Bug Fixes

This document contains the bugs that were fixed as part of MOSIP 1.1.3 release.

Bug ID

Password and Iris login screen overlay if auth token expires, and unbale to do password login to get fresh auth token

Registration Client

Sync request Decryption Failure in Packet Validator Stage

Registration Processor

Packet is getting failed at OSI (ida internal service time out error a OSI stage)

Registration Processor

"Internal System Error" while trying to log in to the reg-client

Registration Client

Packets are failing at validator stage(Unknownexception occured RPR-RCT-001 --> Unknown resource provided; nested exception is org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException: 500 )

Registration Processor

Packet approved using bio auth is failing at OSI stage

Registration Processor

Acknowledgement page has alignment issues for the bio data

Registration Client

Unable to add Userdetails from Admin console via BulkUpload data

Admin Services

The email notification is not coming under pre-reg application


Unable to login to reg-client in offline mode.

Registration Client

Getting technical error while uploading the Data

Admin Services

1.1.3-On-boarding authentication is not working in Registration Client

Registration Client

Unable to upload the machinemaster Bulk data as getting error

Admin Services

Notification is not working and throwing exception under Regproc

Registration Processor

Update packet is failing under VALIDATE_PACKET stage

Registration Processor

User should have option to upload multiple packets

Admin Services

1.1.3- A packet is getting failed at OSI stage stating that Unable to access API resourceRPR-RCT-001 --> Unknown resource provided; nested exception is org.springframework.web.client.HttpServerErrorException: 500

Registration Processor

Temporary VID gets consumed after OTP request

IDA / ID Repository

Device Type column doesnot have value as API is not returning value

Admin Services

center-id is not displayed in reg client

Registration Client

Unable to Bulk upload the data for reg center

Admin Services

Unable to book appointment as getting technical error on slot selection page


Unable to fetch packet status using the Admin

Admin Services

Bio update packet is getting failed stating that UIN Updation failed - Invalid Input Parameter - documents - individualBiometrics

IDA / ID Repository

EKYC encryption is not happening with the partner's key

IDA / ID Repository

Reg-Client getting hanged when consent proof is selected for scan in Document upload page

Registration Client

Photo not returned in eKYC response

IDA / ID Repository

Unable to do auth/kyc after disabling cache

IDA / ID Repository

Getting error "RES-SER-009" while trying to lock the Auth using Perpetual VID

Resident Services

Unable to test update and child packet flow-Unable to access API resourceRPR-RCT-001 --> RPR-RCT-001; nested exception is org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 404

Registration Processor

Sync failure, refresh token API is failing

Registration Client

Unable to do eKYC

IDA / ID Repository

Unable to do biometric auth

IDA / ID Repository

1.1.3:: Two instances of Reg Client are running, one is reg-client and another one is the launcher.

Registration Client

Getting error RES-SER-020 while updating the resident demographic details from resident service

Resident Services

While updating the Holiday the location field is coming as "undefined"

Admin Services

Unable to deactivate/ Activate the machine while edit Machine page

Admin Services

1.2 Reg Client with Mock MDS:: Biometric login, packet auth, and EOD auth are not working for the thumb.

Registration Client

1.2 Reg Client with Mock MDS:: Biometric login, packet auth, and EOD auth are not working for Right Hand Fingerprint.

Registration Client

Unable to do KYC auth with demographic Details , however Demo_Auth is working

IDA / ID Repository

1.2 Reg Cli with Mock MDS :: Continue button is disabled if low threshold biometrics are captured with Mock MDS

Registration Client

Packet created in Reg-Client is missing evidence.Json file

Registration Client

Reg Client1.1.2 with Mock MDS:: Packet with Officer auth says Biometric file validation failed for officer in Reg Proc.

Registration Client

1.1.2Reg Cli with Mock: only a little finger is captured for officer/supervisor packet auth.

Registration Client

Child Packet failing in OSI stage with message "Biometric data - Iris did not match"

Registration Processor

The none text does not appear under document upload page


Unable to sentOTP when user is performing send OTP with different transactionID

Resident Services

The application still present on the Your application page even after discard


Admin page reloads if proper role is not provided

Admin Services

Error during send a notification to resident after packet validation stage.

Registration Processor

ObjectStore should return boolean instead of throwing exception when exists method is invoked


1.1.2(MOCK MDS ): Packets are still displayed in the Pending approval list though EOD auth is successful (it mean EOD auth with a bio is not working as expected).

Registration Client

Default list of Partners/Policies required

Partner Management

On loading the Admin Page we get you are not authorized

Admin Services

Operator is unable to create exception packet

Registration Client

Actual face was not visible in bio section of acknowledgement screen

Registration Client

Hide document screen if the entire document section is removed from UI spec.

Registration Client

WebSub subscrtiption secret should be accepted from property in intent verification annotation


Packet Status does not show all the stages under view more section

Admin Services

Unable to continue to biometric screen after scanning the document ( workaround works)

Registration Client

On click of logout the popup does not appear properly


The document upload page is not rendered properly for Applicant added


1.1.2 - Packet is failing at BIOGRAPHIC_VERIFICATION stage stating that Unknown exception occured null.

Registration Processor

Not receiving failure notifications for OTP auth

IDA / ID Repository

The id sent in the .csv file is getting save for the tables where unique id is generated when data is sent

Admin Services

1.1.2 -Unable to Create New/Update Packet when Document Scanner is Enabled.

Registration Client

1.1.2: Very frequently minio returns object as null ( during search and packet processing )

Registration Processor

Admin is picking lang value from configmaps

Admin Services

The user is not redirected to list view page under center, device and machine

Admin Services

The demo details filled during registration in Reg-client is not shown on the preview, acknowledgement and approval page.

Registration Client

Post Holiday should return id field

Admin Services

[Intermittent] Files are not stored in Object Store

IDA / ID Repository

The search API is not giving the machineType name under response

Admin Services

Getting error while trying to Lock and Unlock UIN

Resident Services

Unable to Filter the location with the fields getting column not supported

Admin Services

Getting error errorCode": "KER-MSD-311",while trying to search Location data

Admin Services

Search API for Gender does not support name column as value

Admin Services

1.2 DEV Real MDS- Face Capture Issue in Reg Client

Registration Client

Getting error while trying to Download EUIN

Resident Services

Unable to discard the application


Unable to update the Blacklisted word from UI

Admin Services

We are able to change the status of the device which is in Revoked state to Registered

Admin Services

Working Non Working Days API is giving incorrect response

Admin Services

1.1.2: Sync failure as client id/secret key authentication is failed because the secret key is plaintext {Cipher}.

Registration Client

1.1.2 -In All Env - All the reg proc pods need to be restarted multiple times to bring up reg proc completely (Packet stuck at any stage at any time).

Registration Processor

Default name is missing in UIN update template when any demo filed is updated excluding name.

Registration Client

Officer / Supervisor biometric data is not sent in the meta_info.json (Packet is getting failed in the OSI stage).

Registration Client

Popup is retained though the application is logged out.

Registration Client

MDS issue during biometric login using fingerprint.

Registration Client

On every launch Reg Client asks for the update though no update is there.

Registration Client

Unable to authenticate after a deactivated UIN is activated

IDA / ID Repository

The inactive Center type is shown in the drop down Registration center type in center creation and Update form

Admin Services

Last updated