IDA Data Seeder



MOSIP's IDA module is capable of running in a standalone mode to provide verification services. In a full fledged MOSIP installation the UIN's are issued as part of the Registration process and the demographic and biometric data (credentials) is handed over to IDA via Websub. (see credential issuance). However, for testing purposes it is highly desirable that one should be able to seed test data into IDA and perform successful verification without having to install the entire MOSIP lifecycle management process. This would be especially very useful for integration partners to test their integrations with MOSIP's verification. The partners can just upload their synthetic data - like UINs, demographics and even biometrics and call MOSIP Auth APIs to perform verification and obtain a Token ID. IDA Data Seeder is a Python utility to import such data into IDA.

In its current form, the utility is intended for testing purposes. DO NOT USE IN PRODUCTION!.

Future versions of the utility will provide capability to import non-MOSIP ID data of a country and use MOSIP's IDA.

Dependent services


  • Datashare service calls Key Manager APIs to perform data encryption

  • PMS service is required to onboard partner for performing Authentication for the imported data.

  • Websub is required to publish the onboarded partner details to IDA.

Source code

Available in Github here.



  • Clone the develop branch of repo:

  • Initialize virtualenv:

    python3 -m venv ~/.venv/ida-seeder
  • Install the python requirements:

    source ~/.venv/ida-seeder/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a new folder secrets-store under data_seeder folder. The folder is used to store the secrets required for the seeder.

  • Export uin_hash_salt table data from ID_REPO database from the environment and create a CSV file with only id & salt values. Example:

  • Edit the environment related details in config/config.toml file. Refer comments in config file to update the necessary values.

  • Data to be import should in a text file with a separator |. The column header names in the text file should match the ID Schema field names of the particular IDA installation. Column headers language, id and vid are mandatory.


Make sure you are have Wireguard running on your machine to connect to MOSIP.

python data_seeder/

Last updated