node VM’s:
ssh-copy-id <remote-user>@<remote-ip>
SSH into the node to check password-less SSH
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<your private key> <remote-user>@<remote-ip>
Rancher UI : (deployed in Rancher K8 cluster)
Open ports and Install docker on MOSIP K8 Cluster node VM’s.
cd $K8_ROOT/mosip/on-prem
create copy of hosts.ini.sample
as hosts.ini
and update the required details for wireguard VM.
cp hosts.ini.sample hosts.ini
Update vpc_ip
variable in ports.yaml
with vpc CIDR ip
to allow access only from machines inside same vpc.
execute ports.yml
to enable ports on VM level using ufw:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ports.yaml
Disable swap in cluster nodes. (Ignore if swap is already disabled)
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini swap.yaml
execute docker.yml
to install docker and add user to docker group:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini docker.yaml
Creating RKE Cluster Configuration file
rke config
Command will prompt for nodal details related to cluster, provide inputs w.r.t below mentioned points:
SSH Private Key Path
Number of Hosts
SSH Address of host
SSH User of host
Make all the nodes Worker host
by default.
To create an HA cluster, specify more than one host with role Control Plane
and etcd host
Network Plugin Type
: Continue with canal as default network plugin.
For rest for other configuration opt the required or default value.
As result of rke config command cluster.ymlfile
will be generated inside same directory, update the below mentioned fields:
nano cluster.yml
Remove the default Ingress install
Add the name of the kubernetes cluster
For production deplopyments edit the cluster.yml
, according to this RKE Cluster Hardening Guide.
Setup up the cluster:
Once cluster.yml
is ready, you can bring up the kubernetes cluster using simple command.
This command assumes the cluster.yml
file is in the same directory as where you are running the command.
rke up
The last line should read Finished building Kubernetes cluster successfully
to indicate that your cluster is ready to use.
Copy the kubeconfig files
To access the cluster using kubeconfig filr use any one of the below method:
cp $HOME/.kube/<cluster_name>_config $HOME/.kube/config
Test cluster access:
kubect get nodes
Command will result in details of the nodes of the rancher cluster.
Save Your files
Save a copy of the following files in a secure location, they are needed to maintain, troubleshoot and upgrade your cluster.:
: The RKE cluster configuration file.
: The Kubeconfig file for the cluster, this file contains credentials for full access to the cluster.
: The Kubernetes Cluster State file, this file contains credentials for full access to the cluster.
Global configmap: Global configmap contains the list of neccesary details to be used throughout the namespaces of the cluster for common details.
cd $K8_ROOT/mosip
Copy global_configmap.yaml.sample
to global_configmap.yaml
Update the domain names in global_configmap.yaml
and run.
kubectl apply -f global_configmap.yaml
Istio Ingress setup: It is a service mesh for the MOSIP K8 cluster which provides transparent layers on top of existing microservices along with powerful features enabling a uniform and more efficient way to secure, connect, and monitor services.
cd $K8_ROOT/mosip/on-prem/istio
This will bring up all the Istio components and the Ingress Gateways.
Check Ingress Gateway services:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system
: external facing istio service.
: internal facing istio service.
: Istio daemon for replicating the changes to all envoy filters.
The following storage classes can be used:
Vsphere storage class: If you are already using VMware virtual machines, you can proceed with the vSphere storage class.
MOSIP using NFS as a staorage class for Reference architecture
Login as admin in Rancher console
Select Impor
t Existing for cluster addition.
Select Generic
as cluster type to add.
Fill the Cluster Name
field with unique cluster name and select Create
You will get the kubecl commands to be executed in the kubernetes cluster. Copy the command and execute from your PC (make sure your kube-config
file is correctly set to MOSIP cluster).
Wait for few seconds after executing the command for the cluster to get verified.
Your cluster is now added to the rancher management server.
For Nginx server setup, we need ssl certificate, add the same into Nginx server.
Incase valid ssl certificate is not there generate one using letsencrypt:
SSH into the nginx server
Install Pre-requisites:
Generate wildcard SSL certificates for your domain name.
sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d *.sandbox.mosip.net -d sandbox.mosip.net
replace sanbox.mosip.net
with your domain.
The default challenge HTTP is changed to DNS challenge, as we require wildcard certificates.
Create a DNS record in your DNS service of type TXT with host _acme-challenge.sandbox.xyz.net
, with the string prompted by the script.
Wait for a few minutes for the above entry to get into effect.
** Verify**: host -t TXT _acme-challenge.sandbox.mosip.net
Press enter in the certbot
prompt to proceed.
Certificates are created in /etc/letsencrypt
on your machine.
Certificates created are valid for 3 months only.
Wildcard SSL certificate
renewal. This will increase the validity of the certificate for next 3 months.
Clone k8s-infra
Provide below mentioned inputs as and when prompted
MOSIP nginx server internal ip
MOSIP nginx server public ip
Publically accessible domains (comma seperated with no whitespaces)
SSL cert path
SSL key path
Cluster node ip's (comma seperated no whitespace)
Post installation check\
sudo systemctl status nginx
Steps to uninstall nginx (incase it is required)
sudo apt purge nginx nginx-common
DNS mapping: Once nginx server is installed sucessfully, create DNS mapping for observation cluster related domains as mentioned in DNS requirement section.
Check Overall if nginx and istio wiring is set correctly
Install httpbin
: This utility docker returns http headers received inside the cluster. You may use it for general debugging - to check ingress, headers etc.
To see what is reaching the httpbin (example, replace with your domain name):
Prometheus and Grafana and Alertmanager tools are used for cluster monitoring.
Select 'Monitoring' App from Rancher console -> Apps & Marketplaces
In Helm options, open the YAML file and disable Nginx Ingress.
Click on Install
Alerting is part of cluster monitoring, where alert notifications are sent to the configured email or slack channel.
Monitoring should be deployed which includes deployment of prometheus, grafana and alertmanager.
Create slack incoming webhook.
After setting slack incoming webhook update slack_api_url
and slack_channel_name
in alertmanager.yml
cd $K8_ROOT/monitoring/alerting/
nano alertmanager.yml
Update Cluster_name
in patch-cluster-name.yaml
cd $K8_ROOT/monitoring/alerting/
nano patch-cluster-name.yaml
Install Default alerts along some of the defined custom alerts:
Alerting is installed.
MOSIP uses Rancher Fluentd and elasticsearch to collect logs from all services and reflect the same in Kibana Dashboard.
Install Rancher FluentD system : for screpping logs outs of all the microservices from MOSIP k8 cluster.
Install Logging from Apps and marketplace within the Rancher UI.
Select Chart Version 100.1.3+up3.17.7
from Rancher console -> Apps & Marketplaces.
Configure Rancher FluentD
Create clusteroutput
kubectl apply -f clusteroutput-elasticsearch.yaml
Start clusterFlow
kubectl apply -f clusterflow-elasticsearch.yaml
Install elasticsearch, kibana and Istio addons\
set min_age
in elasticsearch-ilm-script.sh
and execute the same.
: is the minimum no. of days for which indices will be stored in elasticsearch.
MOSIP provides set of Kibana Dashboards for checking logs and throughputs.
Brief description of these dashboards are as follows:
01-logstash.ndjson contains the logstash Index Pattern required by the rest of the dashboards.
02-error-only-logs.ndjson contains a Search dashboard which shows only the error logs of the services, called MOSIP Error Logs
03-service-logs.ndjson contains a Search dashboard which show all logs of a particular service, called MOSIP Service Logs dashboard.
04-insight.ndjson contains dashboards which show insights into MOSIP processes, like the number of UINs generated (total and per hr), the number of Biometric deduplications processed, number of packets uploaded etc, called MOSIP Insight
05-response-time.ndjson contains dashboards which show how quickly different MOSIP Services are responding to different APIs, over time, called Response Time
Import dashboards:
cd K8_ROOT/logging
./load_kibana_dashboards.sh ./dashboards <cluster-kube-config-file>
View dashboards
Open kibana dashboard from https://kibana.sandbox.xyz.net
Kibana --> Menu (on top left) --> Dashboard --> Select the dashboard.
External Dependencies are set of external requirements that are needed for functioning of MOSIP’s core services like DB, Object Store, HSM etc.
Click here to check the detailed installation instructions of all the external components.
Now that all the Kubernetes cluster and external dependencies are already installed, will continue with MOSIP service deployment.
Check detailed MOSIP Modules Deployment installation steps.
Version: (Latest stable release)
Release date: 19th March 2024
Release date: 12th January 2024
Release date: 14th April 2023
Release date: 8th Jan 2023
Release date: 14th Oct 2022
The Authdemo service is utilized to execute the IDA APIs that are employed by API-testrig and DSLrig.
