This page contains detail about the Device Provider Management API's.
Device Providers
POST /deviceprovider (Private)
This service creates a device service provider in the device provider table as well as a record in the device provider history table.
Resource URL
POST https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/deviceprovider
Resource details
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.deviceprovider.create",
"metadata": {},
"request": {
"address": "Address of Test Vendor",
"certificateAlias": "Test",
"contactNumber": "9663175928",
"email": "",
"isActive": true,
"vendorName": "Test Vendor"
"requesttime": "2020-02-06T09:13:59.522Z",
"version": "1.0"
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.deviceprovider.create",
"version": "1.0",
"responsetime": "2020-02-06T09:13:59.522Z",
"metadata": null,
"response": {
"id": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"vendorName": "Test Vendor",
"address": "Address of Test Vendor",
"email": "",
"contactNumber": "9663175928",
"certificateAlias": "Test",
"isActive": true,
"createdBy": "110006",
"updatedBy": null,
"isDeleted": null
"errors": []
Response code: 200
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.deviceprovider.create",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-06T09:13:59.522Z",
"errors": [{
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response": null
Response code: 200
Failure details
PUT /deviceprovider
This service updates a device service provider in the device provider table as well as creates a record in the device provider history table.
Resource URL
PUT https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/deviceprovider
Resource details
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.deviceprovider.update",
"metadata": {},
"request": {
"address": "New Address of Test Vendor",
"certificateAlias": "changed",
"contactNumber": "9000000000",
"email": "",
"id": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"isActive": true,
"vendorName": "Test Vendor"
"requesttime": "2020-02-10T09:13:59.522Z",
"version": "1.0"
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.deviceprovider.update",
"version": "1.0",
"responsetime": "2020-02-10T09:13:59.522Z",
"metadata": null,
"response": {
"id": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"vendorName": "Test Vendor",
"address": "New Address of Test Vendor",
"email": "",
"contactNumber": "9000000000",
"certificateAlias": "changed",
"isActive": true,
"createdBy": "110006",
"updatedBy": "110005",
"isDeleted": null,
"errors": []
Response code: 200
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.deviceprovider.update",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-10T09:13:59.522Z",
"errors": [{
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response" : null
Response code: 200
Failure details
Foundational Trust Providers
POST /foundationaltrustprovider
This service creates a foundational trust provider.
Resource URL
POST https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/foundationaltrustprovider
Resource details
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.foundationaltrustprovider.create",
"metadata": {},
"request": {
"name": "FTP 1",
"address": "Address of FTP 1",
"email": "",
"contactNo": "9876543210",
"certAlias": "Test",
"isActive": true
"requesttime": "2020-02-06T09:13:59.522Z",
"version": "1.0"
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.foundationaltrustprovider.create",
"version": "1.0",
"responsetime": "2020-02-06T09:13:59.522Z",
"metadata": null,
"response": {
"id": "83cdb6ea-6e62-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
"name": "FTP 1",
"address": "Address of FTP 1",
"email": "",
"contactNo": "9876543210",
"certAlias": "Test",
"isActive": true,
"createdBy": "110006",
"createdDateTime": "2020-02-06T09:13:59.522Z",
"updatedBy": null,
"updatedDateTime": null,
"isDeleted": null,
"deletedDateTime": null
"errors": null
Response code: 200
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.foundationaltrustprovider.create",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-06T09:13:59.522Z",
"errors": [{
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response": null
Response code: 200
Failure details
PUT /foundationaltrustprovider
This service updates a foundational trust provider in the foundational trust provider table as well as creates a record in the foundational trust provider history table.
Resource URL
PUT https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/foundationaltrustprovider
Resource details
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.foundationaltrustprovider.update",
"metadata": {},
"request": {
"active": true,
"id": "83cdb6ea-6e62-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
"name": "FTP 1",
"address": "Address of FTP 1",
"email": "",
"contactNo": "9876543210",
"certAlias": "Change",
"isActive": true
"requesttime": "2020-02-10T09:13:59.522Z",
"version": "1.0"
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.foundationaltrustprovider.update",
"version": "1.0",
"responsetime": "2020-02-10T09:13:59.522Z",
"metadata": null,
"response": {
"id": "83cdb6ea-6e62-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003",
"name": "FTP 1",
"address": "Address of FTP 1",
"email": "",
"contactNo": "9876543210",
"certAlias": "Change",
"isActive": true,
"createdBy": "110006",
"createdDateTime": "2020-02-06T09:13:59.522Z",
"updatedBy": "110005",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-02-10T09:13:59.522Z",
"isDeleted": null,
"deletedDateTime": null
"errors": null
Response code: 200
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.foundationaltrustprovider.update",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-10T09:13:59.522Z",
"errors": [{
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response": null
Response code: 200
Failure details
POST /registereddevices
This service registers a device in MOSIP as well as creates a history record.
