Bug Fixes

This document contains the bugs that were fixed as part of MOSIP 1.1 release.


Kernel services are not working as kernel-masterdata-service pods are in CrashLoopBackOff


Unable to Sync Data using the role "Default"


Processing are failing at Print Service stage (PDF Signature Issue)


Proxy OTP: needs to be written into the transaction table like regular OTP


ID Repository: UIN and VID number should be string


License Key APIs are giving authentication failed


Kernel Encryption & Decryption API is not working as expected


Valid tokens returned from TokenHandlerUtil are marked invalid when sent to Auth Manager


Machine History API is returning 500 response


Kernel services are not working as kernel-masterdata-service pods are fauling in preprod environment


Updated keys are not present in Key_Store table after Master Sync in Registration Client


Key Manager API in preprod enviornment is failing even for a single user


Facing issue while deploying 1.0.6-rc in sandbox


Unwanted properties for KeyCloak should be removed from Kernel properties file


Auth Manager is throwing error in Pre Registration


Send OTP service of Kernel is not working


Global Configuration Properties - Non adequate comments per parameter


Global Configuration Properties - Application IDs are both in DB and global file


Send OTP is failing with type cast error


Sync configuration failing for a gap of 30 mins because of which packet was not uploading


Authentication using OTP is not working as expected


Authentication should not happen for invalid type inside digital Id


Expired kernel keys are not regenerating


Registration Client is not getting response from Kernel


Token Generator failing intermittently to parse json - requesttime format


UTC Time validation for requestTime is not implemented in kernel services


Notification channel names should be standardized in Send OTP service


Kernel services are returning 500 HTTP status in some scenarios


Update Location API is not allowing actiavte and deactivate location


Unable to logout from the Upload document page


Register Device API is not working as expected


Create and Update Machine have Issues related to optional and mandatory fields


Unable to validate document in arabic language but validation is possible with english language


Create and Update Machine API is converting Machine name to lower case


Unable to create the registration center as throwing "ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint"


Unable to update the details for blacklisted words getting error KER-MSD-105


Getting Technical error occurred on Admin UI when login to pre-reg on another tab of browser


ID and Version is coming null in response of Post/Device provider API


Unable to work with Admin UI as the page is appearing blank


Device Spec Filter API is not working


API for registration of Device Provider is generating a random ID


Unable to create the Device Type in multiple languages


Register MDS is allowing to create a MDS with duplicate data


Create Device API is not handling the invalid zone code validation


Filter Registration Center API is not providing data based on zone


Update machine: wrong error message when the zone code value is sent as blank


Update Reg Center API:wrong error message thrown for when Exceptional Holiday Date format is invalid


Update Document type API: wrong error message is displayed when the value for code is sent blank.


Machine is not getting created when optional field is left as blank


Error message and code is received as blank for getLeafZones API


Holiday search API: Positive response is received even though sort-type field is sent with wrong value


Exception Holiday dates are not getting saved in the update form of a registration center


Decommission APIs is not updating delete time


Register device API is not doing many field validations


Register Device API is allowing to register a device with certification as L1 and without FTPId


Register Device API is allowing to register a device with invalid certification and purpose


Register Device is allowing to Register a device with invalid Timestamp


Center Update Error - Secondary language details to be edited getting is not updated or saved in the center


UX standards Issue - UI implemented has deviations when compared to the expected standards


Language in the Blacklisted Detail View screen is displayed wrong when the word is other than English


Able to map devices to multiple centers


Update MDS is not giving proper message in case of inValid regDType and regDSType


Register and Update FTP and MDS is not providing proper validation messages for many scenarios


Update Device provider is allowing to update a device provider to the existing device provider


When syncbyte vendor MDS version is changing and we creating pkt with this new mds, the dpid which is deviceprovideid inside the pkt is changing


Text of few of the labels in the Admin UI screens are not displayed in the language configured(French)


Exceptional Holidays added to a center is displayed as a blank field in the center detail screen


