Masterdata Guide
Masterdata is the necessary base data to run MOSIP services. The data resides in mosip_master
database. This data needs to be customized for a country specific deployment.
Populating masterdata
Masterdata may be uploaded in the following manner:
One-time bulk upload:
Default masterdata (for sandbox installation): Using Helm chart. The default data uploaded during sandbox installation is available in mosip-data.
Country specific data: Using Python scripts.
Updates: Updates to tables may be done using the Admin Portal.
Creating country specific data
The tables that need to be modified for country specific data are listed below. Other tables in mosip_master
DB are either system-filled or pre-filled and not to be modified.
Common guidelines
Copy Excel files from mosip-data to a folder.
For all tables listed below modify
and add corresponding rows for your configured languages.Modify the files for your deployment as per guide below.
Upload first time using scripts given here.
Subsequently, update data ONLY using Admin Portal.
Tables to be updated
Last updated