Services in MOSIP

This document defines the public and private services of MOSIP.

Public Services: MOSIP services available to the general public and can be accessed by UI or user token.

Private Services: MOSIP services available for service to service call and should be accessed by service token or restricted user.

MOSIP Service
Private Service
Public Service

Admin /Bulk Upload

Admin /Login

Admin /AuditManager

Admin /PacketUpdateStatus

Commons /PacketReader-Writer

Kernel /AuditManager

Kernel /AuthManager

Kernel /Login

Kernel /Refresh

Kernel /Jasperreport

Kernel /ClientCrypto

Kernel /CryptoManager

Kernel /KeyManager

Kernel /LicenceKey

Kernel /PartnerCertManager

Kernel /Signature

Kernel /TokenIDGenerator

Kernel /ZKCryptoManager

Kernel /ApplicantType

Kernel /ApplicantValidDocument

Kernel /Application

Kernel /BiometricAttribute

Kernel /BiometricType

Kernel /BlacklistedWords

Kernel /Device

Kernel /DeviceHistory

Kernel /DeviceProvider

Kernel /DeviceProviderManagement

Kernel /DeviceRegister

Kernel /DeviceSpecification

Kernel /DeviceType

Kernel /DocumentCategory

Kernel /DocumentType

Kernel /DynamicField

Kernel /ExceptionalHoliday

Kernel /FoundationalTrustProvider

Kernel /GenderType

Kernel /Holiday

Kernel /IdType

Kernel /IndividualType

Kernel /Language

Kernel /Location

Kernel /LocationHierarchy

Kernel /Machine

Kernel /MachineHistory

Kernel /MachineSpecification

Kernel /MachineType

Kernel /Module

Kernel /MOSIPDeviceService

Kernel /PacketRejectionReason

Kernel /RegisteredDevice

Kernel /RegistrationCenter

Kernel /RegistrationCenterDevice

Kernel /RegistrationCenterHistory

Kernel /RegistrationCenterType

Kernel /RegistrationCenterUserMachineHistory

Kernel /Schema

Kernel /Template

Kernel /TemplateFileFormat

Kernel /TemplateType

Kernel /Title

Kernel /UserDetailsHistory

Kernel /ValidDocument

Kernel /WorkingDay

Kernel /Zone

Kernel /EmailNotification

Kernel /SmsNotification

Kernel /OtpGenerator

Kernel /OtpValidator

Kernel /RidGenerator

Kernel /SyncData

ID Authentication /AuditTest

ID Authentication /Test

ID Authentication /CredentialIssueanceCallback

ID Authentication /Cryptomanager

ID Authentication /InternalAuth

ID Authentication /InternalAuthTxn

ID Authentication /InternalOTP

ID Authentication /InternalUpdateAuthType

ID Authentication /Keymanager

ID Authentication /Signature

ID Authentication /WebSub

ID Authentication /KycAuth

ID Authentication /OTP

ID Authentication /Auth

ID Authentication /StaticPin

ID Authentication /VID

ID Repository /BiometricExtractor

ID Repository /CredentialRequestGenerator

ID Repository /CredentialStore

ID Repository /ID Repository

ID Repository /Vid

Partner Management Service /Misp

Partner Management Service /PartnerManagement

Partner Management Service /DeviceDetail

Partner Management Service /FTPChipDetail

Partner Management Service /RegisteredDevice

Partner Management Service /SecureBiometricInterface

Partner Management Service /PartnerService

Partner Management Service /PolicyManagement

Pre Registration /Demographic

Pre Registration /Document

Pre Registration /GenerateQRcode

Pre Registration /Login

Pre Registration /Notification

Pre Registration /Transliteration

Pre Registration /Booking

Pre Registration /Captcha

Pre Registration /DataSync

Registration Processor /BioDedupe

Registration Processor /RegistrationStatus

Registration Processor /RegistrationSync

Registration Processor /PrintApi

Registration Processor /RegistrationTransaction

Registration Processor /External

Registration Processor /QCUsers

Registration Processor /QualityChecker

Resident Services /Resident

Resident Services /ResidentVid

Last updated