Error on click of document Type in masterdata type


Create and Update center not handling holiday location code validation


Wrong error message displayed when Fetch Execeptional Holidays for Reg center API is executed


Wrong error messages displayed when Fetch working days for Reg center ID API is executed


Create registration Center API is creating a center even if we are not passing working-Non-Working day for all days


Wrong error messages and response when Create Device API is executed


500 Error thrown at console at server level without auditing the UI events


Update RegCenter API allowing to update a center even if it doesn't belongs to admin zone or admin's child zones


Create and update MDS is providing wrong error code and message


Zone-code value is not available in response of update-device api


Exceptional Holiday Dates already defined for the center is not visible in the Center detail screen


Field name is not displayed in the error message when request is sent in wrong format


Wrong message is displayed when code field is sent as blank


Device Validate API is not doing deviceType and deviceSubType validation against device provider


Wrong response messages are displayed for mapping registration center~machine


Wrong messages are displayed for machine~registration center responses


Error is thrown when code field is sent as blank in document type POST request body


Fetch Packet status API is giving more than one status in many stages


Update Location API is allowing to Deactivate parent location even if child location is active


Create Machine:Wrong error message is generated in response although optional field as sent as blank in the request


Create Machine:Wrong error message is generated in the response when invalid mSpec_id is sent in request


Validation failing because of extra space in response message


Wrong validation messages shown when "MAp user-Registration Center API" is executed


Wrong validation messages are displayed when "Un-Mapping the user from registration center"API is executed.


Unmapping device~registration center is providing wrong validation messages


Wrong error messages are displayed in the response from Mapdevice to Reg center API


Register MDS is providing wrong validation messages


API_Bug:Wrong error messages received as Response which do not match the messages mentioned in acceptance criteria


Decommission center API is not allowing to decommission a deactivated center


API_Bug:The values to be updated in the statuscode is not logged in the DB tables


Register FTP service is accepting id


Register Device Provider service is accepting id field in the request


"API_Bug:Device status updated Successfully" message gets displayed even after providing the existing values for a particular device code in the request.


Register and Update Device provider Api is giving the wrong validation messages


Register FTP API is not making isActive true while creation


Field length validation is not implemented in Register/Update Foundational trust provider API


Device Validate Api is providing wrong validation messages


Applying filters for Region,Province,Zone and city are cases sensitive. Filters are not getting applied if entered in upper or lowercase letters..


Adding filters by entering special chars in any free text fields will consider it as an valid search and displays the data.


Admin services throw java exceptions for listed scenarios


Admin apis not providing proper error message


Unable to move ahead from pre-reg demographic page - shows technical error and page keeps loading

Pre Registration

Pre-registration booking service pod is in crashbackloop

Pre Registration

The version mentioned in pre-reg UI needs to be corrected

Pre Registration

If the dependent field is not filled the other field keeps on loading

Pre Registration

The non mandatory field not filled is appearing in Pre-view page

Pre Registration

The value populating under zone and city is incorrect if the province field is delete and hierarchy is changed

Pre Registration

Unable to proceed further from Demographic page when the field is made non-mandatory using Json

Pre Registration

Getting technical error after uploading document more than the size

Pre Registration

Pr-registration fully blocked with an error "Error creating bean with name 'referenceValidator'" - impacts further Pre-reg testing

Pre Registration

To hide the discard button when the application is expired

Pre Registration

The tool tip message needs to be corrected In your application page under discard button

Pre Registration

The user is getting logout when click out side the Logout confirmation popup

Pre Registration

Under preview page the document uploaded remains same when minor is changed to Adult

Pre Registration

Allignment issue with alphabets in popup notification

Pre Registration

CAPTCHA shows broken image when left ideal for a while

Pre Registration

Unable to move ahead from demographic page on click of continue

Pre Registration

The preview page does not show the value selected by Tab

Pre Registration

UI issue found under Upload Document page

Pre Registration

Getting technical error while loading the document

Pre Registration

Getting error as while trying to get OTP using SentOTP for mobile

Pre Registration

The Open days are not coming under booking appointment page when language is selected as arabic

