Version 0.9.0

Release Name: Inji 0.9.0 (Beta)

Release Date: 14th April, 2023


The 0.9.0 version of Inji Wallet is the beta release which covers essential features such as Downloading and sharing the VC, Wallet binding, face authentication on resident' phone, etc.

Features Covered

The basic features such as,

  • Biometric Unlock

  • Passcode Unlock

  • VC download with VID

  • Renaming VC / Edit tag for VID

  • Normal VC sharing with VID

  • Online and Offine mode sharing

  • Face Auth on Resident's phone with VID

  • Multi-language support

  • Wallet binding

  • QR code Login

  • Logout

are available as part of this release.


Last updated

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