Bug Fixes

This document contains the bugs that were fixed as part of MOSIP 1.1.2 release.


Getting full name is displayed in dollar as $fullName_eng, under email received

Resident Services

1.1.2 - Packet is failing at BIOGRAPHIC_VERIFICATION stage stating that Unknown exception occured null.

Registration Processor

1.1.2 Build- Lost UIN Packet is getting failed at UIN G stage

Registration Processor

Able to authenticate after locking VID

Authentication/ID Repository

1.1.2- Unable to fetch PRID in reg client (REG - PCC-ZCM-001 --> JSONObject["bloodType"] not a string)


Getting Technical error under your application page


IDA template issues

Authentication/ID Repository

1.1.2 -Unable to Create New/Update Packet when Document Scanner is Enabled.

Registration Processor

Search APi for Machinetype does not support name field

Admin Services

While doing print UIN we are getting exception error under DB

Resident Services

Unable to get the packet status

Admin Services

Get RID by Userid and appid api is not working

Authentication/ID Repository

1.1.2: Packet is failing in ID Repo for postal code though postal code not mandatory (the null values are converted as string).

Registration Processor

Unable to proceed after preview page as getting blank page


1.1.2 Child packet with parent RID is failed stating that UIN not available in the database

Registration Processor

Unable to create the Device Specification and Machine Specification as Id is taking value as 0 while creation and says already exists with 500 error

Admin Services

Getting RID Not Found when trying fetch the status of RID

Resident Services

Unable to print UIN using the perpetual VID

Resident Services

1.1.2: Packet creation failed due to online encryption in application-mz.properties (Reg Cli needs to handle this).

Registration Processor

1.1.2: Unable to create the packet (KER-PUT-015 --> Unable to store packet in object store).

Registration Processor

1.1.2 Packet is failed at packet validator stage.

Registration Processor

1.1.2 :Unable to launch reg client(classpath issue).

Registration Processor

The Master Data Upload data keeps on fluctuating as no data is present

Admin Services

Created Application is not visible under Your Application page


Getting Technical error after login into the pre-reg.


1.1.2 unable to get the policy key though sync is completed(REG - KER-KMS-016 --> not allowed to generate new key pair for other )

Registration Processor

1.1.2: Registration Client Initial Sync Failure (ERROR - RESPONSE_SIGNATURE_VALIDATION )

Registration Processor

1.1.2 Reg Client Initialization Issue

Registration Processor

1.1.2 Unable to capture face with Real MDS (RCapture Failed-->java.lang.NullPointerException)

Registration Processor

Unable to move ahead in pre-reg as cannot click on Consent Check box


Map Status field needs to be removed from the filter option of device as getting technical error

Admin Services

While creating the duplicate Blacklisted word we are getting 500 error

Admin Services

On creating and updating the master data values are not getting updated in ara language

Admin Services

The Gender and Resident field is populating at one side when English is configured as both primary and secondary lang


Unable to sendOTP with the temporary VID as getting error "VID not available in database" as it takes long time then usual

Resident Services

Filter API for Machine Type does not support name column as filter value

Admin Services

Unable to create the Template as ID field is not there and we cannot generate randomly in UI

Admin Services

Unable to create and update holiday Under admin UI

Admin Services

Unable to activate the deactivated machinetype

Admin Services

Unable to deactivate using the edit option for masterdata

Admin Services

Getting field requestname error while trying to create the masterdata in one langcode

Admin Services

Unable to update UIN using resident service as getting base exception

Resident Services

Document Type-Document Categories Mapping doesnot open

Admin Services

Message to be corrected while deactivating the blacklisted word

Admin Services

Partner Registration for SyncByte with real-biometrics failed

Partner Management

Getting error as errorCode=RPR-RHM-FAILED-001 while trying to Reprint the using resident service

Resident Services

1.2 Reg Cli with MockMDS-- Exception while getting the scanned biometrics for user registration

Registration Processor

Print is not working in pre-reg UI under acknowledgement page


Pre-reg on Dev doesn't get past document upload page


Unable to register the device stating that failed to evaluate expression 'hashrole' error.

Partner Management

eKYC response is empty on decrypting it

Authentication/ID Repository

Unable to authenticate using VID

Authentication/ID Repository

1.1.2 Multiple location hierarchy does not support in the platform.

Registration Processor

Issues in Dynamic UI implementation for Registration Client.

Registration Processor

Device validations in IDA is not happening via the PM API's

Authentication/ID Repository

Unable to load mocksdk in registration client.

