Version 0.11.0-Inji
Release Name: Inji 0.11.0-Inji
Support: Developer Release
Release Date: 29th March, 2024
We are excited to announce the release of Inji Version 0.11.0 . This release is compatible with v0.11.0 Mimoto release. As part of 0.11.0, Inji introduces below mentioned key features:
VC download using KBI
Data backup and restore
Improved UI / UX
In the recent past, Inji Wallet app had undergone GenderMag analysis which addresses gender / inclusivity bias in software. In this release, we have incorporated GenderMag features for UI / UX in inclusivity space.
To know more about the GenderMag UI/UX changes in the application, please refer here.
Please find below the details for the Inji Version 0.11.0 release:
VC download using KBI method
Inji Wallet has proven capability to integrate with any credential issuer supporting OpenID protocol and issues Verifiable Credentials (VCs) based on OpenID4VCI standards. To demonstrate the implementation of VC download using KBI (Knowledge Based Identification), Inji Wallet when integrated with eSignet 1.4.0, can connect with any issuer preferring KBI-based identification.
To know more about, KBI, refer here.
Data backup and restore
Inji Wallet currently offers data backup and restore functionality using Google Drive for Android and iCloud for iOS to safely store residents' Verifiable Credentials(VCs) on resident's preferred cloud platform. This ensures security and accessibility. Resident can also easily restore backed up information as required, and thereby enabling seamless user experience whether the resident uses Android or iOS.
The GenderMag Method is a process and also a set of materials helpful in investigating gender biases during resident's problem-solving experiences with software. Gendermag adheres to Human Computer Interaction (HCI) principles and thereby factor in gender differences interaction with software. As part of GenderMag walkthrough, we have identified inclusivity bugs with respect to UI / UX in Inji Wallet. Version 0.11.0 includes UI / UX changes for P1 items.
Repository Released
Known Issues
Redmi devices are not supported in this release. To know more, refer here.
Mentioned below is the list of other known issues.
Bug Fixes
Last updated