Registration Processor APIs

This section details the service APIs in the Registration-Processor modules

1 Packet Receiver API

This API receives a registration packet from the reg-client. Before moving the packet to the landing zone virus scan, the packet's trustworthiness is validated using hash value and size.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/packetreceiver/registrationpackets

Resource URL


Resource details

Request Path Parameters



Response Header

Response-Signature = <the response signature>

Success response

Status Code: 200

Description: Packet is in PACKET_RECEIVED status

	"id" : "mosip.registration.packet",
	"version" : "1.0",
	"responsetime" : "2019-02-02T06:12:25.288Z",
	"response" : {
		"status" : "Packet is in PACKET_RECEIVED status"
	"errors": null

Failure response

Status Code: 200

Description: The request received is a duplicate request to upload a Packet

  "id" : "mosip.registration.packet",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-02T06:12:25.288Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors" : [{
		"errorcode": "RPR-PKR-005",
	    "message": "The request received is a duplicate request to upload a Packet"

Failure details

2 Registration Status API

This API return the registration current status for list of registration ids.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/registrationstatus/search

Resource URL


Resource details



  "id" : "mosip.registration.status",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "requesttime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "request" : [
		"registrationId" : "2018701130000410092012345678"
		"registrationId" : "2018701130000410092012345678"


Scenario: Record Found

Status Code: 200

Description: Successfully retrieved information

  "id" : "mosip.registration.status",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response" : [
      "registrationId": "2018701130000410092012345678",
      "statusCode": "PROCESSING"
      "registrationId": "2018701130000410092018110735",
      "statusCode": "PROCESSED"
  "errors": null

Scenario: Record not found

Status Code: 200

Description: Successfully retrieved information

  "id": "mosip.registration.status",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-12-06T04:16:07.070Z",
  "response": [],
  "errors": [
      "registrationId": "10014100180046820190619064012",
      "errorCode": "RPR-RGS-031",
      "errorMessage": "RID Not Found"
      "registrationId": "10006100420001120190613130943",
      "errorCode": "RPR-RGS-031",
      "errorMessage": "RID Not Found"

Failure details

3 Sync registration API

The registration ids has to be synced with server before uploading packet to landing zone. This API is used to sync registration ids.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/registrationstatus/sync

Resource URL


Resource details


Request Header

Center-Machine-RefId = 10011_10011

timestamp = 2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z


// NOTE : the actual request will be an encrypted json. This is an example of decrypted request json.
  "id": "mosip.registration.sync",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requesttime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "request": [
      "registrationId": "80006444440002520181208094000",
      "registrationType": "NEW",
      "packetHashValue": "D7C87DC5D3A759D77433B02B80435CFAB5087F1A942543F51A5075BC441BF7EB",
      "packetSize": 5242880,
      "supervisorStatus": "APPROVED",
      "supervisorComment": "Approved, all good",
      "langCode": "eng",
      "optionalValues": [
          "key": "CNIE",
          "value": "122223456"
      "registrationId": "10011100110002520181208094000",
      "registrationType": "UPDATE",
      "packetHashValue": "D7C87DC5D3A759D77433B02B80435CFAB5087F1A942543F51A5075BC441BF7EB",
      "packetSize": 4242880,
      "supervisorStatus": "REJECTED",
      "supervisorComment": "Rejected due to error",
      "langCode": "eng",
      "optionalValues": [
          "key": "CNIE",
          "value": "3456789o"


Response Header

Response-Signature = <the response signature>

Success response

Response Code: 200

Description: Successfully synced

  "id" : "mosip.registration.sync",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "errors": null,
  "response" : [
      "registrationId": "80006444440002520181208094000",
      "status": "SUCCESS"
      "registrationId": "10011100110002520181208094000",
      "status": "SUCCESS"

Failure response

// response 1 : decryption failed
  "id" : "mosip.registration.sync",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors" : [
      "status": "FAILURE",
      "errorCode": "RPR-RGS-001",
      "errorMessage": "Decryption failed"

// response 2 : validation failed
  "id" : "mosip.registration.sync",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors" : [
	  "registrationId": "1234575",
	  "status": "FAILURE",
	  "errorCode": "RPR-RGS-009",
	  "errorMessage": "RegistrationId Length Must Be 29"
	  "registrationId": "12345678901234567890123456789",
	  "status": "FAILURE",
	  "errorCode": "RPR-RGS-007",
	  "errorMessage": "Invalid Time Stamp Found in RegistrationId"
	  "registrationId": "27847657360002520181208183052",
	  "status": "FAILURE",
	  "errorCode": "RPR-RGS-012",
	  "errorMessage": "Parent RegistrationId Length Must Be 29"

