Manual Adjudication and Verification

  • When biometric duplicates are found in ABIS, the MOSIP system sends a request for manual adjudication to the Manual Adjudication System via a queue.

  • The system integrator can build the Manual Adjudication System, which would be listening to the MOSIP-to-ManualAdjudication queue for any manual adjudication requests and sends a response back in the ManualAdjudication-to-MOSIP system after verifying the data.

  • The data sent to the Manual Adjudication System is driven by a policy defined in MOSIP and the specification is similar to ABIS identify request.

The manual adjudication stage in registration processor performs the following functions:

  • Sends the applicant's demographic and biometric information (via queue + Datashare) to Manual Adjudication System (MAS).

  • Receives decision from MAS and accordingly forwards the packets.

  • If rejected, notifies the applicant.

Manual Adjudication request to Queue is as follows:

  "id": "mosip.manual.adjudication.adjudicate",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requestId": "987654321-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF",
  "requesttime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "referenceId": "27847657360002520181208123456",
  "referenceURL": "<datashare url for regid>",
  "gallery": {
    "referenceIds": [
        "referenceId": "27847657360002520181208123451",
        "referenceURL": "<data share for matchedRegId>"
        "referenceId": "27847657360002520181208123452",
        "referenceURL": "<data share for matchedRegId>"
    "addtional": [
        "abisId": "<abis app code>",
        "response": "<abis response text received>"

Request parameters

requestId: request_id that is associated with each request present in reg_manual_verification table.

referenceId: reg_id that is associated with each request present in reg_manual_verification table.

referenceURL: Datashare url of biometrics, demographics(identity), audits, metainfo, documents of reg_id

gallery: contains the matched ref_id and referenceURL of matched ref_id.

Sample request

  "id": "mosip.manual.adjudication.adjudicate",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requestId": "4d4f27d3-ec73-41c4-a384-bf87fce4969e",
  "referenceId": "10002100741000320210107125533",
  "requesttime": "2021-01-19T07:16:22.930Z",
  "referenceURL": "http://datashare-service/v1/datashare/get/mpolicy-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudicationmpolicy-default-adjudication202011110619201EpLEjvD",
  "addtional": null,
  "gallery": {
    "referenceIds": [
        "referenceId": "10002100741000120210107111325",
        "referenceURL": "http://datashare-service/v1/datashare/get/mpolicy-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudicationmpolicy-default-adjudication202137493575474iefnvvsD"

Manual adjudication response structure from MAS

  "id": "mosip.manual.adjudication.adjudicate",
  "requestId": "987654321-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "returnValue": "1",
  "candidateList": {
    "count": "1",
    "candidates": [
        "referenceId": "27847657360002520181208123451",
        "analytics": {
          //This section is optional 
          "primaryOperatorID": "110011",
          "primaryOperatorComments": "<comments provided by operator>",
          "secondaryOperatorID": "110012",
          "secondaryOperatorComments": "<comments provided by operator>",
          "key1": "value1",
          "key2": "value2"
    "analytics": {
      // This section is optional
      "key1": "value1",
      "key2": "value2"

Response parameters

returnValue: 1-Success, 2-Failure

candidateList: It contains matched candidate referenceIds, count and analytics.

Scenario: No match

Response structure- Not Matched (No Duplicate Profile found)

  "id": "mosip.manual.adjudication.adjudicate",
  "requestId": "c278b2f1-29f7-4d1a-9fa7-e93e3f932816",
  "responsetime": "2022-09-23T06:31:31.7456782+00:00",
  "returnValue": "1",
  "candidateList": {
    "count": "0",
    "candidates": [],
    "analytics": null

Scenario: There are matches

Response structure

  "id": "mosip.manual.adjudication.adjudicate",
  "requestId": "58d5bb0e-e65e-4907-b452-81edbfd3ae46",
  "responsetime": "2022-09-23T06:33:11.9869624+00:00",
  "returnValue": "1",
  "candidateList": {
    "count": "1",
    "candidates": [
        "referenceId": "10001100010000620220923053704",
        "analytics": {
          "primaryOperatorID": "admin",
          "primaryOperatorComments": "MATCHED",
          "Face": "F",
          "Finger": "Right_Thumb,Right_Index,Right_Middle,Right_Ring,Right_Little,Left_Thumb,Left_Index,Left_Middle,Left_Ring,Left_Little",
          "Iris": "Right_Iris,Left_Iris"
    "analytics": null

Datashare structure

Datashare contains biometrics, identity documents, metainfo, audits related to particular rid and the datashare URL contains encrypted form of this data.

Note: Datashare encryption using partner key and decryption in MAS is using private key of that partner.

Sample Request URL

GET https://datashare-service/v1/datashare/get/mpolicy-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudicationmpolicy-default-adjudication202011110619201EpLEjvD

Sample Encrypted Response

The structure of the encrypted data downloaded from referenceURL in MOSIP 1.2.0 or later versions. The data downloaded would be URL-safe base64 encoded. Hence, after decoding the data will be in the below format. It will be divided into two parts after splitting using #KEY_SPLITTER#.