Pre Registration

In Pre-registration email doesn't support special characters

Pre Registration

Unable to upload file size with greater than 1.5 MB

Pre Registration

The Back button is not working under Modify document page

Pre Registration

In correct behavior click on Near By Button and Navigate to next Screen

Pre Registration

CAPTCHA disappears once an email-ID is verified

Pre Registration

The demographic page become blank when you keep the application ideal for sometime and click on continue button

Pre Registration

The demographic details are deleted user navigate back to the demographic page

Pre Registration

Not receiving OTP when the language is selected as arabic

Pre Registration

The elements are not loading on the Document update page

Pre Registration

Getting popup alert when tried to select the dropdown field after filling all the fields

Pre Registration

The dropdown list keeps on loading under Demographic page

Pre Registration

No guardian details is asked in case of Minor

Pre Registration

Page is getting inactive when user enter dob as future date

Pre Registration

Unable to view the created application if clicked on Book later or confirmed booking

Pre Registration

Unable to click on modify button as its disabled under preview page

Pre Registration

The mandatory field is missing from UI

Pre Registration

Unable to create application as getting blank page

Pre Registration

Getting technical error after login in pre-reg

Pre Registration

URL for Fetch Applicant Type has changed... but not changed in Pre-Registration

Pre Registration

Not receiving OTP in gmail account but received on official account

Pre Registration

The Header is not constant under the edge browser

Pre Registration

Pre registration document service not starting

Pre Registration

Acceptance Test Rig : Pre-Reg DSL Scenario 4 - pr_updateApplication() missing in the DSL

Pre Registration

Blank page is displayed on Book Appointment page and user is blocked

Pre Registration

Unable to view the Booking on Pre-reg UI your application dash board

Pre Registration

Getting Technical error after logging in pre-reg

Pre Registration

Pre-reg- Logout API is throwing error.

Pre Registration

Wrong error message for keycloak realm name in capital(Ex Mosip)

Pre Registration

Wrong error message for master data missing in pre-rig

Pre Registration

Unable to login under pre-registration UI with user already present in Keycloak

Pre Registration

Unable to launch pre-registration application due to techincal error

Pre Registration

Pre-Reg UI : Screen flicker while scrolling up and down with in any page to see data in Edge browser

Pre Registration

Automation Testing - Able To Get Response Even After Invalidating The Token

Pre Registration

Automation Testing - Trigger Notification Showing Wrong Responses For Invalid Name And Pre Reg ID

Pre Registration

Automation Testing- Trigger Notification Showing wrong response for a request

Pre Registration

Unable to upload document in Pre-reg

Pre Registration

Automation Testing - Pre Registration Not Showing any response for wrong request

Pre Registration

Wrong error code returning when the user tries to access another user's demographic data (deleteDocument)

Pre Registration

Wrong version displayed on Pre-reg UI

Pre Registration

Status is not updated properly in the dashboard when individual visits the Registration Centre and consumes the appointment.

Pre Registration

Batch jobs to update expired/consumed status are not working.

Pre Registration

Navigation to dashboard is not correct from appointment confirmed page.

Pre Registration

Update UIN- Document upload is not mandate though update uin is initiated only for document update.

Resistration client

Unable to continue to registration while clicking on back button after capturing the biometrics.

Resistration client

External Camera provided by Vendor-Syncbyte is not getting detected in a certain scenario

Resistration client

Not getting notification in Dev test env

Resistration client

Documents are not fetched while fetching Pre-reg data in reg client

Resistration client

Salt Service Showing Nginx Error while doing the initial sync from reg client

Resistration client

PRID is null in meta info.json.

Resistration client

Packet Sync Failure- Invalid Request Value - requesttime (Internal Call from Reg Client to Reg Proc).

Resistration client

Unable to enter a particular date for DOB in Registration Client

Resistration client

Unable to create an adult packet in New Version of Registration Client

Resistration client

OR/SO Onboarding - Biometric screen with Iris selected screen is blank.

