🗳️Collab Environment Setup Guides

Hello Partner! Ready to delve deeper into the world of MOSIP? This expanded guide sheds light on the functionalities and benefits of each service and module available in the Collab environment. Explore, test, and build with confidence!

Let us dive deeper into MOSIP Collab: Services and Modules in detail.


The Collab environment in MOSIP offers a collaborative platform for partners and stakeholders to thoroughly test and validate their integrations, modules and services. This environment is exclusively designed for partners and contributors involved in developing solutions on the MOSIP platform, enabling them to perform comprehensive testing and seamless integration of their solutions with the latest platform code. To gain access to this environment, kindly click here.


This guide has been created to offer a step-by-step overview of the fundamental procedures that as a partner, you must adhere to, in order to begin working with the Collab environment. By carefully following the setup and configuration process, which is outlined module by module within this guide, you will be able to effortlessly access the Collab environment, establish the necessary modules or services, and effectively demonstrate the application features as relevant.


Before starting with the Collab environment, please ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • UIN Credential (Unique Identification Number) - Issuance of UIN as a demo credential will allow you to explore MOSIP's capabilities and experience seamless identity management firsthand. Provide your details in this UIN generation form, and we'll generate demo credentials that will enable you to navigate through different modules.

  • MOCK SMPT - A mock SMTP server is a simulated email server used for testing and development purposes. In MOSIP, it is installed as part of the default installation and is utilized to mimic the behavior of a real SMTP server, allowing developers to test email functionality and interactions without sending actual emails. To setup a mock SMTP server for the message gateway during V3 installation, click here.

Let’s Get Started!

Step 1: Access the Collab Environment

  • Open your web browser and navigate to the Collab environment URL: MOSIP Collab.

  • In the Collab environment, click on the specific module/ service that you want to access as a contributor.

Step 2: Follow the module-specific guide to integrate with/ test the preferred application

  • In MOSIP's Collab environment, the following components and services are available.

  • Navigate to the specific module you are looking to test and follow the corresponding guide for a step-by-step overview of the setup process involved.


Pre-registration - Optimize the Journey

Why wait to register at the centers?

  • Pre-registration is a MOSIP module that allows residents to pre-register themselves by providing demographic data, upload documents, and book appointments, before official registration at the registration center, thereby optimizing the enrollment process. To learn more about pre-registration click here.

  • For the end-to-end process on how to set up the Pre-registration in the Collab environment, click on Pre-registration Setup Guide.

  • For details on how to use the application, refer to our end user guide.

Registration Client - Efficient Enrollments

  • Registering residents quickly and accurately is crucial.

  • The Registration Client application in MOSIP enables agents to efficiently register residents by capturing their demographic and biometric data, in addition to managing tasks like onboarding, data synchronization, software upgrades, and packet management. To know more about the installation and pre-requisites for the same, click here.

  • For the end-to-end process on how to set up the Registration client in the Collab environment, click here.

  • For details on how to use the application, refer to our user guide.

Resident Services - Empowering Users

  • Imagine residents managing their identities with ease and convenience!

  • Residents take center stage with the Resident Services module. This reference self-service portal empowers them to manage their Unique Identification Number (UIN), check their registration status, download documents, and access other essential services.

  • This web-based UI application provides residents of a country the services related to managing their Unique Identification Number (UIN).To learn more about Resident Services, click here.

  • For the end-to-end process of how to run Resident Services in our Collab env, click here.

Admin Portal - Master Data Management

  • Behind the scenes, the Admin Portal empowers administrative personnel. This web-based platform helps manage master data, configure system settings, track user activity, and perform crucial operational tasks. Maintaining data accuracy and optimizing platform efficiency necessitates a robust administrative infrastructure, and the Admin Portal fulfills this role effectively.

  • To learn more about the Admin Portal, click here. Admin portal access in Collab is limited, contact the community forum for specific module needs.

  • For details on how to use the application, refer to our end user guide.

Partner Management - Trust Made Easy

  • MOSIP thrives on collaboration, and the Partner Management Portal facilitates it. This module handles partner onboarding and manages policy configurations, between partners and the platform. Building solutions together has never been easier! To learn more, click here.

  • MOSIP's Partner management services (PMS) module streamlines partner onboarding, policy management, and data sharing. It comprises of Partner Management and Policy Management Services, providing essential support for effective collaboration within MOSIP.

  • For the end-to-end process of how to run Partner Management in our collab environment, click here.

  • For details on how to use the application, refer to our end user guide.

Inji - Your Mobile Identity Wallet

  • Imagine carrying all your IDs and credentials on your phone – securely and conveniently! Inji makes it a reality. This mobile wallet and authenticator stores various government-issued IDs, certificates, and even private credentials. Offline identity verification through selfies adds another layer of convenience and security. To learn more about Inji, click here.

  • For the end-to-end process of how to run Inji in our Collab environment, click here.

