
In today's fast-paced, interconnected world, ensuring seamless access to essential services—such as healthcare, financial inclusion, global mobility, and social support—has never been more critical. The need for trusted identity authentication and secure data exchange is at the heart of accessing these services. Traditionally, individuals have relied on multiple physical identification documents and certificates to prove their eligibility for various rights and services. However, managing physical documents is cumbersome and exposes individuals to risks of loss, fraud, and inefficiencies. Additionally, millions of people remain excluded from the formal economy due to an outdated reliance on paper-based credentials that cannot be verified digitally.

To address this, Inji offers a transformative solution – enabling the secure issuance, digitalization, storage, exchange and seamless verification of trusted data as verifiable credentials, through a comprehensive set of tools. By shifting away from physical documents to a digital-first approach, Inji simplifies the process, enhances security, and empowers a digital economy. With Inji, individuals can experience a future where accessing essential services is as simple as a few clicks, reducing the complexity of juggling numerous physical documents while maintaining the highest level of trust and security.

For a quick overview of Inji, which primarily includes Inji Wallet, Inji Verify and the Inji Certify as key components, you can watch the video titled "Inji Stack End To End Use Case Demonstration". This video provides a visual walkthrough of the key features and showcases how all modules interact through a persona-based demonstration, highlighting its real-world application. Head to the section titled “What Does Inji Include” for a comprehensive overview of how Inji functions, explaining how each component operates independently, while maintaining the interoperability necessary for seamless and secure credential verification.

Introducing Inji: Enabling User-Centric Digital Credentialing

Inji, meaning "knowing" or "recognizance" in Korean, is evolving into a comprehensive digital credential stack with a strong focus on user empowerment. Inji simplifies the management and verification of credentials by providing secure solutions that work across multiple interfaces. It aims to streamline the process of creating, sharing, and verifying all types of digital and physical credentials by offering:

  • Secure Issuance of Verifiable Credentials: Credentials are issued in both digital and physical formats, ensuring they are cryptographically secure and easy to share.

  • User-Centric Credential Management: Inji empowers individuals by providing them with tools to securely manage and share their credentials.

  • Simplified Instant Verification: It offers utilities that verify the authenticity of credentials, making the process efficient and user-friendly.

  • Interoperability: By adhering to global standards like the Verifiable Credentials Data Model (W3C VC) and OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (OI4VCI), Inji facilitates seamless interactions across government, social, and private sectors.

What Does Inji Include?

Inji provides a complete solution for issuing, managing and exchanging trusted data as verifiable credentials across its entire lifecycle. Key components include:

  • Inji Certify: Converting data to trustworthy credentials, it enables trusted issuers to create, sign, issue, and bind credentials, in multiple formats.

  • Inji Wallet: Making data trustworthy and portable, it consists of two main interfaces that cater to diverse user needs:

    • Inji Mobile: A secure, decentralized mobile wallet that enables users to download, manage, share, and verify verifiable credentials directly from their smartphones. This mobile-first approach provides a seamless, trustworthy way to handle credentials on the go.

    • Inji Web: A user-friendly web interface that complements the mobile application, allowing individuals without access to smartphones, to manage their credentials through a browser. It provides features to download, print, store, and share credentials physically, ensuring broad accessibility across different platforms.

  • Inji Verify: Enabling exchange of trusted data with service providers, it is an essential tool to verify the authenticity of shared credentials.

  • Inji Infra: Supports functionalities like revocation, ledger management, status checks, and federation for verifiable credentials.

  • Inji Govern: Offers a governance framework to define policies, schemas, and assurance mechanisms, ensuring the security and trustworthiness of the ecosystem.

In summary, Inji provides a comprehensive solution that ensures all credential interactions - from issuance to verification - are secure, efficient, and aligned with global standards. This fosters high levels of trust at a low cost, supporting the development of a trusted digital economy. By bridging the gap between traditional and digital systems, Inji establishes a foundation for inclusive, secure, and transparent frameworks, paving the way for a more accessible and digital future for all, thereby ensuring widespread access to essential services.

Last updated

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