Failure details

4 Manual Adjudication APIs

4.1 Manual Adjudication Assignment API

This API is used to assign one single unassigned applicant record to the manual adjudicator.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/manualverification/assignment

Resource URL


Resource details



  "id" : "mosip.manual.verification.assignment",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "requesttime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "request" : {
	"userId": "mono29",
        "matchType" : "all"


Success response

Status Code: 200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

      "url":"<datashare url for regid>",
            "url":"<data share for matchedRegId>",
            "url":"<data share for matchedRegId>",

Failure response

  "id" : "mosip.manual.verification.assignment",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors" : [
	  "errorCode" : "RPR-FAC-003",
	  "message" : "Cannot find the Registration Packet"

Failure details

4.2 Manual Adjudication Decision API

This API is used to get the decision from manual adjudicator for an applicant and update the decision in table. The packet is sent for further processing based on decision.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/manualverification/decision

Resource URL


Resource details



  "id" : "mosip.manual.verification.decision",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "requesttime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "request" : {
	  "matchedRefType": "RID",
	  "mvUsrId": "mono",
	  "reasonCode": "Problem with biometrics",
	  "regId": "27847657360002520181208123456",
	  "statusCode": "APPROVED"


Status Code: 200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

Success response

  "id" : "mosip.manual.verification.decision",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response" : {
    "regId": "27847657360002520181208123456",
    "mvUsrId": "mono",
    "statusCode": "APPROVED",
    "matchedRefType": "RID",
    "reasonCode": "Problem with biometrics"
  "errors": null

Failure response

  "id" : "mosip.manual.verification.decision",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response": null,
	"errors" : [{
		"errorCode" : "RPR-MVS-003",
		"message" : "Invalid status update"

Failure details

5 Bio Dedupe API

The abis would call bio-dedupe callback API to get the biometric cbeff file.

GET /registrationprocessor/v1/bio-dedupe/biometricfile/{referenceid}

Resource URL


Resource details



Status codes: 200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

Success Response

// byte array of CBEFF xml file

Failure Response

  "id" : "mosip.registration.biometrics",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors" : [
	  "errorCode" : "RPR-MVS-001",
	  "message" : "Access Denied"

Failure details

6 Packet Generator API

The residence service portal would call packet generator API to activate or deactivate uin.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/requesthandler/packetgenerator

Resource URL


Resource details



  "id": "mosip.registration.packetgenerator",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requesttime": "2019-02-02T06:12:25.288Z",
  "request": {
    "centerId": "10031",
    "machineId": "10011",
    "reason": "something",
    "registrationType": "DEACTIVATED",
    "uin": "4215839851"


Status Code:200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

Success Response

  "id": "mosip.registration.packetgenerator",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-02T06:12:25.288Z",
  "response": {
    "registrationId": "10031100110005020190313110030",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "Packet created and uploaded"
  "errors": null

Failure Response

  "id": "mosip.registration.packetgenerator",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-02T06:12:25.288Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "RPR-MVS-001",
      "message": "Access Denied"

Failure details

7 Packet Uploader API

The dmz camel-bridge calls packet uploader API to upload the packet in file system(Hdfs, ceph etc). This service is a bridge between dmz and secure network. It accepts json request and connects to dmz VM to get the packet and move it to archive location.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/uploader/securezone

Resource URL


Resource details



  "rid": "10003100030000420190625111842",
  "reg_type" : "NEW",
  "isValid": true,
  "internalError": false,
  "messageBusAddress": "packet-receiver-bus-out",
  "retryCount": 0


Status Code:200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

Success Response

Packet with registrationId 10003100030000420190625111842 has been forwarded to next stage

Failure Response

Packet with registrationId 10003100030000420190625111842 has not been uploaded to file System

8 Request Handler API

The residence service portal would call this api to reprint uin card upon receiving request from the applicant.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/requesthandler/reprint

Resource URL


Resource details



  "id": "mosip.uincard.reprint",
  "request": {
    "cardType": "UIN",
    "centerId": "10003",
    "id": "5647294083",
    "idType": "UIN",
    "machineId": "10003",
    "reason": "testing",
    "registrationType": "RES_REPRINT"
  "requesttime": "2019-09-13T11:34:13.827Z",
  "version": "1.0"