The purpose of the Authdemo Service is to showcase the functionality of authentication.
It can be considered as a simplified iteration of an authentication service, serving as a mock or prototype for the purpose of testing.
When prompted, input the NFS host, it's pem-key, ssh login user of NFS server.
Install script will create the NFS directories i.e., /srv/nfs/mosip/packetcreator-authdemo-authcerts
to store the certificates generated by Authdemo service.
These certificates will be used by API-testrig, orchestrator and packetcreator.
API-testRig tests the working of APIs of the MOSIP modules.
MOSIP’s successful deployment can be verified by comparing the results of API-testrig with the testrig benchmark.
When prompted, input the hour of the day to execute the API-testrig.
Daily API-testrig cron job will be executed at the very opted hour of the day.
The reports will move to the object store ( i.e., s3/minio) under automationtests
Packetcreator will create packets for DSL orchestrator.
Note: It is recommended to deploy the packetcreator on a separate server/ cluster from where the other DSL orchestrators can access this service.
When prompted, input the NFS host, it's pem-key, ssh login user of NFS server.
Install script will create two NFS directories i.e., /srv/nfs/mosip/packetcreator_data
, /srv/nfs/mosip/packetcreator-authdemo-authcerts
contains biometric data which is used to create packets.
The default packetcreator_data
can be accessible from here.
Copy the packetcreator_data
from the link mentioned above to the NFS directory /srv/nfs/mosip/packetcreator_data
Ensure to use the same NFS host and path i.e., /srv/nfs/mosip/packetcreator-authdemo-authcerts
for Authdemo and packetcreator service.
When prompted, input the kubernetes ingress type (i.e., Ingress/Istio) and DNS as required if you are using the Ingress-nginx.
DSLrig will test end-to-end functional flows involving multiple MOSIP modules.
The Orchestrator utilizes the Packet Creator to generate packets according to the defined specifications. It then communicates with the Authdemo Service making REST API calls to perform authentication-related actions or retrieve the necessary information.
When prompted, input the NFS host, it's pem-key, ssh login user of NFS server.
Install script will create NFS directories, i.e., /srv/nfs/mosip/dsl-scenarios/sandbox.xyz.net
to store the DSL scenario sheet.
The Default template for DSL scenario sheet can be accessible from here.
Copy the scenario csv from the above link to the NFS directory /srv/nfs/mosip/dsl-scenarios/sandbox.xyz.net
. Make sure to rename the csv files by replacing env
with your domain ex: sandbox.xyz.net
To run the dslorchestrator for sanity only, update the dslorchestrator
configmap TESTLEVEL
key to sanity
The reports will move to object store (i.e., s3/minio) under dslreports
External Dependencies are set of external requirements that are needed for functioning of MOSIP’s core services like DB, Object Store, and HSM etc.
List of external dependencies:
Postgres: Relational Database system used for storing data in MOSIP.
IAM: IAM tool is for authentication and authorization. Reference implementation here uses Keycloak for the same purpose.
HSM: Hardware Security Module (HSM) stores the cryptographic keys used in MOSIP. Reference implementation is provided as SoftHSM here.
Object Store: MOSIP uses S3 API compliant object store for storing biometric and other data. Reference implementation here uses MinIO.
Anti-virus: Used for document scanning and packets scanning throughout MOSIP modules. Reference implementation uses dockerised version of ClamAV.
Queuing tool: Tool used for queuing messages to external MOSIP components. Reference implementation used Artemis ActiveMQ.
Event Publisher/ streamer: MOSIP uses Kafka for publishing events to it's internal as well as external partners modules.
BioSDK: Biometric SDK for quality check and authentication purpose using biometrics.
ABIS: Performs the de-duplication of a resident's biometric data.
Message Gateway: This is for notifying residents about different OTPs and other information.
Install Postgres
Initialize Postgres DB
Opt for yes and enter Y.
Install Keycloak
Initialize Keycloak
Opt 1 for MinIO
Opt 2 for S3 (incase you are not going with MinIO installation and want s3 to be installed)
Enter the prompted details.
Reference implementation of Biometric SDK server will be installed separately in MOSIP service installation section as the same is dependent on artifactory which is a MOSIP component.
ABIS is needed to be up and running outside the MOSIP cluster and should be able to connect to the activeMQ. For testing purpose, MOSIP has provided a mock stimulator for the same named as mock-abis which will be deployed as part of the MOSIP services installation.
MOSIP provides mock smtp server
which will be installed as part of default installation, opt for Y.
Incase the images are getting pulled from private repositories.
To setup the captcha for pre-reg and resident domains.
Below is the sequence of installation of MOSIP modules and the sequence must be followed to resolve all interdependencies.
Conf secrets
Config Server
Partner Management Services
Registration Processor
ID Authentication
Partner Onboarder
MOSIP File Server
Resident services
Registration Client
All MOSIP services are packaged as Helm charts for ease of installation on the Kubernetes cluster. The source code of Helm charts is available in mosip-helm
repository. The packaged charts (*.tgz
) are checked in gh-pages
branch of mosip-helm
repo. GitHub automatically hosts them at https://mosip.github.io/mosip-helm/index.yaml
. See the sections below for further details.
Refer Versioning.
Make sure the version in Charts.yaml
is updated for all charts when a new branch is created on mosip-helm
To install the charts, add the repository as below:
To publish charts manually follow these steps:
In the branch where changes have been made run the following from mosip-helm
You will see packaged .tgz
files created in the current directory.
Copy the .tgz
files to gh-pages
branch of mosip-helm
repo. You can clone another copy of the repo and check out gh-pages
branch to achieve this.
V3 installation uses Wireguard for secure access. Refer to the following documents for further details:
MOSIP modules are deployed in the form of microservices in kubernetes cluster.
Wireguard is used as a trust network extension to access the admin, control, and observation pane.
It is also used for the on-the-field registrations.
MOSIP uses Nginx server for:
SSL termination
Reverse Proxy
CDN/Cache management
Load balancing
In V3, we have two Kubernetes clusters:
Observation cluster - This cluster is a part of the observation plane, and it helps in administrative tasks. By design, this is kept independent of the actual cluster as a good security practice and to ensure clear segregation of roles and responsibilities. As a best practice, this cluster or it's services should be internal and should never be exposed to the external world.
Rancher is used for managing the MOSIP cluster.
Keycloak in this cluster is used for cluster user access management.
It is recommended to configure log monitoring and network monitoring in this cluster.
In case you have an internal container registry, then it should run here.
MOSIP cluster - This cluster runs all the MOSIP components and certain third party components to secure the cluster, APIs and data.
k8s-infra : contains the scripts to install and configure Kubernetes cluster with required monitoring, logging and alerting tools.
mosip-infra : contains the deployment scripts to run charts in defined sequence.
mosip-config : contains all the configuration files required by the MOSIP modules.
mosip-helm : contains packaged helm charts for all the MOSIP modules.
VM’s required can be with any OS as per convenience.
Here, we are referring to Ubuntu OS throughout this installation guide.
Wireguard Bastion Host
4 GB
8 GB
(ensure to setup active-passive)
Observation Cluster nodes
8 GB
32 GB
Observation Nginx server (use Loadbalancer if required)
4 GB
16 GB
MOSIP Cluster nodes
32 GB
128 GB
MOSIP Nginx server ( use Loadbalancer if required)
4 GB
16 GB
All the VM's should be able to communicate with each other.
Need stable Intra network connectivity between these VM's.
All the VM's should have stable internet connectivity for docker image download (in case of local setup ensure to have a locally accessible docker registry).
Server Interface requirement as mentioned in below table:
Wireguard Bastion Host
One Private interface : that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes (e.g.: inside local NAT Network). One public interface : Either has a direct public IP, or a firewall NAT (global address) rule that forwards traffic on 51820/udp port to this interface IP.
K8 Cluster nodes
One internal interface: with internet access and that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes (e.g.: inside local NAT Network )
Observation Nginx server
One internal interface: with internet access and that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes (e.g.: inside local NAT Network).
Mosip Nginx server
One internal interface : that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes (e.g.: inside local NAT Network). One public interface : Either has a direct public IP, or a firewall NAT (global address) rule that forwards traffic on 443/tcp port to this interface IP.
Private IP of Nginx server or load balancer for Observation cluster
Rancher dashboard to monitor and manage the kubernetes cluster.
Private IP of Nginx server for Observation cluster
Administrative IAM tool (keycloak). This is for the kubernetes administration.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Index page for links to different dashboards of MOSIP env. (This is just for reference, please do not expose this page in a real production or UAT environment)
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Internal API’s are exposed through this domain. They are accessible privately over wireguard channel
Public IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
All the API’s that are publically usable are exposed using this domain.
