Developer Guide

The documentation here will guide you through the pre-requisites and the other necessary details required for Android Registration Client developer setup.

The android-registration-client repository contains the Android Registration Client software for MOSIP. The feature-flutter branch focuses on integrating Flutter into the client.


To set up the Android Registration Client with Flutter and Android Studio, follow the steps below:


Step 1: Clone the Repository

The feature-flutter branch of android-reg-client is currently being actively developed. If you wish to access this branch, you can clone the repository by executing the following command in your terminal. Alternatively, you can download one of the releases available in the repository's release section.

git clone -b feature-flutter

Active Branches:

Step 2: Set up Flutter in Android Studio

  1. To begin, launch Android Studio.

  2. Next, select Open an existing Android Studio project and navigate to the cloned repository.

  3. Open the android-registration-client directory as a project in Android Studio.

  4. In order to integrate Flutter with Android Studio, install the Flutter plugin by accessing File > Settings > Plugins and searching for Flutter. Proceed to click on Install to install the plugin.

  5. To ensure proper functionality, configure the Flutter SDK path by navigating to File > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Flutter and specifying the Flutter SDK path as the location where you have installed Flutter.

  6. Finally, save the changes by clicking on the "Apply" button.

Customising the Registration Client

  • Styling of the application can be configured by modifying these files lib/utils/app_style.dart, lib/utils/app_config.dart

  • Application language bundles can be added to this path lib/l10n.

  • Label and application logo can be changed here android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml

Step 3: Build and Run the Application

  • The file consists of the necessary commands for downloading dependencies and generating Flutter - Android native communication code. Please execute the file or execute the commands within the file separately.

  • Ensure you have connected an Android device or initiated an Android emulator.

  • Open the terminal within Android Studio or use an external terminal.

  • Navigate to the android-registration-client directory.

  • Run the following command in order to build and execute the application:

flutter run

Step 4: Build, debug and release APK

Excecute the commands below to debug and release the APK

// Debug APK
flutter build apk --debug

// Release APK
flutter build apk --release

Set up Mock MDS for Biometric Scan

The Mock MDS tool can be utilized to simulate the functionalities of biometric devices. The Mock MDS application is compliant with CTK standards and can serve as a substitute for Android SBI modules during testing and validation.

  1. Install the Mock MDS application.

  2. Access the Settings menu.

  3. Under Device Configuration, choose Registration from the dropdown menu.

  4. In P12 Configuration:

    • Enter the necessary credentials for the Device Key and upload the Device P12 file.

    • Enter the required credentials for the FTM Key and upload the FTM P12 file.

    • Complete all fields in MOSIP IDA Configuration.

  5. In Modality Configuration, specify the quality score for Face, Finger, and Iris scans(these values can also be adjusted during testing).

  6. Click on the Save button.

  7. Go back to the Home Page and select LOAD AND VALIDATE CERTIFICATES.

A toast message will be displayed indicating the success of the validation process.

Note: To view the released version of the Mock SBI APK, click here.

To download the Mock SBI APK, click on


If you would like to contribute to the Android Registration Client, please follow the guidelines outlined here.


The Android Registration Client is licensed under the MIT License.


If you encounter any issues or have any questions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.


Last updated

Copyright © 2021 MOSIP. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-4.0) International License unless otherwise noted.

#300: Mock Services -1st draft

Change request updated