Version DP1

Release Name: Inji vDP1

Upgrade From: Inji 0.9.1 (Patch)

Support: Developer Preview Release1

Release Date: 28th September, 2023


The developer preview version of Inji Wallet is the release on top of Inji 0.9.1. Key highlights of the release are:

  • Enhanced UI

  • Additional functional flows in Inji

  • Internal enhancements

  • Bug fixes


Below is the detailed summary of the release.

Change in UI implementation

  • New UI for Inji Wallet:

    • This redesign promises an enriched user experience.

    • Introduction sliders have been introduced.

    • Helpful FAQ screens are provided.

    • VC pinning is now available.

      • Currently, the pinning feature supports a single VC.

    • Easy VC removal from Inji Wallet.

    • Improved audit log filtering based on VC.

Change in functional implementation

  • Branding the App as Inji Wallet:

    • We've rebranded the application, transitioning from Resident App to the more streamlined and recognisable Inji Wallet.

  • Ability to Choose Language During App Setup:

    • Inji Wallet app users can configure the application in six distinct languages:

      • English

      • Filipino

      • Arabic

      • Hindi

      • Kannada

      • Tamil

  • Warning When Device Storage is Beyond the Threshold:

    • Inji Wallet now offers customisable storage limits:

      • For VC downloads, the threshold is set to 5MB. When the device's remaining storage space falls below this limit, Inji Wallet displays a warning message. However, users can still continue to verify and share VCs.

      • For Inji Wallet audit logs, the threshold is set to 1MB. Once the device reaches this limit, Inji users will be restricted to viewing VCs, unable to perform additional actions.

  • Traceability with Unique ID for Customer Support:

    • We've implemented a unique identification called as an Application ID for customer support interactions. Each support request is now assigned a traceable and distinct ID, allowing our support teams to efficiently track, manage, and resolve customer issues.

Internal improvements

  • Improved Bluetooth State and Permission Handling:

    • We have refined the management of Bluetooth states and permissions.

  • Removed Google Nearby Implementation:

    • We've transitioned to using Tuvali for Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) communication, enhancing the connectivity experience.

  • Encrypted VC’s Metadata:

    • We now calculate and securely store an encrypted HASH (HMAC SHA256) of the VC's metadata key in the database, bolstering data security.

Bug fixes

Repository Released


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