ID Generator


MOSIP's ID Generator Service generates randomised unique IDs for a given length of the ID. MOSIP uses the cryptographically safe SecureRandom algorithm to generate UINs (Unique Identification Numbers) with high randomness. A checksum is added using the Verhoeff Algorithm to validate the UIN/VID. Generated UINs are filtered against predefined patterns as outlined below, to eliminate easily identifiable numbers and prevent repetitions or sequences. The random number seed is refreshed every 45 minutes or as configured via in minutes.

This service is used to generate various IDs like UIN and VID.

UIN Generation Filters

The UIN should follow the following filters and constraints:

  • Only integers with length, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.length configuration.

  • Minimum pregenerated UINs that should be available, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.min-unused-threshold configuration. If not available then the next batch of generation would start.

  • Number of UINs to generate, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.uins-to-generate configuration.

  • Upper bound of number of digits in sequence allowed in id, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.length.sequence-limit configuration. For example if limit is 3, then 12 is allowed but 123 is not allowed in id (in both ascending and descending order).

  • Number of digits in repeating block allowed in id, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.length.repeating-block-limit configuration. For example if limit is 2, then 4xxx4 is allowed but 48xxx48 is not allowed in id (x is any digit).

  • Lower bound of number of digits allowed in between two repeating digits in id, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.length.repeating-limit configuration. For example if limit is 2, then 11 and 1x1 is not allowed in id (x is any digit).

  • Number of digits to check for reverse digits group limit, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.length.reverse-digits-limit configuration. For example if limit is 5 and UIN is 4345665434, then first 5 digits will be 43456, reverse 65434.

  • Number of digits to check for digits group limit in id, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.length.digits-limit configuration. For example if limit is 5 and UIN is 4345643456, then 5 digits group will be 43456.

  • Number of even adjacent digits limit in id, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.length.conjugative-even-digits-limit configuration. For example, if limit is 3 then any 3 even adjacent digits is not allowed.

  • List of restricted numbers with , seperation as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.restricted-numbers configuration.

  • List of numbers that should not be the starting digits in the id. Its a , separated list, as specified in mosip.kernel.uin.not-start-with configuration. For example, the number should not contain '0' or '1' as the first digit.

  • No alphanumeric characters allowed.

  • No cyclic numbers as mentioned below are allowed. "142857", "0588235294117647", "052631578947368421", "0434782608695652173913", "0344827586206896551724137931", "0212765957446808510638297872340425531914893617", "0169491525423728813559322033898305084745762711864406779661", "016393442622950819672131147540983606557377049180327868852459", "010309278350515463917525773195876288659793814432989690721649484536082474226804123711340206185567".

Note: Significant thought has been invested in the above design to ensure the generated numbers are both random and secure. We strongly recommend retaining the stated values to maintain the integrity and security of the same.

The source code of the ID Generator Service may be found here.

Number of Unique IDs

The above logic reduces the space of the total number of IDs possible. As it is difficult to represent the above logic with a mathematical formula, we provide a statistical estimate of the total number of unique IDs as below:

Length of ID
Estimated Unique IDs


164 million


1.6 billion


15.7 billion

The following code was used for this estimate.

You are encouraged to find any lacunae in this code!

# Number of unqiue ID estimator
# N = number of digits in the ID
import random

N = 12
def estimate_uins(sample_size=1000000):
    # Define digits and even digits
    digits = list(range(N))
    even_digits = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
    odd_digits = set(digits) - even_digits

    # First digit cannot be '0' or '1'
    first_digits = list(range(2, 10))

    # Counters for total samples and valid UINs
    total_samples = 0
    valid_uins = 0

    for _ in range(sample_size):
        total_samples += 1
        seq = []

        # Generate the first digit
        first_digit = random.choice(first_digits)

        # Initialize variables for constraints
        consecutive_even_count = 1 if first_digit in even_digits else 0
        inc_seq_count = 1
        dec_seq_count = 1
        prev_digit = first_digit
        prev_prev_digit = None
        is_valid = True  # Flag to check if the sequence remains valid

        # Generate digits for positions 2 to N-1 (indexes 1 to 8)
        for position in range(1, N-1):
            # Possible digits excluding the previous digit to avoid adjacent repeats
            possible_digits = [d for d in digits if d != prev_digit]

            if not possible_digits:
                is_valid = False
                break  # No digits available, sequence invalid

            next_digit = random.choice(possible_digits)

            # Constraint: No three even adjacent digits
            if next_digit in even_digits:
                consecutive_even_count += 1
                if consecutive_even_count >= 3:
                    is_valid = False
                consecutive_even_count = 0

            # Constraint: No sequential numbers for 3 or more digits
            if prev_prev_digit is not None:
                if prev_prev_digit + 1 == prev_digit and prev_digit + 1 == next_digit:
                    is_valid = False  # Increasing sequence detected
                if prev_prev_digit - 1 == prev_digit and prev_digit - 1 == next_digit:
                    is_valid = False  # Decreasing sequence detected

            # Constraint: No repeated blocks of numbers for 2 or more digits
            # Check for immediate repetition of any block size from 2 up to half of the sequence so far
            repeated_block = False
            max_block_size = (position + 1) // 2
            for block_size in range(2, max_block_size + 1):
                if seq[-block_size:] == seq[-2*block_size:-block_size]:
                    repeated_block = True
            if repeated_block:
                is_valid = False

            # Update sequence and variables for next iteration
            prev_prev_digit = prev_digit
            prev_digit = next_digit

        if not is_valid:
            continue  # Sequence invalid, skip to next sample

        # After generating the N-1 digit sequence, check the constraints involving the entire sequence

        # Constraint: First 5 digits should be different from last 5 digits
        first_five = seq[:5]
        last_five = seq[4:]
        if first_five == last_five:
            continue  # Invalid sequence

        # Constraint: First 5 digits should be different from the reverse of the last 5 digits
        if first_five == last_five[::-1]:
            continue  # Invalid sequence

        # Constraint: Should not be formed by repeating the first two digits five times
        if seq[:2] * 5 == seq:
            continue  # Invalid sequence

        # If all constraints are satisfied, increment the valid UINs counter
        valid_uins += 1

    # Estimate the total number of valid UINs
    total_possible_sequences = 8 * (9 ** (N-2))  # First digit has 8 options, next 8 digits have 9 options each
    estimated_total_valid_uins = (valid_uins / total_samples) * total_possible_sequences

    print(f"Total samples generated: {total_samples}")
    print(f"Valid UINs found: {valid_uins}")
    print(f"Estimated total valid UINs: {int(estimated_total_valid_uins)}")

# Call the function with a sample size (e.g., 1,000,000)

Last updated

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