Registration Processor

1.1.2 : Registration Client is not able to sync the device's data (No APIs to fetch registered device master data in reg client local DB).

Registration Processor

1.1.2 Child packet is getting failed at packet validator stage stating missing Applicant biometric fileName/file.

Registration Processor

Getting Internel server error while ruuning API TriggerNotification_preRegistrationId_withInvalidValueAsNonExisting


Getting error code under message of error section under response


Unable to create the Document Type

Admin Services

1.1.2 : Child packet is getting failed at OSI stating the Invalid UIN though valid Parent RID is given during the registration.

Registration Processor

IDA repo is not notifying IDA on UIN creation

Authentication/ID Repository

Unable to change the policy of a partner

Partner Management

The is_Active field under devicemaster table remains false as device is created in one langguage

Admin Services

Ekyc as 'null' is not handled in IDA

Authentication/ID Repository

Auth Policy/ekyc attributes returned as null when validating the partner and misp license key

Partner Management

Unable to continue after the document Upload page


Getting error while trying to fetch the packet status

Admin Services

1.2 DEV- Unable to view document in registration client.

Registration Processor

1.1.2: Timeout waiting for connection from pool issue in packet manager.

Registration Processor

DEV ENV(1.2)- Update Packet is failed at BIO AUTH Stage (IDA-MLC-007","errorMessage":"Request could not be processed. Please try again).

Registration Processor

No filter option is present under Gender Master Data in AdminUI

Admin Services

The Blacklisted word page keeps on loading

Admin Services

When the data is deleted using the bulk upload UI/API the updated by Field remains empty

Admin Services

On updating the code under Center Type user should get youcannot change the CenterCode

Admin Services

Unable to register devices

Partner Management

1.1.2: Packets which has been exported can not be uploaded.

Registration Processor

Language change made in the Config is not getting reflected.


The centertype get created when the CenterName field is not given in secondary lang

Admin Services

1.1.2: Error in Notification stage logs (unable to send the notification)

Registration Processor

While sending working day in request as Saturday it coming one incremented day in response

Admin Services

On sending incorrect value under the timestamp as past date or future getting 500 error


Exceptional Holiday Calendar is missing from UI under secondary language selection

Admin Services

1.1.2- DEV/QA ENV- Packet validation failed in the packet manager.

Registration Processor

1.1.2 : Outer packets and subpackets are not encrypted under main packet container.

Registration Processor

1.1.2- id packet and json file is not created, also packet is created under packet management through packet approval did not happen.

Registration Processor

Getting error while trying to map a device using POST device API , where center is on zone KTA and device is of NTH

Admin Services

Old doc is also present even after uploading the new document.


1.2 - Reg Client - Unable to approve the packet.

Registration Processor

Menu icon is not clickable on Biometric Screen.

Registration Processor

1.1.2 : Registration Client icon (during launch) needs to be changed on the taskbar.

Registration Processor

1.1.2: Unable to log in into the registration client as the appid is REGISTRATIONCLIENT in the auth request using user-id/password.

Registration Processor

The user is not able to select POA and browse doc when none option is selected after selecting any doc to copy


User is not able to logout from Admin Portal

Admin Services

Transliterate service is throwing error JSON parse error: Unrecognized field "to_field_value"


TriggerNotification APi is failing as response body has both error code & response as Null when an invalid value is sent under requesttime


Getting "No register device found" while trying to de-register , registered Device

Admin Services

Registration Client takes 15-20 seconds to logged out.

Registration Processor

Remove Mock SDK dependency from POM File

Authentication/ID Repository

Unable to execute the De-registration of Devices as getting error as Unrecognized field "ID"

Admin Services

Technical error is received under wrong template case when user upload the template of one table to another

Admin Services

The Master Data Upload data keeps on loading sometime however the data is present in the table

Admin Services

The table name is not appearing under master data bulk upload UI after performing any action

Admin Services

The search registration center API should support the zoneCode Field to search the centers

Admin Services

Getting No internet connection issue while launching the registration client when hostname is not set under environmental variable

Registration Processor

Comment to Pre-registration Captcha Code for now and make it configurable later


Print Service stage is missing for one packet when multiple packet upload at a time.

Registration Processor

The Document does not have all category


Your application and preview page keeps on loading while testing the dynamic field


first name, last name is not displayed in pre-reg booking email notification if we change name in the pre-reg UI spec.