Status Code:200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

Success Response

  "id": "mosip.uincard.reprint",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-09-13T11:54:55.313Z",
  "response": {
    "registrationId": "10003100030000120190913115453",
    "status": "Packet has reached Packet Receiver",
    "message": "Packet created and uploaded"
  "errors": null

Failure response

  "id": "mosip.uincard.reprint",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-09-13T11:49:56.180Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "RPR-PGS-011",
      "message": "Invalid Input Parameter - requesttime"
      "errorCode": "RPR-RGS-015",
      "message": "Invalid Request Value - Input Data is Incorrect"

Failure details

9 Registration Transaction API

This API is used to find all the transactions for a registration id. This service accepts a registration id and returns all transactions associated with it.

Resource URL

GET /registrationprocessor/v1/registrationtransaction/search/{langcode}/{rid}

Resource details





Scenario: Record found

Status Code: 200

Description: Successfully retrieved information

  "id" : "mosip.registration.transaction",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response" : [
    "id" : "810e43c3-cc89-4581-84f0-5ee535bf7e3a",
    "registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "PACKET_RECEIVER",
	"parentTransactionId" : null,
    "statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-PKR-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Packet is in PACKET_RECEIVED status",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:15.04"
	"id" : "76796d41-3c42-40a8-8842-02fe87bf4aab",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "PACKET_RECEIVER",
	"parentTransactionId" : "810e43c3-cc89-4581-84f0-5ee535bf7e3a",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-PKR-SUCCESS-002",
	"statusComment" : "Packet is in PACKET_UPLOADED_TO_LANDING_ZONE status",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:16.285"
	"id" : "d04b74cc-7364-407f-aa40-058daa774136",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "UPLOAD_PACKET",
	"parentTransactionId" : "76796d41-3c42-40a8-8842-02fe87bf4aab",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-PKU-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Packet 10006100067159820190618081137 is uploaded in file system.",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:21.507"
	"id" : "19be9e8f-1740-4b6e-8b07-2ea5628abc12",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "VALIDATE_PACKET",
	"parentTransactionId" : "d04b74cc-7364-407f-aa40-058daa774136",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-PKV-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Packet structural validation is successful",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:34.265"
	"id" : "72d8099d-37e1-4bcc-a772-a4c86b441acf",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "QUALITY_CHECK",
	"parentTransactionId" : "19be9e8f-1740-4b6e-8b07-2ea5628abc12",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-QCS-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "All Quality Scores are more than threshold",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:35.677"
	"id" : "0a7baa01-2d64-4e82-89cd-a6e2bdcebe72",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "OSI_VALIDATE",
	"parentTransactionId" : "72d8099d-37e1-4bcc-a772-a4c86b441acf",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-OSI-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "OSI Validation is successful",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:35.677"
	"id" : "dd7d8892-1cdd-4af7-99fc-9b2ef59d207c",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION",
	"parentTransactionId" : "0a7baa01-2d64-4e82-89cd-a6e2bdcebe72",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-BAS-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Biometric Authentication Success",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:35.677"
	"id" : "247eb4b2-3abc-4f2d-9200-01a4c6b76217",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "DEMOGRAPHIC_VERIFICATION",
	"parentTransactionId" : "dd7d8892-1cdd-4af7-99fc-9b2ef59d207c",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-DDS-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Demographic Authentication Success",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:35.677"
	"id" : "c478ba68-64a0-4b8d-8e50-a59c12926de6",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "BIOGRAPHIC_VERIFICATION",
	"parentTransactionId" : "247eb4b2-3abc-4f2d-9200-01a4c6b76217",
	"statusCode": "IN_PROGRESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-BDS-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Packet biodedupe Inprogress",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:43:22.758"
	"id" : "faaaf60f-a591-40a7-b5fa-b6b7fa5894bd",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "BIOMETRIC_AUTHENTICATION",
	"parentTransactionId" : "c478ba68-64a0-4b8d-8e50-a59c12926de6",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-BDS-SUCCESS-002",
	"statusComment" : "Packet biodedupe successful",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:43:34.845"
	"id" : "66d87a75-a32e-4651-bb64-23a552a8dd69",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "UIN_GENERATOR",
	"parentTransactionId" : "faaaf60f-a591-40a7-b5fa-b6b7fa5894bd",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-UIN-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Data updated successfully for regId  for registration Id:  10006100067159820190618081137",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:43:42.709"
	"id" : "42df348d-6f9f-49c2-830b-4da8e1f6123c",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "PRINT_POSTAL_SERVICE",
	"parentTransactionId" : "66d87a75-a32e-4651-bb64-23a552a8dd69",
	"statusCode": "PROCESSED",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-PPS-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Pdf added to the mosip queue for printing",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:35.677"
	"id" : "0039b5fd-fe6a-4cb7-9456-5f2f25977bb4",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "PRINT_POSTAL_SERVICE",
	"parentTransactionId" : "66d87a75-a32e-4651-bb64-23a552a8dd69",
	"statusCode": "PROCESSED",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-PPS-SUCCESS-002",
	"statusComment" : "Print and Post Completed for the regId : 10006100067159820190618081137",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:42:35.677"
	"id" : "53b573fd-349d-4171-ba7f-29a926345ded",
	"registrationId": "10006100067159820190618081137",
	"transactionTypeCode" : "NOTIFICATION",
	"parentTransactionId" : "66d87a75-a32e-4651-bb64-23a552a8dd69",
	"statusCode": "SUCCESS",
	"statusCommentCode" : "RPR-MSS-SUCCESS-001",
	"statusComment" : "Notification sent successfully for registrationId 10006100067159820190618081137",
	"createdDateTimes" : "2019-06-19 10:43:56.823"
"errors": null