  • For details on how to use the application, refer to our end user guide.

eSignet - Simple and Secure Online Authentication:

  • Signing-in online shouldn't be a hassle now. e-Signet simplifies online authentication by allowing users to identify themselves and share profile information with just a few clicks. Secure and user-friendly, e-signet streamlines online interactions and protects user privacy. To learn more about e-signet, click here.

  • For the end-to-end process of how to run e-Signet in our Collab environment, click here.

  • For details on how to use the application, refer to our end user guide.


ActiveMQ - Smooth Communication Flow:

Imagine components talking seamlessly– that's ActiveMQ! This messaging broker facilitates asynchronous data exchange between different modules, ensuring smooth data transfers and efficient communication within the platform. Whether it's data updates, event notifications, or message relays, ActiveMQ keeps information flowing. To learn more, click here.

  • For details on how to use the service, refer here.

Keycloak - Secure Access always!

  • Identity management gets top priority with Keycloak. It acts as the gatekeeper, authenticating users and managing access control. Only authorized users with the right permissions can access specific modules and functionalities, upholding the platform's security and integrity. It plays a crucial role in maintaining the security and integrity of the platform by managing user identities, access controls, and user sessions. To learn more, click here.

  • On how to use the key manager services with key stores like Hardware Security Module (HSM) and mosip_keymgr DB.

  • Keycloak access in Collab is limited, contact the community forum for specific module needs or alternative auth methods.

Kibana - Visualize Your Insights

  • Data without understanding is just numbers. Enter Kibana – your key to insightful visualization! This powerful tool transforms system metrics and logs into interactive dashboards and charts, revealing trends, patterns, and valuable information about platform performance and data flow. Monitor system health, identify potential issues, and make informed decisions with data clarity. In MOSIP, Kibana dashboards are utilized to monitor and analyze system metrics, logs, and performance data. To learn more, click here.

  • The dashboards give a visual display of metrics and important data to track the status of various pre and post-enrollment processes. To get all the necessary information to effectively navigate and set up Kibana click here.

  • For step-by-step instructions on how to access and configure the Kibana dashboard in your V3 installation, please click the following link: Accessing and Configuring Kibana Dashboard - V3 Installation Guide.

MinIO - Store It Securely and Scalably

  • Think of MinIO as your secure and reliable storage vault. It handles diverse data types like documents, images, and files, guaranteeing their safekeeping and easy access. MinIO scales effortlessly to accommodate your growing data needs, ensuring a robust and flexible storage solution. In MOSIP, MinIO is used to store various types of data, such as documents, images, and files, providing a reliable and efficient storage solution. To learn more, click here.

  • For MinIO installation for the object store, click here.

Kafka - Decoupled Data Exchange:

  • In MOSIP, Kafka acts as the information highway of the platform. It enables real-time data exchange between modules in a decoupled manner, meaning they don't need to be directly connected. This ensures efficient communication, fault tolerance, and scalability, even with a multitude of modules interacting.

  • It's purpose is to provide a scalable, reliable, and fault-tolerant way to transmit data and events in a decoupled manner, ensuring efficient communication and data synchronization across various parts of the system. To know more, click here.

  • To check the details on how to set up Kafka for V3 installation click here.

Mock MDS/SBI Services - Testing Made Real:

  • Need a testing ground for real-world scenarios? Mock MDS and SBI services come to the rescue! These simulated versions of the Master Data Store and Secure Biometric Interface replicate their functionalities without affecting actual data. Develop, test, and integrate your solutions with confidence, knowing you're working with realistic simulations.

  • Mock MDS (Mock Master Data Store) is a simulated version of the Master Data Store used for testing and development purposes. It replicates the behavior of the actual Master Data Store but doesn't store data persistently. Mock MDS is used to mimic the interactions with the Master Data Store during testing and development, allowing developers to verify the functionality of different modules without affecting the real data. To learn more, click here.

  • SBI (Secure Biometric Interface) in MOSIP ensures secure and reliable integration of biometric data for identity verification and authentication. SBI ensures secure storage and retrieval of biometric data, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of identity-related operations. To learn more, click here.

  • To run Mock MDS/SBI in registration mode in the Collab environment, click here.

Step 3: Testing and Validation

Once the setup and configuration is completed, you should proceed with testing and validation activities to ensure the smooth functioning of the modules or services. The testing process may include:

  • Performing end-to-end tests for the integrated modules or services.

  • Validating data exchange and interoperability between different components.

  • Verifying the compliance of the modules or services with the specified requirements and standards.

Step 4: Get-in-touch : Report issues and seek support

If you need any help or come across any problems during the testing and integration process, please feel free to contact us using the support system provided below.

Continuous communication and collaboration between the MOSIP team and the community will aid successful integrations and also help resolve issues if any, within the Collab environment.

We thank you for your ongoing support and look forward to building MOSIP together!

Last updated

Copyright © 2021 MOSIP. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-4.0) International License unless otherwise noted.

#300: Mock Services -1st draft

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