Encrypted Key DataKEY_SPLITTEREncrypted Actual Data

Block 1


Block 2

Block 1:

Block 1, i.e. the encrypted key data is again split into three parts, • The 1st part is VER_BYTES (version bytes). The Current version constant is set as VER_R2 and this is present in the first 6 bytes of Block 1.

• The 2nd part is the Certificate Thumbprint i.e. the key identifier which is present in the next 32 bytes after VER_BYTES.

• The 3rd part is the Encrypted Random AES Key, encrypted with the RSA OAEP - SHA256-MFG1. This constitutes the remaining 256 bytes of Block 1.

Block 2:

Block 2, i.e. the encrypted actual data is again split into two parts,

• The 1st part is the random 32 bytes which will be used as AAD in AES encryption (first 32 bytes). From this 32 bytes AAD data, the first 12 bytes is IV/Nonce.

• The 2nd part is the encrypted data which is encrypted using AES GCM PKCS5Padding.

The structure of the encrypted data downloaded from referenceURL in MOSIP or prior versions.

The data downloaded would be base64 encoded. Hence, after decoding the data will be in the below format. It will be divided into two parts after splitting using #KEY_SPLITTER#.

Encrypted Key DataKEY_SPLITTEREncrypted Actual Data

Block 1


Block 2

Block 1:

Block 1, i.e. the encrypted key data is again split into two parts,

  • The first part is the Certificate Thumbprint i.e. the key identifier which is the first 32 bytes in Block 1.

  • The second part is the Encrypted Random AES Key which is encrypted with RSA OAEP - SHA256-MFG1. This constitutes the remaining 256 bytes of Block 1.

Block 2:

Block 2, i.e. the encrypted actual data is again split into two parts,

  • The 1st part is the Encrypted data, encrypted using AES GCM PKCS5Padding.

  • The 2nd part is IV/Nonce i.e. the last 32 bytes appended after encrypted data.

Sample response in case of Authentication Failure

  "id": null,
 "version": null,
  "responsetime": "2021-02-05T06:29:48.257Z",
 "metadata": null,
 "response": null,
 "errors": [
      "errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
      "message": "Authentication Failed"

Possible Error Codes and messages from Datashare URL

Error CodeError Message


File does not exist or File is empty


Data share not found


Data share usage expired


Authentication failed



Policy structure

partner Id: mpartner-default-adjudication policy Id: mpolicy-default-adjudication

  "shareableAttributes": [
      "attributeName": "biometrics",
      "group": "CBEFF",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "registration-client/NEW/individualBiometrics",
          "filter": [
              "type": "Iris"
          "attribute": "CNIE/verification/biometrics",
          "filter": [
              "type": "Finger"
          "attribute": "CNIE/verification/biometrics",
          "filter": [
              "type": "Face"
      "encrypted": true,
      "format": "extraction"
      "attributeName": "fullName",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "fullName"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "dateOfBirth",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "dateOfBirth"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "gender",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "gender"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "phone",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "phone"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "email",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "email"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "addressLine1",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "addressLine1"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "addressLine2",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "addressLine2"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "addressLine3",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "addressLine3"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "region",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "region"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "province",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "province"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "city",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "city"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "postalCode",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "postalCode"
      "encrypted": true
  "dataSharePolicies": {
    "typeOfShare": "Data Share",
    "validForInMinutes": "30",
    "transactionsAllowed": "100000",
    "encryptionType": "none",
    "shareDomain": "datashare.datashare",
    "source": "Packet Manager"

Configuration used in Manual adjudication


In, the possible Error codes are as follows:

Error CodeError Message


manual verification failed


Registration Id should not empty or null


No matched reference id found for given RID


Manual adjudication failed


Registration Id should not empty or null


TablenotAccessibleException in Manual verification


Manual verification rejected


Manual verification resend to queue




This stage is applicable only if required biometrics are not present in the packet as per country configuration.

  • Sends applicant's demographic documents (via Queue + Datashare) to external Verification System (VS).

  • Receives decision from VS and accordingly forwards the packets.

  • If rejected, notifies the applicant.

Verification request to Queue is as follows:

  "id": "mosip.verification.adjudicate",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requestId": "987654321-89AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF",
  "requesttime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "referenceId": "27847657360002520181208123456",
  "referenceURL": "<datashare url for regid>",
    "addtional": [
        "abisId": "<abis app code>",
        "response": "<abis response text received>"

requestId: verification_request_id that is associated with each request present in reg_verification table.

referenceId: reg_id that is associated with each request present in reg_verification table.

referenceURL: Datashare URL of biometrics, demographics(identity) ,audits, metainfo, documents of reg_id .