Public IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Domain name for MOSIP's pre-registration portal. The portal is accessible publicly.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Provides direct access to activemq
dashboard. It is limited and can be used only over wireguard.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Optional installation. Used to access kibana dashboard over wireguard.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Registration Client can be downloaded from this domain. It should be used over wireguard.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
MOSIP's admin portal is exposed using this domain. This is an internal domain and is restricted to access over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Optional- This domain is used to access the object server. Based on the object server that you choose map this domain accordingly. In our reference implementation, MinIO is used and this domain let's you access MinIO’s Console over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Kafka UI is installed as part of the MOSIP’s default installation. We can access kafka UI over wireguard. Mostly used for administrative needs.
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
MOSIP uses an OpenID Connect server to limit and manage access across all the services. The default installation comes with Keycloak. This domain is used to access the keycloak server over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
This domain points to the postgres server. You can connect to postgres via port forwarding over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
MOSIP’s partner management portal is used to manage partners accessing partner management portal over wireguard
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Accessing reports of MOSIP partner onboarding over wireguard
Public IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Accessing resident portal publically
Public IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Accessing IDP over public
Private IP of Nginx server for MOSIP cluster
Accessing mock-smtp UI over wireguard
As only secured https connections are allowed via nginx server will need below mentioned valid ssl certificates:
One valid wildcard ssl certificate related to domain used for accessing Observation cluster, this needs to be stored inside the nginx server VM for Observation cluster. In above e.g.: *.org.net is the similar example domain.
One valid wildcard ssl certificate related to domain used for accessing Mosip cluster, this needs to be stored inside the nginx server VM for mosip cluster. In above e.g.: *.sandbox.xyz.net is the similar example domain.
Tools to be installed in Personal Computers for complete deployment
kubectl - any client version above 1.19
helm - any client version above 3.0.0 and add below repos as well:
Istioctl : version: 1.15.0
Ansible: version > 2.12.4
Create a directory as MOSIP in your PC and:
Clone k8’s infra repo with tag : (whichever is the latest version) inside mosip directory.
git clone https://github.com/mosip/k8s-infra -b v1.2.0.1-B2
Clone mosip-infra with tag : (whichever is the latest version) inside mosip directory.
git clone https://github.com/mosip/mosip-infra -b v1.2.0.1-B2
Set below mentioned variables in bashrc
Note: Above-mentioned environment variables will be used throughout the installation to move between one directory to other to run install scripts.
A Wireguard bastion host (Wireguard server) provides secure private channel to access MOSIP cluster. The host restricts public access, and enables access to only those clients who have their public key listed in Wireguard server. Wireguard listens on UDP port51820.
Create a Wireguard server VM with above-mentioned Hardware and Network requirements.
Open ports and Install docker on Wireguard VM.
cd $K8_ROOT/wireguard/
Create copy of hosts.ini.sample
as hosts.ini
and update the required details for wireguard VM
cp hosts.ini.sample hosts.ini
Execute ports.yml to enable ports on VM level using ufw:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ports.yaml
Permission of the pem files to access nodes should have 400 permission.
sudo chmod 400 ~/.ssh/privkey.pem
These ports are only needed to be opened for sharing packets over UDP.
Take necessary measure on firewall level so that the Wireguard server can be reachable on 51820/udp.
Execute docker.yml to install docker and add user to docker group:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini docker.yaml
Setup Wireguard server
SSH to wireguard VM
Create directory for storing wireguard config files.
mkdir -p wireguard/config
Install and start wireguard server using docker as given below:
Increase the no. of peers above in case more than 30 wireguard client confs (-e PEERS=30) are needed.
Change the directory to be mounted to wireguard docker as per need. All your wireguard confs will be generated in the mounted directory (
-v /home/ubuntu/wireguard/config:/config
Install Wireguard client in your PC.
Assign wireguard.conf
SSH to the wireguard server VM.
cd /home/ubuntu/wireguard/config
Assign one of the PR for yourself and use the same from the PC to connect to the server.
Create assigned.txt
file to assign the keep track of peer files allocated and update every time some peer is allocated to someone.
Use ls
cmd to see the list of peers.
Get inside your selected peer directory, and add mentioned changes in peer.conf
cd peer1
nano peer1.conf
Delete the DNS IP.
Update the allowed IP's to subnets CIDR ip . e.g.
Share the updated peer.conf
with respective peer to connect to wireguard server from Personel PC.
Add peer.conf
in your PC’s /etc/wireguard
directory as wg0.conf
Start the wireguard client and check the status:
Once connected to wireguard, you should be now able to login using private IPs.
Observation K8s Cluster setup
Install all the required tools mentioned in pre-requisites for PC.
rke (version v1.3.10 )
istioctl (istioctl version: v1.15.0)
Setup Observation Cluster node VM’s as per the hardware and network requirements as mentioned above.
Setup passwordless SSH into the cluster nodes via pem keys. (Ignore if VM’s are accessible via pem’s).
Generate keys on your PC
Copy the keys to remote observation node VM’s
SSH into the node to check password-less SSH
Make sure the permission for
for ssh is set to 400.
Run env-check.yaml
to check if cluster nodes are fine and do not have known issues in it.
cd $K8_ROOT/rancher/on-prem/
create copy of hosts.ini.sample
as hosts.ini
and update the required details for Observation k8 cluster nodes.
cp hosts.ini.sample hosts.ini
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini env-check.yaml
This ansible checks if localhost mapping is already present in /etc/hosts
file in all cluster nodes, if not it adds the same.
Open ports and install docker on Observation K8 Cluster node VM’s.
cd $K8_ROOT/rancher/on-prem/
Ensure that hosts.ini
is updated with nodal details.
Update vpc_ip
variable in ports.yaml
with vpc CIDR ip to allow access only from machines inside same vpc.
Execute ports.yaml
to enable ports on VM level using ufw:
Disable swap in cluster nodes. (Ignore if swap is already disabled)
Execute docker.yml
to install docker and add user to docker group:
Creating RKE Cluster Configuration file
rke config
Command will prompt for nodal details related to cluster, provide inputs w.r.t below mentioned points:
SSH Private Key Path
Number of Hosts
SSH Address of host
SSH User of host
Make all the nodes Worker host
by default.
To create an HA cluster, specify more than one host with role Control Plane
and etcd host
Network Plugin Type
: Continue with canal as default network plugin.
For rest of other configurations, opt the required or default value.
As result of rke config
command cluster.yml
file will be generated inside same directory, update the below mentioned fields:
nano cluster.yml
Remove the default Ingress install
Add the name of the kubernetes cluster
cluster_name: sandbox-name
For production deployments edit the cluster.yml
, according to this RKE Cluster Hardening Guide.
Setup up the cluster:
Once cluster.yml
is ready, you can bring up the kubernetes cluster using simple command.
This command assumes the cluster.yml
file is in the same directory as where you are running the command.
rke up
The last line should read Finished building Kubernetes cluster
successfully to indicate that your cluster is ready to use.
As part of the Kubernetes creation process, a kubeconfig
file has been created and written at kube_config_cluster.yml
, which can be used to start interacting with your Kubernetes cluster.
Copy the kubeconfig files.
To access the cluster using kubeconfig
file use any one of the below method:
cp $HOME/.kube/<cluster_name>_config $HOME/.kube/config
export KUBECONFIG="$HOME/.kube/<cluster_name>_config
Test cluster access:
kubect get nodes
Command will result in details of the nodes of the Observation cluster.
Save your files
Save a copy of the following files in a secure location, they are needed to maintain, troubleshoot and upgrade your cluster.
: The RKE cluster configuration file.
: The Kubeconfig file for the cluster, this file contains credentials for full access to the cluster.
: The Kubernetes Cluster State file, this file contains credentials for full access to the cluster.
In case not having Public DNS system add the custom DNS configuration for the cluster.
Check whether coredns pods are up and running in your cluster via the below command:
Update the IP address and domain name in the below DNS hosts template and add it in the coredns configmap Corefile key in the kube-system namespace.
To update the coredns configmap, use the below command.
Check whether the DNS changes are correctly updated in coredns configmap.
Restart the coredns
pod in the kube-system
Check status of coredns restart.
Once the rancher cluster is ready, we need ingress and storage class to be set for other applications to be installed.
Nginx Ingress Controller: used for ingress in rancher cluster.
this will install ingress in ingress-nginx namespace of rancher cluster.
Storage class setup: Longhorn creates a storage class in the cluster for creating pv (persistence volume) and pvc (persistence volume claim).
Note: Values of below mentioned parameters are set as by default Longhorn installation script:
PV replica count is set to 1. Set the replicas for the storage class appropriately.