Resistration client

Should throw the error pop-up if the child and parent UIN are the same in Update

Resistration client

Multiple Issues in Child Update Scenario

Resistration client

Should not be continued the Child dob update if Guardian is not selected.

Resistration client

Child Packet with Parent UIN is getting failed at Demographic Verification Stage( unknown exceptions occurred null).

Resistration client

Child packet is getting failed at OSI Stage (Unable to access API resourceRPR-RCT-001 --> Unknown resource provided; nested exception is org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 404 ).

Resistration client

Audit - Reg-client is not sending an audit incorrect format for all registrations

Resistration client

Unable to complete onboarding since photo capture is not working.

Resistration client

Operator onboarding - Should allow photo capture during On-boarding.

Resistration client

LOST UIN packet is getting failed at the OSI stage (Unable to Find Applicant CBEFF for Adult).

Resistration client

Error while fetching Pre-reg data from reg client

Resistration client

Child/Adult packet is failing in reg proc because of wrong subtype values in the CBEFF file ( Issue is with all types of the packet).

Resistration client

Packet is not moving post OSI stage.

Resistration client

Child Packet is Failed at OSI Stage(Auth System ExceptionRPR-AUT-03 --> Request could not be processed. Please try again).

Resistration client

Capturing bio exception photo or not should not be left to the discretion of the Officer/SO.

Resistration client

"exceptionBiometrics" : [ ] is empty in id.json file, also only face capture is getting stored in packet_meta_info.json

Resistration client

Captured the exception photo as many times it is saved.

Resistration client

New Registration is displayed in Header when capturing biometrics for UIN Update or Lost UIN.

Resistration client

Onboarding Flow -Capture all biometrics should be mandated If Exceptions are not marked.

Resistration client

schema validation - The uin field should not be mandatory for new registration

Resistration client

New,Update and Lost Flow- Applicant Biometrics screen becomes blank while clicking on the Back button.

Resistration client

Update packet does not contain anything in the id.json(For Ex- UIN and Fields which are selected for update(DOB, EMAIL ETC. )).

Resistration client

Update UIN- Capturing all the biometrics are mandate to proceed further for registrations.

Resistration client

parentOrGuardianUIN structure is Invalid in ID.json (evidence packet).

Resistration client

Able to Continue to update UIN without selecting any field for an update.

Resistration client

User has taken to Parents Biometrics screen by clicking on Modify from the Registration Preview screen.

Resistration client

Registration's data is not displayed in registration preview screen /acknowledgement receipt.

Resistration client

Update UIN Flow is Broken.

Resistration client

Unable to enter PRID to fetch the Pre-Reg data.

Resistration client

Unable to launch the registration client.

Resistration client

Its is not identical that which biometirc has to caputre and which exception has to mark and how.

Resistration client

Captured Biometrics should be retained.

Resistration client

Parent Biometrics screen should come only for Child Registrations.

Resistration client

REG - REG-SCHEMA-001-->No Schema Found

Resistration client

Unable to launch registration client (REG - File 'bin\mosip-packet-manager.jar' does not existjava.io.FileNotFoundException: File 'bin\mosip-packet-manager.jar' does not exist).

Resistration client

alphanumeric email ids are not allowed to enter in the demographic screen.

Resistration client

biometric capture pages are not loaded (Fingers and Iris)

Resistration client

Update Flow- Fields are not enabled to enter the data in demographic screen.

Resistration client

Unable to see audit entries for Reg client

Resistration client

mosip.kernel.core.util.FileUtils.copyToFile() is failing in automation testRig

Resistration client

Authentication Failure- While approving the packet in Reg- Client

Resistration client

Sync failure

Resistration client

Intermittent - Biometrics successful capture is not displaying the success message

Resistration client

Hostname is case sensitive which is leading sync failure in 1.0.7 build.

Resistration client

Unable to login to the Reg client app due to Sync issue

Resistration client

Fingerprint having a low threshold should be retained and considered as attempt-1 and it should take the best of 3.