Scenario: Record not found

Status Code: 200

Description: Successfully retrieved information

  "id" : "mosip.registration.transaction",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-02-14T12:40:59.768Z",
  "response" : null,
  "errors" : [
  	  "status": "FAILURE",
      "errorCode": "RPR-RTS-001",
      "errorMessage": "Invalid RID"

Failure details

10 UIN Card API

The residence service portal would call this API to get uin card upon receiving request from the applicant.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/print/uincard

Resource URL


Resource details



  "id": "mosip.registration.print",
  "request": {
    "cardType": "UIN",
    "idValue": "5647294083",
    "idType": "UIN"
  "requesttime": "2019-09-13T11:34:13.827Z",
  "version": "1.0"


Status Code:200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

Success response

// PDF bytes

Failure response

  "id": "mosip.registration.print",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-09-18T06:28:55.676Z",
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "RPR-PRT-011",
      "message": "UIN length should be as per configured digit."
  "response": null

Failure details

11 Lost UIN Or RID API

The residence service portal would call this api to search lost uin OR rid. The request type is post since request json is expected in request body.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/requesthandler/lost

Resource URL


Resource details



  "id": "mosip.registration.lost",
  "requesttime": "2019-09-13T11:34:13.827Z",
  "version": "1.0",
  "request": {
    "idType": "UIN",
    "name": "Monobikash Das",
    "postalCode": "14022",
    "contactType": "EMAIL",
    "contactValue": ""


Status Code:200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

Success response

  "id": "mosip.registration.lost",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-09-13T11:54:55.313Z",
  "response": {
    "idValue": "8787567820"
  "errors": null

Failure response

  "id": "mosip.registration.lost",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-09-18T06:28:55.676Z",
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "RPR-SER-001",
      "message": "No Records Found."
  "response": null

Failure details

12 Update UIN API

The residence service portal would call this api to update demographic information along with documents.

POST /registrationprocessor/v1/requesthandler/update

Resource URL


Resource details



  "id": "mosip.registration.update",
  "version": "v1",
  "requestTime": "2018-12-09T06:39:04.683Z",
  "request": {
    "idValue": "9830872690593682",
    "idType": "UIN",
	"centerId": "1234",
    "machineId": "12345678",
    "identityJson": "<base 64 encoded string>",
    "proofOfAddress": "<base 64 encoded string>",
    "proofOfIdentity": "<base 64 encoded string>",
    "proofOfRelationship": "<base 64 encoded string>",
    "proofOfDateOfBirth": "<base 64 encoded string>"


Status Code:200

Description: response code is always 200 if server receives the request.

Success response

  "id": "mosip.registration.update",
  "version": "v1",
  "responseTime": "2018-12-09T06:39:04.683Z",
  "response": {
    "registrationId": "10031100110005020190313110030",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "Update request received"
  "errors": null

Failure response

  "id": "mosip.registration.update",
  "version": "v1",
  "responseTime": "2018-12-09T06:39:04.683Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "XXX-XXX-002",
      "errorMessage": "Invalid UIN"

Failure details

Last updated