Resource URL
POST https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/registereddevices
Resource details
Note: Device data contains the device details in Base64 encoded format.
Parameters for device registration API
Request for device registration API**
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.create",
"metadata": {},
"request": {
"requesttime": "2020-02-16T09:13:59.522Z",
"version": "v1"
Note: Device data contains the device id, purpose, device info, and foundational trust provider id
Device Data
Parameters for device data
If purpose is AUTH , we will auto-generate the code. If purpose is REGISTRATION, device ID will be populated as device code.
Decoded JSON for device data
Copy {
"deviceId": "70959dd5-e45f-438a-9ff8-9b263908e572",
"purpose": "AUTH",
"deviceInfo": {
"deviceSubId": "1",
"certification": "L0",
"firmware": "firmware",
"deviceExpiry": "2021-02-16T12:50:42.196Z",
"timeStamp": "2020-02-16T12:50:42.208Z"
"foundationalTrustProviderId": "83cdb6ea-6e62-11ea-bc55-0242ac130003"
Device Info
Parameters for device info
Device Info extracted from decode device data JSON
Copy "deviceInfo": {
"deviceSubId": "1",
"certification": "L0",
"firmware": "firmware",
"deviceExpiry": "2021-02-16T12:50:42.196Z",
"timeStamp": "2020-02-16T12:50:42.208Z"
Digital ID
Digital Id will be encoded.
Parameters for digital ID
Decoded JSON for digital ID
Copy {
"serialNo": "1801160992",
"deviceProvider": "Test Vendor",
"deviceProviderId": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"make": "MC01A",
"model": "TVSFD",
"dateTime": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z",
"type": "Fingerprint",
"deviceSubType": "Single"
Success Response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.create",
"version": "1.0",
"responsetime": "2020-01-13T07:25:29.764Z",
"metadata": null,
"errors": null
Response code: 200
We have added a layer of validation here. We expect the the request to receive within "5 mins" from the time mentioned in "timeStamp" field of Device Info. The time "+5 mins" is configurable using the below property.
Property: masterdata.registerdevice.timestamp.validate=+5
If any request comes after 5 mins, then we would throw an exception.
Signed Response
The response received is grouped into three parts as Header, Payload and Signature which is in JWT (Java Web Token) format.
Encoded Header:
Decoded Header:
Copy {
"alg": "RS256",
"type": "JWS"
Encoded Payload:
Decoded Payload:
Copy {
"status": "REGISTERED",
"deviceCode": "8cd42864-2cdc-4067-8d11-40b25ff8c760",
"env": "local",
"timeStamp": "2020-01-13T12:55:29.918Z"
Digital ID extracted from payload will be unsigned and will be base64 encoded. Encoded digital ID:
Decoded Digital ID:
Copy {
"serialNo": "1801160992",
"deviceProvider": "Test Vendor",
"deviceProviderId": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"make": "MC01A",
"model": "TVSFD",
"dateTime": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z",
"type": "Fingerprint",
"deviceSubType": "Single"
Signed Response
Signed response from signature API:
Copy dkd3Mlo2TStDT2JpM1lHY2Q1OFNJRkJ6T0E5bFZ6dUFlZnN3NHhQZzEzWE42LzAvWVZ6Qm0yNnpmZXFPRXdmWHNKQUN4aC9QNExuM2RHcjhSR2diZjEvRXgwNktCOEhhbEM1VjhPMFh4VGxmK3ZSZFlJeTZhbFh0cS8rY0s0VjRSYUpHYjVDL2kweHdzMFF3bHh0UEo4cFIvbnVrb1d5dzNNTmRDSkNZaVlGSkxVUUpKbnhyaEtYR3dvM1ZlcVNkaEYrMStjS1ZpSzFWSlQ5OHFsMjFhTUp0MGd4Wko1Rzg5V0lSbi9yTnU1Slg1N0c0dnNya1JhN3JEUURsNDI5dEdkT3RYYVJYK3dOb0FESmI5V0psOFlLOW5hUFkyNExkZ3FkOXRydEw2VUoyaTc5ek1Qclk0cjhIQWFQaXlxc0REQmRPVFdhanN5VmhOODFuU0JCQ0tBPT0=
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.create",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z",
"errors": [{
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response": null
Response code: 200
Failure details
DELETE /deregister/{deviceCode}
This service deregisters a device from the platform and also created a history record for the device.
Resource URL
DELETE https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/registereddevices/deregister/{deviceCode}
Resource details
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.delete",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z",
"errors": null,
"response": {
"status": "success",
"message": "Device de-register successfully"
Response code: 200
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.delete",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z",
"errors": [{
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response": null
Response code: 200
PUT /registereddevices/status
This service updates status of the device. The history is persisted
Resource URL
PUT /registereddevices/status?devicecode='70959dd5-e45f-438a-9ff8-9b263908e572'&status='REVOKED'
Resource details
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.update",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z",
"errors": null,
"response": {
"status": "success",
"message": "Device de-register successfully"
Response code: 200
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.update",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z",
"errors": [{
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response": null
Response code: 200
Failure details
POST /deviceprovidermanagement/validate
This service will validate the device details from the list of registered devices.
