
Sequence Diagram

Understanding the workflow:

Scan flow:

  • The user sends a scan request to the Inji verify portal.

  • Inji verify portal sends a scan request to the Device camera.

  • The user will be prompted to ask for Device camera permissions.

  • The user grants camera permissions.

    • The user scans the QR code using the device camera, and the QR data is returned to the Inji Verify portal.

    • Inji Verify passes the QR data to the Pixel Pass SDK.

    • The Pixel Pass SDK returns the decoded data to Inji Verify.

      • Inji Verify then passes the decoded data to the Verification SDK for verification.

      • The status is returned to the Inji Verify portal from the Verification SDK.

      • Inji Verify retrieves the display properties of the credential from the issuer’s well-known configuration.

      • Finally, Inji Verify displays the credential details using the fetched display properties.

    • The pixel-pass library fails to decode the data

      • Inji verify goes back to the home screen and displays the QR code format not supported error

  • The user denies the camera permissions and the Camera permissions denied screen appears on the Inji verify portal

Upload QR flow:

  • The user uploads a file with a QR Code.

  • Inji Verify passes the QR data to the Pixel Pass SDK.

  • The Pixel Pass SDK returns the decoded data to Inji Verify.

    • Inji Verify then passes the decoded data to the Verification SDK for verification.

    • The status is returned to the Inji Verify portal from the Verification SDK.

    • Inji Verify retrieves the display properties of the credential from the issuer’s well-known configuration.

    • Finally, Inji Verify displays the credential details using the fetched display properties.

  • However, if Pixel Pass fails to decode the data:

    • Inji Verify navigates back to the home screen and displays the "QR code format not supported" error.

Additional Features:

  • The Pixel Pass library now supports decoding CBOR QR codes and can provide details of verifiable credential (VC) data.

  • Inji Verify can now handle the display of expired credentials, in addition to valid and invalid credential displays, using the same verification and display processes.

Note: To understand the Inji Verify components in detail please refer to the topic Components under Technical Overview section.

Last updated

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