Steps to set up ABIS for testing
A partner can test their biometric ABIS’s with MOSIP’s Compliance Toolkit. In this document, we have provided the steps that can be followed by the partner to enable the ABIS testing.
The diagram below illustrates the CTK deployment architecture.
Test using a Mock ABIS
Below is a quick demonstration followed by steps to set up ABIS for testing.
Checkout MOSIP’s Mock Services from
. Make sure to checkout the code from develop branch.Go to
.For setting ABIS queue configuration, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Create
in the resources folder with the below details.
Step 2: Update the following details in
Step 3: Update the following details in
Step 4: Build the code with the command
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true -Dgpg.skip=true
If you are testing with newer queues, then you need to first create them manually in
active mq
After build is successful, place your ABIS jar in the
foldercreate a bat file to run
mock ABIS
is the installation folder path for the mosip-mock-service.
Once the mock ABIS service is running, check if the JAR is working using the Swagger available at URL:
In CTK ,for the ABIS project configure the below details:
Last updated