End User Guide

This document serves as a concise guide for end users, providing comprehensive step-by-step information on the features and functionalities offered by Inji Web.

Download of National ID VC as PDF

To download a National ID VC using eSignet as authentication layer (OTP method), please follow the below mentioned steps:

Step1: Launch the Inji Web application in your web browser.

Step2: Search for an issuer by name in Search box.

Step3: In the Home page, from the section, List of Issuers section, click on issuers' tile to land in Credential Types selection page.

Step4: Click on a Credential Type tile and authenticate in the eSignet page by providing the required details.

Note: All the fields are mandatory.

Step5: Credential is downloaded in the background and PDF will be generated and stored in the Downloads folder of the system.

Step6: Upon successful PDF generation, user can view the PDF of the downloaded VC (National ID).

Download of Insurance ID VC as PDF

To download a Insurance ID VC using eSignet as authentication layer (KBI method), please follow the below mentioned steps:

Step1: Launch the Inji Web application in your web browser.

Step2: Search for an issuer by name in Search box.

Step3: In the Home page, from the section, List of Issuers section, click on issuers' tile to land in Credential Types selection page.

Step4: In the Credentials Types selection page, choose a credential type from the List of Credentials section or Search for a credential type in the search box.

Step5: Click on a Credential Type tile and authenticate in the eSignet page by providing the required details.

Note: All the fields are mandatory.

Step5: Credential is downloaded in the background and PDF will be generated and stored in the Downloads folder of the system.

Step6: Upon successful PDF generation, user can view the PDF of the downloaded VC (Insurance ID).


Help section can be accessed from any page of the application. You can find some FAQs as mentioned here.

Language Selection

Users can choose a different language from the options listed. Inji Web supports 3 International Language (English, French and Arabic) and 3 Indian Languages (Tamil, Hindi and Kannada).

Step1: Click on the dropdown next to the English.

Responsive Views

Inji Web is now responsive supporting a wide range of devices (Smartphones & Tablets) for the ease of use. Let's look at how the interface looks on a phone and a tablet.

Mobile devices

Tablet devices

Last updated

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