Sample request

  "id": " mosip.verification.adjudicate ",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requestId": "4d4f27d3-ec73-41c4-a384-bf87fce4969e",
  "referenceId": "10002100741000320210107125533",
  "requesttime": "2021-01-19T07:16:22.930Z",
  "referenceURL": "http://datashare-service/v1/datashare/get/mpolicy-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudicationmpolicy-default-adjudication202011110619201EpLEjvD",
  "addtional": null,

Sample Response

  "id": " mosip.verification.adjudicate ",
  "requestId": "4d4f27d3-ec73-41c4-a384-bf87fce4969e",
  "responsetime": "2021-01-19T13:16:22.930Z",
  "returnValue": "1"

Response parameters

returnValue: 1-success, 2-failure

Datashare structure

Datashare contains biometrics, identity, documents, metainfo, audits related to particular rid and datashare URL contains encrypted form of this data.

Note: Datashare encryption using partner key and decryption in MAS is using private key of that partner.

Sample request URL

GET https://datashare-service/v1/datashare/get/mpolicy-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudication/mpartner-default-adjudicationmpolicy-default-adjudication202011110619201EpLEjvD

Sample Encrypted Response

The structure of the encrypted data downloaded from referenceURL in MOSIP 1.2.0 or later versions. The data downloaded would be URL-safe base64 encoded. Hence, after decoding the data will be in the below format. It will be divided into two parts after splitting using #KEY_SPLITTER#.

Encrypted Key DataKEY_SPLITTEREncrypted Actual Data

Block 1


Block 2

Block 1:

Block 1, i.e. the encrypted key data is again split into three parts, • The 1st part is VER_BYTES (version bytes). The Current version constant is set as VER_R2 and this is present in the first 6 bytes of Block 1.

• The 2nd part is the Certificate Thumbprint i.e. the key identifier which is present in the next 32 bytes after VER_BYTES.

• The 3rd part is the Encrypted Random AES Key, encrypted with the RSA OAEP - SHA256-MFG1. This constitutes the remaining 256 bytes of Block 1.

Block 2:

Block 2, i.e. the encrypted actual data is again split into two parts,

• The 1st part is the random 32 bytes which will be used as AAD in AES encryption (first 32 bytes). From this 32 bytes AAD data, the first 12 bytes is IV/Nonce.

• The 2nd part is the encrypted data which is encrypted using AES GCM PKCS5Padding.

The structure of the encrypted data downloaded from referenceURL in MOSIP or prior versions.

The data downloaded would be base64 encoded. Hence, after decoding the data will be in the below format. It will be divided into two parts after splitting using #KEY_SPLITTER#.

Encrypted Key DataKEY_SPLITTEREncrypted Actual Data

Block 1


Block 2

Block 1:

Block 1, i.e. the encrypted key data is again split into two parts,

  • The first part is the Certificate Thumbprint i.e. the key identifier which is the first 32 bytes in Block 1.

  • The second part is the Encrypted Random AES Key which is encrypted with RSA OAEP - SHA256-MFG1. This constitutes the remaining 256 bytes of Block 1.

Block 2:

Block 2, i.e. the encrypted actual data is again split into two parts,

  • The 1st part is the Encrypted data, encrypted using AES GCM PKCS5Padding.

  • The 2nd part is IV/Nonce i.e. the last 32 bytes appended after encrypted data.

Sample Response in case of Authentication Failure

  "id": null,
 "version": null,
  "responsetime": "2021-02-05T06:29:48.257Z",
 "metadata": null,
 "response": null,
 "errors": [
      "errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
      "message": "Authentication Failed"

Possible Error codes and Messages from Datashare URL

Error CodeError Message


File does not exists or File is empty


Data share not found


Data share usage expired


Authentication Failed



Policy structure

partner Id: mpartner-default-adjudication policy Id: mpolicy-default-adjudication

  "shareableAttributes": [
      "attributeName": "biometrics",
      "group": "CBEFF",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "registration-client/NEW/individualBiometrics",
          "filter": [
              "type": "Iris"
          "attribute": "CNIE/verification/biometrics",
          "filter": [
              "type": "Finger"
          "attribute": "CNIE/verification/biometrics",
          "filter": [
              "type": "Face"
      "encrypted": true,
      "format": "extraction"
      "attributeName": "fullName",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "fullName"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "dateOfBirth",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "dateOfBirth"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "gender",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "gender"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "phone",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "phone"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "email",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "email"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "addressLine1",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "addressLine1"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "addressLine2",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "addressLine2"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "addressLine3",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "addressLine3"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "region",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "region"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "province",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "province"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "city",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "city"
      "encrypted": true
      "attributeName": "postalCode",
      "source": [
          "attribute": "postalCode"
      "encrypted": true
  "dataSharePolicies": {
    "typeOfShare": "Data Share",
    "validForInMinutes": "30",
    "transactionsAllowed": "100000",
    "encryptionType": "none",
    "shareDomain": "datashare.datashare",
    "source": "Packet Manager"

Configuration used in Verification


Error Codes

Error CodeError Message


No Assigned Record Found


Multiple rids found for a reference id


TablenotAccessibleException in Manual verification


Verification failed


Resend for verification


Reg Id should not be null or empty


Manual verification rejected

Last updated

Copyright © 2021 MOSIP. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-4.0) International License unless otherwise noted.

#300: Mock Services -1st draft

Change request updated