Resistration client

Intermittent - Sync failures

Resistration client

Role having registration_operator is able to do login/onboarding.

Resistration client

Continue button is enabled though good face image is not found.

Resistration client

Unable to create packet when all biometrics are marked as exception

Resistration client

Error with registrationPacketUploadJob in registration client logs(Build 1.0.7 Snapshot).

Resistration client

Unable to launch app without connecting Bio devices

Resistration client

Unable to login to Reg client in 1.0.7

Resistration client

Running mastersync second time fails

Resistration client

On click of new registration reg client is showing a message "Failed message"

Resistration client

Intermittent - Application makes exception photo as mandatory though no exception is marked

Resistration client

Deployment issue - reg client launch failed

Resistration client

Intermittent - Unable to navigate to next section error message is displayed after successful capture of fingerprint

Resistration client

Intermittent - Unable to capture individual fingerprint due to sync byte service gets stopped automatically

Resistration client

Application fails to retrieves age from PRID when user clicks Fetch data for two consequite time in Demo screen

Resistration client

Sometimes even after giving valid fingerprint biometrics, the reg client is not showing active continue button

Resistration client

The alert message should be standardized for same kind of issue across the application

Resistration client

Face authentication label is displayed as "Iris Scan" in eod authentication and notification for Re-Registration

Resistration client

while exception biometric capture -> after capturing face bio -> after click on capture -> successfully message not shown but photo was shown backside and the popup not closing

Resistration client

Black listed word validation is not handled properly

Resistration client

New registration -> finger bio time -> don’t give finger bio -> click on capture when streaming is ON -> now give bio click on capture -> see the behavior

Resistration client

Application insists the officer to re-capture the iris when user navigates back from preview

Resistration client

Document upload screen has "Proof of Exception" as an additional optoin

Resistration client

SDK Issue - Operator and Supervisor auth fails

Resistration client

Iris authentication functionality is not working as expected

Resistration client

Multiple sync failures in 0.9.1 reg-client.

Resistration client

The application fails to restrict the user from re-capturing when the quality >threhsold for fingerprint

Resistration client

Parameter to turn local deduplication check On or Off not present in config for specific Biometric devices.

Resistration client

Clicking on continue makes the bio-metrics stream On in packet authentication screen

Resistration client

Unable to create a packet if Quality score is very high (Internal Error while authenticating the packet).

Resistration client

ID object fails to display the secondary language values when languages are same in both side

Resistration client

intermittently resident eod approval is failing in the supervisor auth stage and not getting eod approved

Resistration client

sometime while onbording first time, at the time of iris capture -> it is showing Device not available whereas syncbyte ui is showing as active

Resistration client

Vendor Issue - At any point in Registration Client a given Bio-metric Capture should not take more than 10 to 15 seconds

Resistration client

intermittently sync configuration failure message is coming while launching the reg client and master data sync is not happening as sync has failed

Resistration client

IRIS image captured is not visible but quality score shown is 69 - vendor issue

Resistration client

Fingerprint authentication takes more time for validation say around 3 minutes

Resistration client

The fields in secondary language gets auto populated as soon as user enters values in primary for platform version

Resistration client

New registration flow blocked as IRIS capture marks it as duplicate while it is not

Resistration client

Display issue found while marking one iris under exception

Resistration client

Dedupe alert message is not displayed while dedupe check is in progress

Resistration client

Attempts on packet authentication screen is not getting incremented when user provides invalid match

Resistration client

Reg packet and Reg packet status reader jobs are getting failed in manual sync

Resistration client

Manual software update fails in first attempt

Resistration client

Not able to register the device after following the steps, so using a work around

Resistration client

The alert message on center remap needs to be updated properly

Resistration client

Updating child details with a wrong parent details is not failing

Resistration client

Unable to capture iris after upgrading MDS to 0.9.2

Resistration client

Observation on Real bio-metrics authentication

Resistration client

sometime when stream is starting the green light on the fingerprint device is glowing green

Resistration client

Face capture screen fails to do local dedupe check when the attempt is greater than 1

