Release Name: Beta3
Release Version:
Support: Developer Release
Release Date: 14th April 2023
The Beta3 release of MOSIP is a patch release on top of the Long-Term Support (LTS) release 1.2.0. This patch release mainly contains all the fixes for bugs, security and performance given as part of the patch and additional integrations modification for the Inji and e-Signet.
Repository Released
Repositories | Tags Released |
mosip-mock-services | |
biosdk-service | |
biosdk-client | |
bio-util | |
partner-management-services | |
id-authentication | |
esignet | |
esignet-mock-services | |
Inji | |
tuvali | |
mimoto | |
resident-services | |
mosip-file-server | |
mosip-helm | |
mosip-infra | |
postgres-init | |
k8s-infra | |
mosip-config | |
artifactory-ref-impl | |
mosip-data | |
mosip-onboarding | |
mosip-functional-tests | |
mosip-automation-tests | |
converters |
For complete documentation, refer to 1.2.0 LTS documentation.
To read though the Test Reports, refer here.
Deployment documentation and scripts have been enhanced and are compliant with V3 architecture.
Developer documentation for all the repositories has been added for developers to set up in their local systems.
Last updated