Commons Developers Guide


Commons module provides a bedrock to build and run services by providing several significant necessary technical operations. It contains common functionalities which are used by more than one module.

Below is a list of tools required in Commons:

  1. JDK 11

  2. Any IDE (like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA)

  3. Apache Maven (zip folder)

  4. PostgreSQL

  5. Any DB client (like DBeaver, pgAdmin)

  6. Postman (any HTTP Client)

  7. Git

  8. Any Editor (like Vscode, Notepad++ etc optional)

  9. lombok.jar (jar file)

  10. settings.xml (document)

Software setup

  1. Download lombok.jar and settings.xml.

  2. Unzip Apache Maven and move settings.xml to "conf" folder <apache maven unzip path>\conf.

  3. Install Eclipse, open the lombok.jar file and then click Install/Update.

  1. Check the Eclipse installation folder to see if the lombok.jar is added.

  2. Configure the JDK (Standard VM) with your Eclipse by traversing through Preferences → Java → Installed JREs.

Source code setup

For the code setup, clone the repository and follow the guidelines mentioned in the Code Contributions.

Importing and building

  1. Open the project folder where pom.xml is present.

  2. Open the command prompt from the same folder.

  3. Run the command mvn clean install -Dgpg.skip=true -DskipTests=true to build the project.

  4. After building, open Eclipse and select Import Projects → Maven → Existing Maven Projects → Next → Browse to project directory → Finish.

  5. After successful importing of project, update the project by right-click on Project → Maven → Update Project.

Environment setup

  1. Download Auth adapter and add to project Libraries → Classpath → Add External JARs → Select Downloaded JAR → Add → Apply and Close.

  2. Refer Commons-DB-deploy to deploy local DB.

  3. For integration with any of our environments, do reach out to our team.

  4. Commons uses two property files, kernel-default and application-default, configure them accordingly. For instance

  • Update property to update SMTP host.

  • Secrets can be encrypted using config server.

  • Update Url's in property files.(It can be either pointed to any remotely or locally deployed services).

  1. Download kernel-config-server.jar. For windows download config-server-start.bat, linux users can run java -jar{mosip-config-mt_folder_path}/config {jarName} .

  2. Run the server by opening the config-server-start.bat file.

  1. To verify the config-server, hit the below URL http://localhost:51000/config/{}/{}/{} for instance http://localhost:51000/config/kernel/env/master.

Initialization and utilization of module

  1. Commons repo consists of two types of project- REST services and libraries.

  2. Every REST service consist of file in src/main/resources.

  3. Below properties needed to be modified in order to connect to the config server:<config server uri><branch of config repo>
  4. Services can be run using Run As -> Spring Boot App/Java Application.

  5. Libraries are not meant to be run alone they are projects used by commons as well as other modules of mosip to perform commons operations.

  6. For API documentation, refer here.

  7. The API's can be tried with the help of Swagger-UI and Postman.

  8. Swagger-UI of services can be accessed from (https/http)://(<domain>/<host>:<port>)/<context-path>/swagger-ui/index.html?configUrl=<contect-path>/v3/api-docs/swagger-config for instance

  9. Context-path of services is present in file in src/main/resources of every service.

  10. The API's can be tried using Postman. URLs and Body structures can be found in Swagger or curl command can be copied and imported in Postman.

Last updated

Copyright © 2021 MOSIP. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-4.0) International License unless otherwise noted.

#300: Mock Services -1st draft

Change request updated