Resistration client

Multiple sync failures in reg-client with undocumented error code KER-FSE-003

Resistration client

Unable to download pre-reg ids from reg client

Resistration client

mosip.registration.modeofcommunation=sms doesn't work

Resistration client

Remove Parent/Guardian Exception Photo Label

Resistration client

The Continue button in fingerprint capture is not enabled when one of the complete slap is marked as exception

Resistration client

User salt sync fails everytime when user triggers a manual sync, if app_auth table in master db is updated

Resistration client

The user with default role is unable to create packet in Reg client

Resistration client

Master sync method is giving runtime exception

Resistration client

Error On Uploading Packet (Duplicate Packet Uploaded)

Resistration client

Unable to launch registration client in offline mode.

Resistration client

Blank Screen appeared POST Password submit, UserID: 110071

Resistration client

Intermittently Packets are stuck at Biographic_Verification stage in reg processor due to regclient sending jpg format for face instead of iso

Resistration client

Packet gets failed at OSI_Validation stage which is Iris authenticated

Resistration client

MDS vendor Issue while capturing the face biometric on change of camera from external to internal

Resistration client

intermittently officer is unable to login as login is failing with invalid username alert message, sufficient logging is not visible

Resistration client

intermittently resident exception registration is failing in the officer auth stage and not taking to supervisor auth

Resistration client

User machine mapping is still failing in reg client

Resistration client

No alert is getting generated when applicant has placed invalid finger count

Resistration client

Captured biometrics are not displayed in respective slap when it is captured more than once in user on-boarding

Resistration client

Error message displays the variable name used in code

Resistration client

iris capture attempts not showing correctly when an attempt is given is not so appropriate

Resistration client

unable to continue in reg client when incorrect biometrics are given and then correct biometrics are given

Resistration client

Field Name should be consistent in all the applications.

Resistration client

Reg client closing while capturing the biometrics

Resistration client

very first time on click of capture of fingerprints during on boarding a pop up appears with message Unable to scan the fingerprints

Resistration client

Unable to launch registration client in offline mode

Resistration client

black view is shown photo capture view in the bottom of that space a message "Face pose angle not found" is shown.

Resistration client

Syncbyte : Giving low quality less than 50 takes about 2 mins to capture biometrics and then no image is shown in the view

Resistration client

Error- Supervisor ID in OSI Data can not be null or empty (Packet creation failed due to internal error).

Resistration client

recapture without closeing the capture window when a capture attempt fails is not happening

Resistration client

It captured successfully once when three fingers are given instead of 4 fingers of left slap at the time of left slap capture without selecting any exceptions

Resistration client

in a tricky situation finger image is not shown on the window while capturing, finger image is shown after capturing

Resistration client

Able to mark iris exception though Iris is disabled in config and viceversa (i.e. First time Registration Client does not work as per config change though sync has happend).

Resistration client

Onboarding time and registration time -> when five fingers are given in left or right slap instead of four, it is capturing five fingers

Resistration client

The attempts count is not getting incremented for the first instance when user naviagates back from preview

Resistration client

UI flow for UIN update needs to updated for demo auth scenario

Resistration client

Retest - Application fails to alert the user to capture exception photo for low quality biometric exception scenario

Resistration client

Keypad is not displayed properly at RHS side.

Resistration client

Able to scan biometrics though exceptions are marked (New Registration/Update Flow).

Resistration client

Unable to modify biometrics from preview page

Resistration client

Error message is not displayed when more than one face is detected.

Resistration client

Reg client is allowing to capture any object picture in photo/exception photo which should be allowed. Only live person's picture must be allowed

Resistration client

As MOSIP system, I should allow registration of users only if there is sufficient disk space in the system

Resistration client

Acknowledgement present in the Reg Client packet store is not rendered properly in the browser

Resistration client

Sync Date and Time is not getting updated in Reg Client UI

Resistration client

Regclient services application logs are not informative, leading to delay in development

Resistration client

All the users salts are downloaded to the client machine irrespective of center id.

