

CTK should be deployed with the required dockers.

  • compliance-toolkit-service: 1.0.0

  • compliance-toolkit-ui: 1.0.0

Dependent Service (dockers)

  • Artifactory: mosipid/artifactory-ref-impl:

  • Audit manager: mosipid/kernel-auditmanager-service:

  • Auth Manager: mosipid/kernel-authmanager:

  • Key Manager: modipid/kernel-keymanager-service:

  • Partner Management: mosipid/partner-management-service:

  • KeyCloak: mosipid/keycloak-init:

  • Postgres: mosipid/postgres-init:

  • Config Server: config-server: mosipid/config-server: 1.1.2

  • Notification Service: mosipid/kernel-notification-service:

  • ClamAV: clamav/clamav: latest

  • MinIO


  • Ensure that in the kernel-default.properties, the value of mosip-toolkit-client is set in auth.server.admin.allowed.audience.If this was not set by default, then set it and restart kernel-auth-service and compliance-toolkit-service.

  • Check if the roles given to mosip-pms-client should match with any of the roles for following config property.


    This config property is available in: https://github.com/mosip/mosip-config/blob/${ENV_NAME}/kernel-default.properties

    For Example:

    mosip.role.keymanager.postverifycertificatetrust=ZONAL_ADMIN, GLOBAL_ADMIN, PMS_ADMIN, PMS_USER

    Then mosip-pms-client should have any of the above roles.

  • Check that mosip-pms-client has the role REGISTRATION_PROCESSOR, PARTNER_ADMIN, PMS_ADMIN in Key Cloak.If this was not set by default, then set it and restart key manager and compliance-toolkit-service.

  • From the 1.0.0 version onwards, we need to generate an encryption key for CTK.

    • Create a new app id by directly inserting the below row.

          INSERT INTO keymgr.key_policy_def(app_id, key_validity_duration, is_active,pre_expire_days, 
          access_allowed, cr_by, cr_dtimes, upd_by, upd_dtimes, is_deleted, del_dtimes)
          VALUES ('COMPLIANCE_TOOLKIT', 1095, true, 60, 'NA', 'mosipadmin', '2022-11-28 09:00:40.822625', 
          null, null, false, null);
    • Get the client token using auth manager swagger by calling endpoint.


      	"id": "string",
      	"version": "string",
      	"requesttime": "2022-12-22T07:13:35.010Z",
      	"metadata": {},
      	"request": {
      		"clientId": " mosip-pms-client ",
      		"secretKey": " XXXXXX ",
      		"appId": " regproc "
    • Use generateMasterKey endpoint to generate module-level certificate.

    • Directly download the certificate via key manager swagger getCertificate with App Id as COMPLIANCE_TOOLKIT and Ref Id as COMP-FIR.

    • This certificate is to be used by SBI devices as the encryption key.

    • For Mock MDS, when running in Auth mode, update the below values in the application.properties file.


    • You must communicate to the vendors to download the new encryption key from UI and give us an updated SBI which uses this encryption key.

    • It can be downloaded for Auth SBI projects from UI.

Steps to load testdata and schemas

1. Browse to mosip-compliance-toolkit.

2. The resources folder would contain schemas, test data and test cases that need to be added to MinIO and DB.

Steps to upload resources to MinIO

1. Log in to MinIO from the browser.

2. Create a compliance-toolkit bucket.

3. Create a new folder named testdata in the above bucket and upload all test data zip files from the resources folder to this folder.

4. Create a new folder named schemas in the above bucket and upload all sbi and sdk schemas, test case schema from the resources folder to this folder.

Note: There is no need to upload compliance_test_definitions_sbi.json and compliance_test_definitions_sdk.json.

5. Restart the pods after adding new files in MinIO.

Steps to upload resources to MinIO using Swagger

1. Using Keycloak, create a new user for the compliance toolkit.

2. Make sure to add the email ID. Also, give the user GLOBAL_ADMIN.

3. Log in to the compliance toolkit in your environment with above the Keycloak user.

4. Open the swagger.

5. Go to uploadResourceFile the endpoint in ResourceManagementController.

6. Select any one of the types which are mentioned in swagger and version (SBI or SDK).

7. Upload the schema and test data files from the resources folder in the project.

8. You can see the uploaded schema and test data files in the MinIO dev environment.

Steps to upload test cases to the Database

1. Open swagger and go to saveTestCases in test-cases-controller.

2. Open the resources folder in the project.

3. compliance_test_definitions_sbi.json file has all the test cases in it.

4. Copy the test cases array from this file and prepare a request as shown below.

5. Request body for saveTestCases request.

    "version": "1.0",
    "requesttime": "2022-10-29T06:06:51.174Z",
    "metadata": null,
    "request": {
        "testCases": [
                        <Paste the testcases here>

9. The same should be done for compliance_test_definitions_sdk.json.

Last updated

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