Total available node CPU allocated to each instance-manager
pod in the longhorn-system
The value 5
means 5% of the total available node CPU.
This value should be fine for sandbox and pilot, but you may have to increase the default to "12" for production.
The value can be updated on Longhorn UI after installation.
Access the Longhorn dashboard from Rancher UI once installed.
Setup Backup : In case you want to back up the pv data from longhorn to s3 periodically follow instructions. (Optional, ignore if not required)
For Nginx server setup we need ssl certificate, add the same into Nginx server.
SSL certificates can be generated in multiple ways. Either via lets encrypt if you have public DNS or via openssl certs when you don't have Public DNS.
Letsencrypt: Generate wildcard ssl certificate having 3 months validity when you have public DNS system using below steps.
SSH into the nginx server node.
Install Pre-requisites
Generate wildcard SSL certificates for your domain name.
sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d *.org.net
replace org.net
with your domain.
The default challenge HTTP is changed to DNS challenge, as we require wildcard certificates.
Create a DNS record in your DNS service of type TXT with host _acme-challenge.org.net
, with the string prompted by the script.
Wait for a few minutes for the above entry to get into effect. Verify: host -t TXT _acme-challenge.org.net
Press enter in the certbot
prompt to proceed.
Certificates are created in /etc/letsencrypt
on your machine.
Certificates created are valid for 3 months only.
Wildcard SSL certificate renewal. This will increase the validity of the certificate for next 3 months.
Openssl : Generate wildcard ssl certificate using openssl in case you don't have public DNS using below steps. (Ensure to use this only in development env, not suggested for Production env).
Generate a self-signed certificate for your domain, such as *.sandbox.xyz.net.
Execute the following command to generate a self-signed SSL certificate. Prior to execution, kindly ensure to update environmental variables & rancher domain passed to openssl command:
Above command will generate certs in below specified location. Use it when prompted during nginx installation.
fullChain path: /etc/ssl/certs/tls.crt
privKey path: /etc/ssl/private/tls.key
Install nginx:
Login to nginx server node.
Clone k8s-infra
Provide below mentioned inputs as and when promted
Rancher nginx ip : internal ip of the nginx server VM.
SSL cert path : path of the ssl certificate to be used for ssl termination.
SSL key path : path of the ssl key to be used for ssl termination.
Cluster node IPs : IPs of the rancher cluster node
Restart nginx service.
Post installation check:
sudo systemctl status nginx
Steps to Uninstall nginx (in case required). sudo apt purge nginx nginx-common
DNS mapping:
Once nginx server is installed successfully, create DNS mapping for rancher cluster related domains as mentioned in DNS requirement section. (rancher.org.net, keycloak.org.net)
In case used Openssl for wildcard ssl certificate add DNS entries in local hosts file of your system.
For example: /etc/hosts
files for Linux machines.
Rancher UI: Rancher provides full CRUD capability of creating and managing kubernetes cluster.
Install rancher using Helm, update hostname
, & add privateCA
to true
in rancher-values.yaml
, and run the following command to install.
cd $K8_ROOT/rancher/rancher-ui
helm repo add rancher https://releases.rancher.com/server-charts/stable
helm repo update
kubectl create ns cattle-system
Create a secret containing the observation nginx self-signed public certificate (i.e. tls.crt
) generated in openssl section.
Open Rancher page.
Get Bootstrap password using
Assign a password. IMPORTANT: makes sure this password is securely saved and retrievable by Admin.
Keycloak: Keycloak is an OAuth 2.0 compliant Identity Access Management (IAM) system used to manage the access to Rancher for cluster controls.
: Used to create SAML client on Keycloak for Rancher integration.
Login as admin
user in Keycloak and make sure an email id, and first name field is populated for admin user. This is important for Rancher authentication as given below.
Enable authentication with Keycloak using the steps given here.
In Keycloak add another Mapper for the rancher client (in Master realm) with following fields:
Protocol: saml
Name: username
Mapper Type: User Property
Property: username
Friendly Name: username
SAML Attribute Name: username
SAML Attribute NameFormat: Basic
Specify the following mappings in Rancher's Authentication Keycloak form:
Display Name Field: givenName
User Name Field: email
UID Field: username
Entity ID Field: https://your-rancher-domain/v1-saml/keycloak/saml/metadata
Rancher API Host: https://your-rancher-domain
Groups Field: member
For users in Keycloak assign roles in Rancher - cluster and project roles. Under default
project add all the namespaces. Then, to a non-admin user you may provide Read-Only role (under projects).
If you want to create custom roles, you can follow the steps given here.
Add a member to cluster/project in Rancher:
Give member name exactly as username
in Keycloak
Assign appropriate role like Cluster Owner, Cluster Viewer etc.
You may create new role with fine grained access control.
Certificates expiry
In case you see certificate expiry message while adding users, on local cluster run these commands:
Install all the required tools mentioned in Pre-requisites for PC.
rke (version 1.3.10)
Setup MOSIP K8 Cluster node VM’s as per the hardware and network requirements as mentioned above.
Run env-check.yaml
to check if cluster nodes are fine and don't have known issues in it.
cd $K8_ROOT/rancher/on-prem
create copy of hosts.ini.sample
as hosts.ini
and update the required details for MOSIP k8 cluster nodes.
cp hosts.ini.sample hosts.ini
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini env-check.yaml
This ansible checks if localhost mapping is already present in /etc/hosts
file in all cluster nodes, if not it adds the same.
Setup passwordless ssh into the cluster nodes via pem keys. (Ignore if VM’s are accessible via pem’s).
Generate keys on your PC
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Copy the keys to remote rancher node VM’s:
ssh-copy-id <remote-user>@<remote-ip>
SSH into the node to check password-less SSH
ssh -i ~/.ssh/<your private key> <remote-user>@<remote-ip>
Rancher UI : (deployed in Rancher K8 cluster)
Open ports and Install docker on MOSIP K8 Cluster node VM’s.
cd $K8_ROOT/mosip/on-prem
create copy of hosts.ini.sample
as hosts.ini
and update the required details for wireguard VM.
cp hosts.ini.sample hosts.ini
Update vpc_ip
variable in ports.yaml
with vpc CIDR ip
to allow access only from machines inside same vpc.
execute ports.yml
to enable ports on VM level using ufw:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini ports.yaml
Disable swap in cluster nodes. (Ignore if swap is already disabled)
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini swap.yaml
execute docker.yml
to install docker and add user to docker group:
ansible-playbook -i hosts.ini docker.yaml
Creating RKE Cluster Configuration file
rke config
Command will prompt for nodal details related to cluster, provide inputs w.r.t below mentioned points:
SSH Private Key Path
Number of Hosts
SSH Address of host
SSH User of host
Make all the nodes Worker host
by default.
To create an HA cluster, specify more than one host with role Control Plane
and etcd host
Network Plugin Type
: Continue with canal as default network plugin.
For rest for other configuration opt the required or default value.
As result of rke config command cluster.ymlfile
will be generated inside same directory, update the below mentioned fields:
nano cluster.yml
Remove the default Ingress install
Add the name of the kubernetes cluster
For production deployments edit the cluster.yml
, according to this RKE Cluster Hardening Guide.
Setup up the cluster:
Once cluster.yml
is ready, you can bring up the kubernetes cluster using simple command.
This command assumes the cluster.yml
file is in the same directory as where you are running the command.
rke up
The last line should read Finished building Kubernetes cluster successfully
to indicate that your cluster is ready to use.
Copy the kubeconfig files
To access the cluster using kubeconfig filr use any one of the below method:
cp $HOME/.kube/<cluster_name>_config $HOME/.kube/config
Test cluster access:
kubect get nodes
Command will result in details of the nodes of the rancher cluster.
Save Your files
Save a copy of the following files in a secure location, they are needed to maintain, troubleshoot and upgrade your cluster.:
: The RKE cluster configuration file.
: The Kubeconfig file for the cluster, this file contains credentials for full access to the cluster.
: The Kubernetes Cluster State file, this file contains credentials for full access to the cluster.
In case not having Public DNS system add the custom DNS configuration for the cluster.
Check whether coredns pods are up and running in your cluster via the below command:
Update the IP address and domain name in the below DNS hosts template and add it in the coredns configmap Corefile key in the kube-system namespace.
To update the coredns configmap, use the below command.
Check whether the DNS changes are correctly updated in coredns configmap.
Restart the coredns
pod in the kube-system
Check status of coredns restart.