Resistration client

Registration Client is getting closed by clicking on top left icon above the mosip logo.

Resistration client

No enum constant exception at notification stage for the packets rejected by supervisor.

Registration Processor

The adult update packet should get rejected and triggered the notification if the auth fails in bio authentication stage validation.

Registration Processor

Adult update packet is getting failed at the biographic verification stage (Individual authentication failedUnsupported Authentication Type - bio-FIR ).

Registration Processor

Unknown Exception while fetching biometric file using MA API.

Registration Processor

Deactivate UIN packets should not for printservice.

Registration Processor

Child update packet should not be sent for Reprocess if the packet is rejected at the OSI stage stating Parent UIN/RID not found.

Registration Processor

Unable to read from IDRepo

Registration Processor

LOST UIN : infant age check condition breaking lost uin flow

Registration Processor

Update packet is getting failed at Packet Validator Stage (Packet validation failed KER-PUT-002 --> the requested file is not found in the destination).

Registration Processor

New Packet is getting failed at the Notification Stage (Unknown exception occured KER-PUT-002 --> the requested file is not found in the destination).

Registration Processor

Unable to generate VID

Registration Processor

UIN Generation failed - Failed to retrieve Identity Schema from kernel Syncdata service

Registration Processor

Packet is failed at packet validator stage (Packet validation failed io.mosip.kernel.core.idobjectvalidator.exception.IdObjectValidationFailedException).

Registration Processor

UIN to be used as string in all services of registration processor

Registration Processor

Reverse Data Sync entry made in the audit table though pre-reg fetch packet is not processed in reg proc.

Registration Processor

UIN Generation failed - Invalid Input Parameter - requesttime (INT ENV).

Registration Processor

DMZ stages trying to connect to hdfs during startup

Registration Processor

Sent notification and PDF generation failed (For input string:"10002100740001320200422063022"java.lang.NumberFormatException).

Registration Processor

Requests failing in ABIS.

Registration Processor

Reverse sync data is failed in packet-validator stage.

Registration Processor

Registration processor reducing code smells fix

Registration Processor

Bio auth for UIN update is working incorrectly

Registration Processor

UIN generation is not working at Reg processor

Registration Processor

Last 10 days packets uploaded are not available in linux system : archive location and landing zone, in both places it is not there

Registration Processor

NGNIX/Pod issue in registration processor DMZ service

Registration Processor

In reg client -> On click of synchronize data -> user machine mapping job is failing continuously

Registration Processor

Notification stage failing when load tested by upploading 300 packets in preprod

Registration Processor

"registration center device history not found" message is not clearly pointing for which device it is not there

Registration Processor

ABIS still having issue with gallery match (that is while doing one to one match)

Registration Processor

Applicant photo is not visible in UIN card

Registration Processor

ABIS gallery match not happening as expected

Registration Processor

Automation Testing- Wrong Response Structure while sending a wrong machine id to reprint api

Registration Processor

packets getting stuck in OSI_Validate stage in Reg proc due to request timeout from kernel are not going for reprocessing

Registration Processor

HDFS issue observed in Reg-processor in the packet validate stage (This issue has come in the OSI stage also).

Registration Processor

All packet from reg client get stuck at OSI_Validation with reason as "Reprocess"

Registration Processor

Error at message sender stage (No enum constant io.mosip.registration.processor.message.sender.utility.NotificationStageStatus.OSI_VALIDATE_REPROCESS).

Registration Processor

SFTP Operation Failed (Packet is not moving from landing zone).