QA ENV - Original name is not displayed in UIN Generation Email Notification.

Registration Processor

regprocessor registrationtransaction is failing with internal server error

Registration Processor

Registration Client should pass the "biosubtype" for Face as empty

Registration Processor

Unable to proceed further from demographic page getting error popup


Dynamic UI Test (RegClient) - Master data is not getting loaded for dynamic field.

Registration Processor

Dynamic UI Test (PreReg) - Master data is not getting loaded for dynamic field.


Unable to scan document using document scanner

Registration Processor

JSON Response need to be modify

Partner Management

Adding additional attributes throws an error in dynamic field create and update API

Admin Services

Admin UI keeps on loading and user is not able to login

Admin Services

Issues in Audit for app_name=REGISTRATION.

Registration Processor

Scenario (Only Biometric Update): UIN Update template issue only when Demographic details and Documents are not given.

Registration Processor

Officer / Supervisor biometric data is not sent in the meta_info.json (Packet is getting failed in the OSI stage).

Registration Processor

Popup is retained though the application is logged out.

Registration Processor

count in RCapture request not validated

Registration Processor

LOST UIN template issue only when Demographic details and Documents are not given.

Registration Processor

MDS issue during biometric login using fingerprint.

Registration Processor

Scan button is not present during packet auth.

Registration Processor

Registration client gets hanged and does not respond during packet auth , eod auth and login auth.

Registration Processor

Registration Client throws ERROR text in UI and exception in the logs after Launch and also if biometric auth login fails.

Registration Processor

while capturing biometrics stream image getting paused

Registration Processor

Admin_GetLeafZones_forNoZoneMap Error to be corrected under response

Admin Services

Expecting error when passing invalid parameter when Activate or Deactivate the MISP Licence

Partner Management

Streaming is on though device is not connected.

Registration Processor

expecting missing input parameter exception when missing contactnumber, email and address form request body but getting success with null value.

Partner Management

Getting emailId as a null when updating the Misp.

Partner Management

Expecting error while passing Invalid input Parameter

Partner Management

The packet is not moving ahead from status Packet is Uploaded to Landing Zone in Database when update packet is executed under resident service

Resident Services


Admin Services


Admin Services


Admin Services

Issue in Manual Adjudication Flow.

Registration Processor

Admin_CreateLocationDataz_Invalid_name_dupliCate invalid errorMessage and errorCode

Admin Services

Getting KER-DAH-002 when code field is missing in CreateLocationData API

Admin Services

Getting KER-DAH-002 when code is sent as code="" under CreateLocationData API

Admin Services

Admin_CreateLocationData_inValid_HierarchyName65 invalid errorMessage

Admin Services

Admin_CreateLocationData_Invalid_EmptyHierarchyName invalid errorMessage

Admin Services

Admin_FetchRegCenterExceptionalHolidays_Kernel_Langcode_invalid invalid errorMessage

Admin Services

Admin_UnmapDeviceRegCenterz_inactive_mapping invalid errorMessage and errorCode

Admin Services

Admin_UpdateHoliday_Invalid_language_code invalid error message

Admin Services

Admin_UpdateMachine_Invalid_SerialNumber_AboveMaxLen64 invalid errorMessage

Admin Services

Kernel-bio-sdk-provider: Remove Redundant instantiation of SDK with same class and properties for different modalities.


Error message to be corrected under createHoliday API

Admin Services

Unable to update the blacklisted word when desc is provided with Space getting error code "KER-MSD-105

Admin Services

RC2- On every launch Reg Client asks for the update though no update is there.

Registration Processor

Registration data is not displayed when supervisor selects the option informed/can't informed.

Registration Processor

Navigation issues in registration client.

Registration Processor

PreRegistrationIdentitiyMapping.json name as firstName, lastName shows gives null value


Able to do OTP authentication with invalid transaction id

Authentication/ID Repository

sdkDependency setup query needs to be run in local DB to bring up the registration client.

Registration Processor

MOSIP copyright version info to be removed

Registration Processor

AuthPartner validation with un-mapped partnerId and apikey is not giving proper message

Authentication/ID Repository

Unable to copy the document for user of choice


Sync does not works till Reg Client needs to logged out- relogin and synced again.

Registration Processor

Proxy OTP is not performing many validations


UI Issues under update Machine Module

Admin Services

Discrepancy in the Error Code found while booking appointment.


Fetch Packet Status API is giving wrong validation messages

Admin Services

Last updated