Global configmap: Global configmap contains the list of neccesary details to be used throughout the namespaces of the cluster for common details.
cd $K8_ROOT/mosip
Copy global_configmap.yaml.sample
to global_configmap.yaml
Update the domain names in global_configmap.yaml
and run.
kubectl apply -f global_configmap.yaml
Istio Ingress setup: It is a service mesh for the MOSIP K8 cluster which provides transparent layers on top of existing microservices along with powerful features enabling a uniform and more efficient way to secure, connect, and monitor services.
cd $K8_ROOT/mosip/on-prem/istio
This will bring up all the Istio components and the Ingress Gateways.
Check Ingress Gateway services:
kubectl get svc -n istio-system
: external facing istio service.
: internal facing istio service.
: Istio daemon for replicating the changes to all envoy filters.
Storage class setup: Longhorn creates a storage class in the cluster for creating pv (persistence volume) and pvc (persistence volume claim).
Install Longhorn via helm
Note: Values of below mentioned parameters are set as by default Longhorn installation script:
PV replica count is set to 1. Set the replicas for the storage class appropriately.
Total available node CPU allocated to each instance-manager
pod in the longhorn-system
The value 5
means 5% of the total available node CPU
This value should be fine for sandbox and pilot, but you may have to increase the default to 12
for production.
The value can be updated on Longhorn UI after installation.
Login as admin in Rancher console
Select Import
Existing for cluster addition.
Select Generic
as cluster type to add.
Fill the Cluster Name
field with unique cluster name and select Create
You will get the kubectl commands to be executed in the kubernetes cluster. Copy the command and execute from your PC (make sure your kube-config
file is correctly set to MOSIP cluster).
Wait for few seconds after executing the command for the cluster to get verified.
Your cluster is now added to the rancher management server.
For Nginx server setup, we need ssl certificate, add the same into Nginx server.
SSL certificates can be generated in multiple ways. Either via lets encrypt if you have public DNS or via openssl certs when you don't have Public DNS.
Letsencrypt: Generate wildcard ssl certificate having 3 months validity when you have public DNS system using below steps.
SSH into the nginx server node.
Install Pre-requisites
Generate wildcard SSL certificates for your domain name.
sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --manual --preferred-challenges=dns -d *.org.net
replace org.net
with your domain.
The default challenge HTTP is changed to DNS challenge, as we require wildcard certificates.
Create a DNS record in your DNS service of type TXT with host _acme-challenge.org.net
, with the string prompted by the script.
Wait for a few minutes for the above entry to get into effect. Verify: host -t TXT _acme-challenge.org.net
Press enter in the certbot
prompt to proceed.
Certificates are created in /etc/letsencrypt
on your machine.
Certificates created are valid for 3 months only.
Wildcard SSL certificate renewal. This will increase the validity of the certificate for next 3 months.
Openssl : Generate wildcard ssl certificate using openssl in case you don't have public DNS using below steps. (Ensure to use this only in development env, not suggested for Production env).
Install docker on nginx node.
Generate a self-signed certificate for your domain, such as *.sandbox.xyz.net.
Execute the following command to generate a self-signed SSL certificate. Prior to execution, kindly ensure that the environmental variables passed to the OpenSSL Docker container have been properly updated:
Above command will generate certs in below specified location. Use it when prompted during nginx installation.
fullChain path: /etc/ssl/certs/nginx-selfsigned.crt.
privKey path: /etc/ssl/private/nginx-selfsigned.key.
Install nginx:
Login to nginx server node.
Clone k8s-infra
Provide below mentioned inputs as and when prompted
MOSIP nginx server internal ip
MOSIP nginx server public ip
Publically accessible domains (comma separated with no whitespaces)
SSL cert path
SSL key path
Cluster node ip's (comma separated no whitespace)
When utilizing an openssl wildcard SSL certificate, please add the following server block to the nginx server configuration within the http block. Disregard this if using SSL certificates obtained through letsencrypt or for publicly available domains. Please note that this should only be used in a development environment and is not recommended for production environments.
nano /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Note: HTTP access is enabled for IAM because MOSIP's keymanager expects to have valid SSL certificates. Ensure to use this only for development purposes, and it is not recommended to use it in production environments.
Restart nginx service.
Post installation check:
sudo systemctl status nginx
Steps to Uninstall nginx (in case required)
sudo apt purge nginx nginx-common
DNS mapping:
Once nginx server is installed successfully, create DNS mapping for rancher cluster related domains as mentioned in DNS requirement section. (rancher.org.net, keycloak.org.net)
In case used Openssl for wildcard ssl certificate add DNS entries in local hosts file of your system.
For example: /etc/hosts
files for Linux machines.
Check Overall if nginx and istio wiring is set correctly
Install httpbin
: This utility docker returns http headers received inside the cluster. You may use it for general debugging - to check ingress, headers etc.
To see what is reaching the httpbin (example, replace with your domain name):
Prometheus and Grafana and Alertmanager tools are used for cluster monitoring.
Select 'Monitoring' App from Rancher console -> Apps & Marketplaces
In Helm options, open the YAML file and disable Nginx Ingress.
Click on Install
Alerting is part of cluster monitoring, where alert notifications are sent to the configured email or slack channel.
Monitoring should be deployed which includes deployment of prometheus, grafana and alertmanager.
Create slack incoming webhook.
After setting slack incoming webhook update slack_api_url
and slack_channel_name
in alertmanager.yml
cd $K8_ROOT/monitoring/alerting/
nano alertmanager.yml
Update Cluster_name
in patch-cluster-name.yaml
cd $K8_ROOT/monitoring/alerting/
nano patch-cluster-name.yaml
Install Default alerts along some of the defined custom alerts:
Alerting is installed.
MOSIP uses Rancher Fluentd and elasticsearch to collect logs from all services and reflect the same in Kibana Dashboard.
Install Rancher FluentD system : for scraping logs outs of all the microservices from MOSIP k8 cluster.
Install Logging from Apps and marketplace within the Rancher UI.
Select Chart Version 100.1.3+up3.17.7
from Rancher console -> Apps & Marketplaces.
Configure Rancher FluentD
Create clusteroutput
kubectl apply -f clusteroutput-elasticsearch.yaml
Start clusterFlow
kubectl apply -f clusterflow-elasticsearch.yaml
Install elasticsearch, kibana and Istio addons\
set min_age
in elasticsearch-ilm-script.sh
and execute the same.
: is the minimum no. of days for which indices will be stored in elasticsearch.
MOSIP provides set of Kibana Dashboards for checking logs and throughput's.
Brief description of these dashboards are as follows:
01-logstash.ndjson contains the logstash Index Pattern required by the rest of the dashboards.
02-error-only-logs.ndjson contains a Search dashboard which shows only the error logs of the services, called MOSIP Error Logs
03-service-logs.ndjson contains a Search dashboard which show all logs of a particular service, called MOSIP Service Logs dashboard.
04-insight.ndjson contains dashboards which show insights into MOSIP processes, like the number of UINs generated (total and per hr), the number of Biometric deduplications processed, number of packets uploaded etc, called MOSIP Insight
05-response-time.ndjson contains dashboards which show how quickly different MOSIP Services are responding to different APIs, over time, called Response Time
Import dashboards:
cd K8_ROOT/logging
./load_kibana_dashboards.sh ./dashboards <cluster-kube-config-file>
View dashboards
Open kibana dashboard from https://kibana.sandbox.xyz.net
Kibana --> Menu (on top left) --> Dashboard --> Select the dashboard.
External Dependencies are set of external requirements that are needed for functioning of MOSIP’s core services like DB, Object Store, HSM etc.
Click here to check the detailed installation instructions of all the external components.
Add/Update the below property in application-default.properties and comment on the below property in the *-default.properties file in the config repo.
Add/Update the below property in the esignet-default.properties file in the config repo.
Now that all the Kubernetes cluster and external dependencies are already installed, will continue with MOSIP service deployment.
While installing a few modules, installation script prompts to check if you have public domain and valid SSL certificates on the server. Opt option n as we are using self-signed certificates. For example:
Start installing mosip modules:
Check detailed MOSIP Modules Deployment installation steps.
MOSIP modules are deployed in the form of microservices in a Kubernetes cluster.
Wireguard is used as a trust network extension to access the admin, control, and observation pane
It is also used for on-the-field registrations.
MOSIP uses AWS load balancers for:
SSL termination
Reverse Proxy
CDN/Cache management
In V3, we have two Kubernetes clusters:
Observation Cluster - This cluster is a part of the observation plane and it helps in administrative tasks. By design, this is kept independent of the actual cluster as a good security practice and to ensure clear segregation of roles and responsibilities. As a best practice, this cluster or its services should be internal and should never be exposed to the external world.