Registration Processor


Registration Processor

Unable to process a lost packet in reg processor

Registration Processor

Intermittent Issue - Vertex Thread Lock Exception is appearing when ActiveMQ is restarted (observable in ABIS Middle-ware & Print Stage)

Registration Processor

Packet upload to reg proc is not working in Security environment 0.9.1

Registration Processor

Issue in Notification Stage - LOST UIN packet with unique flag set as N > such that it goes to MV > MV rejects the Packet

Registration Processor

For all rejected packets which are uploaded, the UIN is getting generated

Registration Processor

Issue in Notification Stage - When wrong URL for Email in configured, Notification Stage Failure entry in Transaction Table is missing

Registration Processor

Face data is returned as 'NULL' in ekyc

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Unable to sentOTP for authentication getting "IDA-RST-007": Server Error occurred

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Unable to process a new packet in dev-test env

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Need a service to decrypt the ekyc returned data

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Packet got stuck at the OSI stage instead of rejection if the child packet does not have valid parent's authentication.

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Child Packet is Failed at the OSI stage stating Biometric data – Finger did not match though Parent details are valid.

ID Authentication\ID Repository

eKYC API does not return an encoded response

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Able to authenticate with unmapped partner and api key

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Incorrect error message on authenticating with a deactivated policy/partner API key

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Authentication services not providing proper messages with invalid partner, Misp and ApiKey.

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Able to authenticate with an invalid biometric in multi-factor authentication

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Able to authenticate with a deactivated partner

ID Authentication\ID Repository

UIN Generation failed - Invalid Input Parameter - biometricReferenceId

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Unable to authenticate after a deactivated UIN is activated

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Auth - Bio Auth failing

ID Authentication\ID Repository

First request in ID Repo failing in ID Object validation

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Able to authenticate with inactive MISP License

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Child/Update Packet with valid Parent RID is getting failed at OSI (Unsupported Authentication Type - bio-IIR ).

ID Authentication\ID Repository

ENV Issue- Packets are getting failed at OSI (Unable to access API resourceRPR-RCT-001 --> Unknown resource provided; nested exception is org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 404 ).

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Unable to notify VID creation

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Unable to send OTP for auth

ID Authentication\ID Repository

ID Repo is not notifying IDA about UIN generation

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Able to do the Authentication with Locked UIN and Locked VID

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Demographic Authentication service doesn't have proper Audit log for 'ref_id_type' field

ID Authentication\ID Repository

sendOTP action fails to send OTP email (random but frequent)

ID Authentication\ID Repository

BioMetric Authentication API is not working as expected

ID Authentication\ID Repository

In ID Repository few services are giving "Unknown error occurred" in response

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Proper error message should throw for internal request with invalid UserID

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Auth Transaction entry should come for KYC with auth status 'false'

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Response should be 200 and proper error throw for request without signature in identity - Bio

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Request could not be processed error on providing invalid exception parent biometrics in a child packet

ID Authentication\ID Repository

IDA Key generator fixes

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Auth Transaction should be proper for failed kyc authentication

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Proper error message should come for invalid device make and model

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Unable to decrypt request error on performing IDA

ID Authentication\ID Repository

3 packets got failed at OSI_Validate stage

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Proper error message should display for invalid device provider id, deviceprovider, make, model

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Not able to run ID Authentication tests by referring IDA wiki documentation

ID Authentication\ID Repository

Unable to update MISP details

Partner Management

Unable to update partner management policy

Partner Management

Getting error "Unable to access API resourceRES-SER-005" while running resident service API

Resident Services

Unable to revoke the "Temporary/Perpetual VID"

Resident Services

Not able to Update the UIN using resident services

Resident Services

Getting error "RES-SER-019", while executing print UIN

Resident Services

Getting "RES-SER-005" while running EUIN resident request

Resident Services

Unable to execute the resident API - 404 error

Resident Services

Unable to print the UIN as Machine not found error is thrown

Resident Services

Unable to Run the Resident Service due to "RES-SER-004" - Could not fetch public key from kernel keymanager - 502 Bad Gateway

Resident Services

No description found for the error code received while performing update on UIN

Resident Services

Unable to update the UIN using the resident service

Resident Services

Email received for Successful revocation of VID, however the same doesnot happened as API response has error RES-SER-004

Resident Services

Resident Service Error code and Error Message update

Resident Services

Timestamp validation should perform all resident services

Resident Services

Status Check API for Resident Services is not Working as Expected

Resident Services

Last updated

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