Resource URL
POST https://{base_url}/masterdata/deviceprovidermanagement/validate
Resource details
Request Parameters
If timestamp is provided, then validate device using history data If purpose is provided, then validate purpose of device
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.validate",
"metadata": null,
"request": {
"deviceCode": "70959dd5-e45f-438a-9ff8-9b263908e572",
"deviceServiceVersion": "TestSwVersion1",
"timestamp": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z"
"purpose": "AUTH"
"digitalId": {
"serialNo": "1801160992",
"make": "MC01A",
"model": "TVSFD",
"type": "Fingerprint",
"deviceSubType": "Single",
"dp": "Test Vendor",
"dpId": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"dateTime": "2020-02-16T07:20:42.195Z"
"version": "1.0",
"requesttime": "2020-02-16T16:34:22.890Z"
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.validate",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-16T06:12:52.994Z",
"errors": null,
"response": [
"status": "Valid",
"message": "Device details validated successfully"
Response code: 200
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.device.validate",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-16T06:12:52.994Z",
"errors": [
"errorCode": "KER-MSD-500",
"message": "Internal Server Error"
"response": null
Response code: 200
Failure details
POST /mosipdeviceservice
This service will create the MDS which are used in the MOSIP platform.
Resource URL
POST https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/mosipdeviceservice
Resource details
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.mds.create",
"metadata": {},
"request": {
"deviceProviderId": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"isActive": true,
"make": "MC01A",
"model": "TVSFD",
"regDeviceSubCode": "Single",
"regDeviceTypeCode": "Finger",
"swBinaryHash": "Test Hash",
"swCreateDateTime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"swExpiryDateTime": "2021-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"swVersion": "TestSwVersion1"
"requesttime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"version": "1.0"
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.mds.create",
"version": "1.0",
"responsetime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"metadata": null,
"response": {
"isActive": true,
"createdBy": "110006",
"createdDateTime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"updatedBy": null,
"updatedDateTime": null,
"isDeleted": null,
"deletedDateTime": null,
"id": "0f343b65-aba2-44d2-b836-e7511270b1ab",
"swVersion": "TestSwVersion1",
"deviceProviderId": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"regDeviceTypeCode": "Finger",
"regDeviceSubCode": "Single",
"make": "MC01A",
"model": "TVSFD",
"swCreateDateTime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"swExpiryDateTime": "2021-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"swBinaryHash": "Test Hash"
"errors": null
Response code: 200
Failure response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.mds.create",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"errors": [
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response": null
Response code: 200
Failure details
PUT /mosipdeviceservice
This service will update the MDS which are used in the MOSIP platform.
Resource URL
PUT https://{base_url}/v1/masterdata/mosipdeviceservice
Resource details
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.mds.update",
"metadata": {},
"request": {
"active": true,
"deviceProviderId": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"id": "0f343b65-aba2-44d2-b836-e7511270b1ab",
"make": "MC01A",
"model": "TVSFD",
"regDeviceSubCode": "Single",
"regDeviceTypeCode": "Finger",
"swBinaryHash": "Test Hash",
"swCreateDateTime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"swExpiryDateTime": "2022-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"swVersion": "TestSwVersion1"
"requesttime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"version": "1.0"
Success response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.mds.update",
"version": "1.0",
"responsetime": "2020-02-11T06:12:52.994Z",
"metadata": null,
"response": {
"isActive": true,
"createdBy": "110006",
"createdDateTime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"updatedBy": "110005",
"updatedDateTime": "2020-02-11T06:12:52.994Z",
"isDeleted": null,
"deletedDateTime": null,
"id": "0f343b65-aba2-44d2-b836-e7511270b1ab",
"swVersion": "v2",
"deviceProviderId": "0e90bb45-cc9b-4521-9644-72755f6aa1e9",
"regDeviceTypeCode": "Finger",
"regDeviceSubCode": "Single",
"make": "MC01A",
"model": "TVSFD",
"swCreateDateTime": "2020-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"swExpiryDateTime": "2022-02-10T06:12:52.994Z",
"swBinaryHash": "Test Hash"
"errors": null
Response code: 200
Failure Response
Copy {
"id": "io.mosip.masterdata.mds.update",
"version": "1.0",
"metadata": {},
"responsetime": "2020-02-11T06:12:52.994Z",
"errors": [
"errorCode": "KER-ATH-401",
"message": "Authentication Failed"
"response": null
Response code: 200
Failure details