MOSIP Cluster - This cluster runs all the MOSIP components and certain third party components to secure the cluster, API’s and Data.
k8s-infra : contains scripts to install and configure Kubernetes cluster with required monitoring, logging and alerting tools.
mosip-infra : contains deployment scripts to run charts in defined sequence.
mosip-config : contains all the configuration files required by the MOSIP modules.
mosip-helm : contains packaged helm charts for all the MOSIP modules.
VM’s required have any Operating System and can be selected as per convenience.
In this installation guide, we are referring to Ubuntu OS
Storage (HDD)
no. of VM’s
Wireguard Bastion Host
4 GB
8 GB
(ensure to setup active-passive)
Rancher Cluster nodes (EKS managed)
8 GB
32 GB
Mosip Cluster nodes (EKS managed)
32 GB
64 GB
All the VM's should be able to communicate with each other.
Need stable Intra network connectivity between these VM's.
All the VM's should have stable internet connectivity for docker image download (in case of local setup ensure to have a locally accesible docker registry).
During the process, we will be creating two loadbalancers as mentioned in the first table below:
Server Interface requirement as mentioned in the second table:
Private loadbalancer Observation cluster
This will be used to access Rancher dashboard and keycloak of observation cluster.
Note: access to this will be restricted only with wireguard key holders.
Public loadbalancer MOSIP cluster
This will be used to access below mentioned services:
Partner management service api’s
Mosip file server
Private loadbalancer MOSIP cluster
This will be used to access all the services deployed as part of the setup inclusing external as well as all the MOSIP services.
Note: access to this will be restricted only with wireguard key holders.
Purpose VM
Network Interfaces
Wireguard Bastion Host
One Private interface: that is on the same network as all the rest of nodes. (Eg: inside local NAT Network )
One public interface: Either has a direct public IP, or a firewall NAT (global address) rule that forwards traffic on 51820/udp port to this interface ip.
Domain name
Mapping details
Load balancer of Observation cluster
Rancher dashboard to monitor and manage the kubernetes cluster. You can share an existing rancher cluser.
Load balancer of Observation cluster
Administrative IAM tool (keycloak). This is for the kubernetes administration.
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Index page for links to different dashboards of Mosip env. (This is just for reference, Please do not expose this page in a real production or uat environment)
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Internal API’s are exposed through this domain. They are accessible privately over wireguard channel
Public Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
All the API’s that are publically usable are exposed using this domain.
Public Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Domain name for Mosip’s pre-registration portal. The portal is accessible publicly.
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Provides direct access to activemq dashboard. Its limited and can be used only over wireguard
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Optional instalation. Used to access kibana dashboard over wireguard
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Regclient can be downloaded from this domain. It should be used over wireguard.
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Mosip’s admin portal is exposed using this domain. This is an internal domain and is restricted to access over wireguard
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Optional- This domain is used to access the object server. Based on the object server that you choose map this domain accordingly. In our reference implementation Minio is used and this domain lets you access Minio’s Console over wireguard
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Kafka UI is installed as part of the Mosip’s default installation. We can access kafka ui over wireguard. Mostly used for administrative needs.
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Mosip uses an Openid connect server to limit and manage access across all the services. The default installation comes with Keycloak. This domain is used to access the keycloak server over wireguard
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
This domain points to the postgres server. You can connect to postgres via port forwarding over wireguard
Public Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Mosip’s partner management portal is used to manage partners accessing partner management portal over wireguard
Public Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
accessident resident portal publically
Public Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
accessing IDP over public
Private Load balancer of MOSIP cluster
Accessing mock-smtp UI over wireguard
Only proceed to DNS mapping after the ingressgateways are installed and the load balancer is already configured.
The above table is just a placeholder for hostnames, the actual name itself varies from organisation to organisation.
As only secured https
connections are allowed via nginx server, you will need the below mentioned valid ssl certificates:
One valid wildcard ssl certificate related to domain used for accesing Observation cluster which will be created using ACM (Amazon certificate manager). In above e.g. *.org.net is the similiar example domain.
One valid wildcard ssl certificate related to domain used for accessing MOSIP cluster which will be created using ACM (Amazon certificate manager). In above e.g. *.sandbox.xyz.net is the similiar example domain.
kubectl client version 1.23.6
helm client version 3.8.2 and add below repos as well :
istioctl : version: 1.15.0
eksctl : version: 0.121.0
AWS account and credentials with permissions to create EKS cluster.
AWS credentials in ~/.aws/
folder as given here.
Save ~/.kube/config
file with another name. (IMPORTANT. As in this process your existing ~/.kube/config
file will be overridden).
Save .pem
file from AWS console and store it in ~/.ssh/
folder. (Generate a new one if you do not have this key file).
Create a directory as mosip in your PC and
clone k8’s infra repo with tag : inside mosip directory.
git clone https://github.com/mosip/k8s-infra -b v1.2.0.1-B2
clone mosip-infra with tag : inside mosip directory
git clone https://github.com/mosip/mosip-infra -b v1.2.0.1-B2
Set below mentioned variables in bashrc
source .bashrc
Above mentioned environment variables will be used throughout the installation to move between one directory to other to run install scripts.
A Wireguard bastion host (Wireguard server) provides secure private channel to access MOSIP cluster. The host restricts public access, and enables access to only those clients who have their public key listed in Wireguard server. Wireguard listens on UDP port 51820.
Setup Wirguard VM and wireguard bastion server:
Create a Wireguard server VM in aws console with above mentioned Hardware and Network requirements.
Edit the security group and add the following inbound rules in aws console
type ‘custom TCP', port range ‘51820’ and source '’
type ‘custom UDP', port range ‘51820’ and source '’
Install docker in the Wireguard machine as given here.
Setup Wireguard server
SSH to wireguard VM
Create directory for storing wireguard config files.
mkdir -p wireguard/config
Install and start wireguard server using docker as given below:
* Increase the no of peers above in case needed more than 30 wireguard client confs. (-e PEERS=30
* Change the directory to be mounted to wireguard docker in case needed.
All your wireguard confs will be generated in the mounted directory. (-v /home/ubuntu/wireguard/config:/config
Setup Wireguard Client in your PC
Install Wireguard client in your PC.
Assign wireguard.conf
SSH to the wireguard server VM.
cd /home/ubuntu/wireguard/config
assign one of the PR for yourself and use the same from the PC to connect to the server.
create assigned.txt
file to assign the keep track of peer files allocated and update everytime some peer is allocated to someone.
Use ls
cmd to see the list of peers.
get inside your selected peer directory, and add mentioned changes in peer.conf:
cd peer1
nano peer1.conf
Delete the DNS IP.
Update the allowed IP's to subnets CIDR ip . e.g.
Share the updated peer.conf
with respective peer to connect to wireguard server from Personel PC.
add peer.conf
in your PC’s /etc/wireguard
directory as wg0.conf
start the wireguard client and check the status:
Once Connected to wireguard you should be now able to login using private ip’s.
Observation K8s Cluster setup
Setup rancher cluster,
cd $K8_ROOT/rancher/aws
Copy rancher.cluster.config.sample
to rancher.cluster.config
Review and update the below mentioned parameters of rancher.cluster.config
version: “1.24“
instance related details
update the details of the subnets to be used from vpc
eksctl create cluster -f rancher.cluster.config
Wait for the cluster creation to complete, generally it takes around 30 minutes to create or update cluster.
Once EKS K8 cluster is ready below mentioned output will be displayed in the console screen.
EKS cluster "my-cluster" in "region-code" region is ready
The config file for the new cluster will be created on ~/.kube/config
Make sure to backup and store the ~/.kube/config
with new name. e.g. ~/.kube/obs-cluster.config
Change file permission using below command:
chmod 400 ~/.kube/obs-cluster.config
properly so that you can access the cluster.
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/obs-cluster.config
Test cluster access:
kubect get nodes
Command will result in details of the nodes of the rancher cluster.
Once the rancher cluster is ready we need ingress and storage class to be set for other applications to be installed.
Nginx Ingress Controller : used for ingress in rancher cluster.
The above will automatically spawn an Internal AWS Network Load Balancer (L4).
Check the following on AWS console:
An NLB has been created. You may also see the DNS of NLB with
Obtain AWS TLS certificate as given here
Edit listner "443". Select "TLS".
Note, the target group name of listner 80. Set target group of 443 to target group of 80. Basically, we want TLS termination at the LB and it must forward HTTP traffic (not HTTPS) to port 80 of ingress controller. So
Input of LB: HTTPS
Output of LB: HTTP --> port 80 of ingress nginx controller
Enable "Proxy Protocol v2" in the target group settings
Make sure all subnets are selected in LB -->Description-->Edit subnets.
Check health check of target groups.
Remove listner 80 from LB as we will receive traffic only on 443.
Storage class setup:
Default storage class on EKS is gp2
. GP2
by default is in Delete
mode which means if PVC is deleted, the underlying storage PV is also deleted.
