Bug Fixes
This document contains the bugs that were fixed as part of MOSIP 1.1.1 release.
On sending incorrect value under the timestamp as past date or future getting 500 error
Transliterate service is throwing error JSON parse error: Unrecognized field "to_field_value"
Unable to execute the De-registration of Devices as getting error as Unrecognized field "ID"
QA ENV - Original name is not displayed in UIN Generation Email Notification.
Registration Processor
The check status for RID gives response as UNDER PROCESSING even the RID is processed
Resident Services
Biometric capture doesn't work (nothing happens while clicking on the scan button)
Registration Client
Biometric auth is not working due to timestamp field in device validation request.
Packet is getting failed at OSI stage if UMC is true though the packet has device details (DEVICEVALIDATE service ended with error data: request.digitalId.dp: must not be null).
Registration Processor
ENV Issue- Packet is not moving post Biographic Verification Stage (Real ABIS is unable to connect to Active-MQ).
Registration Processor
On booking appointment for the pending booking for the application is giving error
Exception while capturing biometrics : java.lang.NullPointerException(unable to capture biometric error during onboarding).
Registration Client
Unable to create the packet (Error- Unable to load Registration Preview Screen).
Registration Client
Registration Client is not reading the local dedupe config from the registration config file.
Registration Client
Under booking appointment page only applicant name is appearing to book appointment when add applicant is performed with user
Getting Failed to either encrypt/decrypt message using Kernel Crypto Manager while generating UIN under qa.mosip.net proxy environment
Registration Client
Extint Env Issue- FS Adapter Exception OccurredKER-FSA-001 in the upload stage.
Registration Processor
The packet is not moving ahead from status Packet is Uploaded to Landing Zone in Database when update packet is executed under resident service
Resident Services
Getting blank Demographic page when navigated back using back button from Preview page
User gets logged out when consent is not selected and user already have application created
The appointment is getting cancel and discarded even after discarding the action
On click of add applicant button user is navigated to your application page
Regclient audit does not save in audit db (401 Unauthorized Error in .packet.validator stage logs.
Registration Processor
Invalid Email and invalid Phone validation is not working in Add Identity and Update Identity API
The user should be able to create the blacklisted word without entering any value in desc
Error message should be corrected under Blacklisted word desc field having character more than 256
The Kiosk Number is not decreasing while deleting the mapping using the delelet Mapping API from center and machine mapping
Unable to complete the registration though all the biometrics are scanned.
Registration Client
Error message keeps on swapping when multiple error is found in gender create and update API
RC2 Registration Client is not detecting the devices, says device is not available (No device is running at port number 0).
Registration Client
DEVICEVALIDATE is returning an error that is not handled properly in REG PROC.
Registration Processor
Update Packet- Status_code is Failed for UIN generation transaction.
Registration Processor
UIN is missing in all the place like Registration Preview , Ack and Pending Approval etc.
Registration Client
The user is moving to your application after discarding the action to navigate to other screen
Real Biometric login (login auth, packet_auth, eod_auth, exception_auth etc) does not work in registration client
Registration Client
The message is shown in fra or ara when the user try to access the pre-reg and services are restarted
Not getting proper response in BIO Auth with UIN which don't have BIO data in DB
Multiple issues in the contents displayed in the registration acknowledgement preview page
Registration Client
Incorrect error message in response when value of "deviceServiceVersion" is sent as string
On the pre-reg UI, a page reload results in session time-out resulting in loss of time and data upload
Kernel UIN generation API fails due to UNUSED UINs count reaching zero in kernel uin table
Create and Update Location API need to handle scenarios based on new location table change
Search Location API is not working for all the values present in hierarchy level name
Filter Machine and and Filter Machine Spec API is not accepting few column in INT env
Unable to create the registration center as throwing "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "
Generate VID : Discrepancy found between error codes received while running APIs and git document
User is navigated to blank page for center with no slots and date available for center selected
Device History Validate api is allowing to validate a device history with inactive device and MDS
Fix issue in Auth Transaction and Auth Type Status services - returning empty results
submit demographic service is not working for preregistration module in preprod environment
Last updated