To enable volume expansion for the existing gp2
storage class, modify the YAML configuration by adding allowVolumeExpansion: true
to the gp2
storage class configuration.
kubectl edit sc gp2
: to edit the yaml configuration.
Create storage class gp2-retain
by running sc.yaml
for PV in Retain mode. Set the storage class as gp2-retain in case you want to retain PV.
we need the EBS driver for our storage class to work, follow the steps here to setup EBS driver.
Create the following domain names:
Rancher: rancher.xyz.net
Keycloak: keycloak.xyz.net
Point the above to internal ip address of the NLB. This assumes that you have a Wireguard Bastion Host has been installed. On AWS this is done on Route 53 console.
Rancher UI : Rancher provides full CRUD capability of creating and managing kubernetes cluster.
Install rancher using Helm, update hostname
in rancher-values.yaml
and run the following command to install.
Open Rancher page https://rancher.org.net
Get Bootstrap password using
Assign a password. IMPORTANT: makes sure this password is securely saved and retrievable by Admin.
Keycloak : Keycloak is an OAuth 2.0 compliant Identity Access Management (IAM) system used to manage the access to Rancher for cluster controls.
: Used to create SAML client on Keycloak for Rancher integration.
Keycloak - Rancher Integration
Login as admin
user in Keycloak and make sure an email id, and first name field is populated for admin
user. This is important for Rancher authentication as given below.
Enable authentication with Keycloak using the steps given here.
In Keycloak add another Mapper for the rancher client (in Master realm) with following fields:
Protocol: saml
Name: username
Mapper Type: User Property
Property: username
Friendly Name: username
SAML Attribute Name: username
SAML Attribute NameFormat: Basic
Specify the following mappings in Rancher's Authentication Keycloak form:
Display Name Field: givenName
User Name Field: email
UID Field: username
Entity ID Field: https://your-rancher-domain/v1-saml/keycloak/saml/metadata
Rancher API Host: https://your-rancher-domain
Groups Field: member
For users in Keycloak assign roles in Rancher - cluster and project roles. Under default
project add all the namespaces. Then, to a non-admin user you may provide Read-Only role (under projects).
If you want to create custom roles, you can follow the steps given here.
Add a member to cluster/project in Rancher:
Give member name exactly as username
in Keycloak
Assign appropriate role like Cluster Owner, Cluster Viewer etc.
You may create new role with fine grained acccess control.
Certificates expiry
In case you see certificate expiry message while adding users, on local cluster run these commands:
Setup mosip cluster
cd $K8_ROOT/mosip/aws
Copy cluster.config.sample
to mosip.cluster.config
Review and update the below mentioned parameters of cluster.config.sample
version: “1.24“
instance related details
update the details of the subnets to be used from vpc
eksctl create cluster -f mosip.cluster.config
Wait for the cluster creation to complete, generally it takes around 30 minutes to create or update cluster.
Once EKS K8 cluster is ready below mentioned output will be displayed in the console screen.
EKS cluster "my-cluster" in "region-code" region is ready
The config file for the new cluster will be created on ~/.kube/config
Make sure to backup and store the ~/.kube/config
with new name. e.g. ~/.kube/mosip-cluster.config
Change file permission using below command:
chmod 400 ~/.kube/mosip-cluster.config
properly so that you can access the cluster.
export KUBECONFIG=~/.kube/mosip-cluster.config
Test cluster access:
kubect get nodes
Command will result in details of the nodes of the MOSIP cluster.
Login as admin in Rancher console
Select Import Existing
for cluster addition.
Select the Generic
as cluster type to add.
Fill the Cluster Name
field with unique cluster name and select Create
You will get the kubectl commands to be executed in the kubernetes cluster. Copy the command and execute from your PC. (make sure your kube-config file is correctly set to Mosip cluster)
Wait for few seconds after executing the command for the cluster to get verified.
Your cluster is now added to the rancher management server.
Global configmap: Global configmap contains list of necesary details to be used throughout the namespaces of the cluster for common details.
cd $K8_ROOT/mosip
Copy global_configmap.yaml.sample
to global_configmap.yaml.
Update the domain names in global_configmap.yaml
and run.
kubectl apply -f global_configmap.yaml
Storage class setup:
Default storage class on EKS is gp2
. GP2
by default is in Delete
mode which means if PVC is deleted, the underlying storage PV is also deleted.
To enable volume expansion for the existing gp2
storage class, modify the YAML configuration by adding allowVolumeExpansion: true
to the gp2
storage class configuration.
kubectl edit sc gp2
: to edit the yaml configuration.
Create storage class gp2-retain
by running sc.yaml
for PV in Retain mode. Set the storage class as gp2-retain in case you want to retain PV.
we need the EBS driver for our storage class to work, follow the steps here to setup EBS driver.
also we need EFS CSI driver for the regproc services, because EBS driver only supports RWO but we need RWX, follow these steps to setup EFS CSI driver.
Ingress and load balancer (LB) :
Ingress is not installed by default on EKS. We use Istio ingress gateway controller to allow traffic in the cluster. Two channels are created - public and internal. See architecture.
Install istioctl as given here in your system.
Install ingresses as given here:
Load Balancers setup for istio-ingress.
The above istio installation will automatically spawn an Internal AWS Network Load Balancer (L4).
These may be also seen with
You may view them on AWS console in Loadbalancer section.
TLS termination is supposed to be on LB. So all our traffic coming to ingress controller shall be HTTP.
Obtain AWS TLS certificate as given here
Add the certificates and 443 access to the LB listener.
Update listener TCP->443 to TLS->443 and point to the certificate of domain name that belongs to your cluster.
Forward TLS->443 listner traffic to target group that corresponds to listener on port 80 of respective Loadbalancers. This is because after TLS termination the protocol is HTTP so we must point LB to HTTP port of ingress controller.
Update health check ports of LB target groups to node port corresponding to port 15021. You can see the node ports with
Enable Proxy Protocol v2 on target groups.
Make sure all subnets are included in Availability Zones for the LB. Description --> Availability Zones --> Edit Subnets
Make sure to delete the listeners for port 80 and 15021 from each of the loadbalancers as we restrict unsecured port 80 access over http.
DNS mapping:
Initially all the services will be accesible only over the internal channel.
Point all your domain names to internal LoadBalancers DNS/IP intially till testing is done.
On AWS this may be done on Route 53 console.
After Go live decision enable public access.
Check Overall if nginx and istio wiring is set correctly
Install httpbin: This utility docker returns http headers received inside the cluster. You may use it for general debugging - to check ingress, headers etc.
To see what's reaching httpbin (example, replace with your domain name):
Prometheus and Grafana and Alertmanager tools are used for cluster monitoring.
Select 'Monitoring' App from Rancher console -> Apps & Marketplaces.
In Helm options, open the YAML file and disable Nginx Ingress.
Click on Install
Alerting is part of cluster monitoring, where alert notifications are sent to the configured email or slack channel.
Monitoring should be deployed which includes deployment of prometheus, grafana and alertmanager.
Create slack incoming webhook.
After setting slack incoming webhook update slack_api_url
and slack_channel_name
in alertmanager.yml
cd $K8_ROOT/monitoring/alerting/
nano alertmanager.yml
Update Cluster_name
in patch-cluster-name.yaml
cd $K8_ROOT/monitoring/alerting/
nano patch-cluster-name.yaml
Install Default alerts along some of the defined custom alerts:
Alerting is Installed.
Mosip uses Rancher Fluentd and elasticsearch to collect logs from all services and reflect the same in Kibana Dashboard.
Install Rancher FluentD system : for screpping logs outs of all the microservices from Mosip k8 cluster.
Install Logging from Apps and marketplace within the Rancher UI.
Select Chart Version 100.1.3+up3.17.7
from Rancher console -> Apps & Marketplaces.
Configure Rancher FluentD
Create clusteroutput
kubectl apply -f clusteroutput-elasticsearch.yaml
start clusterFlow
kubectl apply -f clusterflow-elasticsearch.yaml
Install elasticsearch, kibana and Istio addons
cd $K8_ROOT/logging
set min_age
in elasticsearch-ilm-script.sh
and execute the same. min_age
: is the min no. of days for which indices will be stored in elasticsearch.
cd $K8_ROOT/logging
Mosip provides set of Kibana Dashboards for checking logs and throughputs .
Brief description of these dashboards are as follows:
01-logstash.ndjson contains the logstash
Index Pattern required by the rest of the dashboards.
02-error-only-logs.ndjson contains a Search dashboard which shows only the error logs of the services, called MOSIP Error Logs
03-service-logs.ndjson contains a Search dashboard which show all logs of a particular service, called MOSIP Service Logs
04-insight.ndjson contains dashboards which show insights into MOSIP processes, like the number of UINs generated (total and per hr), the number of Biometric deduplications processed, number of packets uploaded etc, called MOSIP Insight
05-response-time.ndjson contains dashboards which show how quickly different MOSIP Services are responding to different APIs, over time, called Response Time
Import dashboards:
cd K8_ROOT/logging/dashboard
./load_kibana_dashboards.sh ./dashboards <cluster-kube-config-file>
View dashbords
Open kibana dashboard from: https://kibana.sandbox.xyz.net
Kibana --> Menu (on top left) --> Dashboard --> Select the dashboard.
External Dependencies: are set of external requirements needed for funtioning of MOSIP’s core services like DB, object store, hsm etc.
Check detailed installation instruction of all the external componets.
Now that all the Kubernetes cluster and external dependencies are already installed, you can continue with MOSIP service deployment.
Check the detailed MOSIP Modules Deployment MOSIP Modular installation steps.
MOSIP’s successfull deployment can be verified by comparing the results of api testrig with testrig benchmark.
When prompted input the hour of the day to execute the api-testrig.
Daily api testrig cron jon will be executed at the very opted hour of the day.
MOSIP deployment is split into two distinct parts:
The server-side hardware estimates for the above are specified at a high level in terms of compute (Virtual CPU, RAM) and storage requirements. We provide estimates for MOSIP core modules only. External components are not in the scope. See Exclusions.
The variables that largely determine the hardware requirements are:
The population of the country
Rate of enrolment
Usage of foundation ID by various services
Refer to Pre-registration Resource Calculator XLS
Allow for 20% additional compute and storage for monitoring and any overheads.
The registration compute resources are related to the max rate of enrolment desired. The processing throughput must match the enrolment rate to avoid a pile-up of pending registration packets.
The data here is based on actual field data of a MOSIP deployment.
Rate of enrolment: 216000 per day
Average packet size: 2MB
Biometric modalities: Finger, iris, face
Pod replication as given here. (TBD)
Configuration of compute node: 12 VCPU, 64GB RAM, 64GB disk store.
Number of nodes: 21
Node disk (GB)
Storage is dependent on the population of a country (i.e. the number of UINs to be issued). Storage requirements for various types of data are listed below.
3200 GB/million packets/replication
Replication factor to be applied based on replication strategy
Postgres storage
30 GB/million packets
Includes all databases
Unprocessed packets X avg packet size
The size of landing zone depends on the estimated lag in packet processing and packet uploads. Once UINs are issued, the packets may be removed from the landing zone as a copy is already saved in Object Store
Logs (Elasticsearch)
80 GB/day
Logs maybe archived after, say, 2 weeks
Monitoring (Prometheus)
1.2 GB/day
Resource allocation is part of cluster node
Resource allocation depends on the deployment - standalone or part of cluster
Single VM with, RAM = Cache size * 1.5 VCPU = 4 to 16 depending on number of packets getting processed per min Hardware: Minimum
Cache size = Avg. packet size * No. of packets processed in a min * Packet to be stored in cache for X mins
Allow for 20% additional compute and storage for monitoring and any overheads.
Refer to IDA Resource Calculator XLS
Allow for 20% additional compute and storage for monitoring and any overheads.
The compute and storage estimates for the following components are not included:
Only storage estimated above.
Object store
Only storage estimated above.
Antvirus (AV)
Default scanner (ClamAV) in included, however, if you integrate your AV, the same needs to be estimated.
Load balancers
External IAM (for Rancher)
Disaster recovery(DR)
DR would significantly increase compute and storage requirements. It is expected that System Integrator works out the appropriate DR strategy and arrives at an estimate.
The following versioning conventions are followed for repos related to deployment:
branch == MOSIP release version == mosip-helm
is on main
Helm chart version ~= MOSIP release version but with following versioning convention:
MOSIP release version: w.x.y.z
. Example
Helm chart version: wx.y.z
. Example 12.0.1
(as Helm follows 3 digit versioning).
In case of develop
branch of mosip-helm
in Chart.yaml
points to next planned release version of MOSIP (as Helm does not allow version like develop
Docker image tag in values.yaml
of Helm chart == MOSIP release version.
Helm charts contain default compatible docker image tag.
field in Charts.yaml
is not used.
Helm chart version
field in
MOSIP release version
Version as . If a release is w.x.y
, it implies w.x.y.0
. Patch releases may have have 4 digits like w.x.y.z
Docker image tag
Version of MOSIP service/module published as docker on Docker Hub.
In V3 installation cluster can be administered by logging into organisation wide Rancher setup. Rancher is integrated with Keycloak for authentication. To provide cluster access to a user perform the following steps as administrator:
Login into organisation wide Keycloak e.g https://iam.xyz.net
. It is assumed that you have admin
role in Keycloak.
Create a new user.
Make sure a strong password is set for the same under Credentials tab.
On Details tab you should see Update Password flag under Required User Actions. This will prompt a user to change the password during first login. Disable the same only if you are sure you don't want user to change password.
Login to Rancher as administrator, e.g. https://rancher.xyz.net
Select a cluster for which you would like to enable access to the user.
Add the user as member of the cluster.
Assign a role, e.g Cluster Owner, Cluster Viewer.
A Wireguard bastion host (Wireguard server) provides secure private channel to access MOSIP cluster. The host restrics public access, and enables access to only those clients who have their public key listed in Wireguard server. Wireguard listens on UDP port51820.
Provision a Virtual Machine (VM) and make sure it has access to internal load balancer (refer Deployment Architecture. Recommended configuration of VM is 2 vCPU, 4 GB RAM, 16 GB storage. While this configuration should work for small scale deployments, it must be scaled up if the host becomes a bottleneck in high loads.
Install docker, and make sure you add $USER
to docker group:
Install Wireguard on the VM using Docker as given here. Sample config :
If you already have a config file you may mount it with -v <your host path>:/config
You may increase the number of peers keeping the above mounted folders intact, stopping the docker and running it again with -e PEERS=<number of peers>
Install a Wireguard app on your machine. For MacOS there is a Wireguard app on the App Store.
Enter the server docker and cd to /config
folder. Here you will find the config files for peers. You may add the corresponding peer.conf
file in client Wireguard config.
Make sure Endpoint
mentioned for the client is Wireguard bastion hosts' IP adddress.
Modify the Allowed IPs
of the client to private IP addresses for Internal Load Balancers of your clusters. Here, we assumed that all your clusters are running in the same VPC so that bastion host is able to reach all of them.
Below table lists various checks that must be performed before actual roll out of a deployment. This list is not exhaustive and it is expected that SIs use this as a reference and augment their own hardening procedures.
Change log level to INFO in application properties.
Disable registration processor External Stage if not required.
Reprocessor cronjob frequency and other settings
All cronjobs timings according to the country (check property files).
Disable '111111' default OTP.
Review idschema attribute names against names in Datashare policy and Auth policy for all partner (including IDA).
Review attributes specified in ida-zero-knowledge-unencrypted-credential-attributes
Review id-authentication-mapping.json` in config vis-a-vis attribute names in idschema
Kafka: disable option to delete a topic: (this is set while installing ).
Set up backup for Longhorn.
Backup of Postgres db.
Replication factor in Minio.
Cluster hardening
On-prem K8s cluster production configuration as given .
Archival of logs: Since logs data grows at a rapid pace, the data needs to be achived frequently. Set up an archival process.
Keycloak Realm connection timeout settings - review all.
Valid urls redirect in Keycloak - set specific urls.
Secure admin password
Access control
Multi-factor authentication for Rancher and Keycloak.
Review all Wireguard keys. Are all keys accounted for? Do the machines with Wireguard keys have sufficient protection - like firewalls, password/biometric login etc.
Are correct cluster roles assigned to users in Rancher? Is set properly?
Do the users of Rancher have strong passwords only known to them?
Is Rancher and Keycloak accessible only on Wireguard and not on public net?
Who holds the Keycloak Admin credentials? Are the credentials secure?
Any stray passwords lying on the disks?
Cluster setup
Increase the number of nodes in the cluster according to expected load.
Set rate control (throttling) parameters for PreReg.
Scripts to clean up processed packets in landing zone.
Review pod replication factors for all modules. E.g ClamAV.
Enable persistence in all modules. On cloud change the storage class from 'Delete' to 'Retain'. If you already have PV as 'Delete', you can edit the PV config and change it to 'Retain' (without having to change storage class).
Make sure storage class allows expansion of storage.
allowVolumeExpansion: true
Review size of persistent volumes and update.
Increase MinIO persistent volume size based on your estimations.
Review production settings of .