Pre Registration APIs

This section details about the service API in the Pre-Registration modules.

Note: The id, version and requesttime in request and responsetime in response bodies are optional fields and not consumed by pre-registration application unless defined. Though we need to pass these as part of the request, it should not be tested. Few of the error messages are intended for API consumer, who are mostly SI and developers. User friendly messages need to be mapped in the UI reference implementation.

API testing Prerequisites

  • Generate a Authorization Token by using following Kernel AuthManager APIs

  • Use this Authorization token in the every request header of all pre-registration APIs.

Login Service (Public)

This service details used by Pre-Registration portal to authenticate user by sending OTP to the user, validating with userid and OTP.

POST /login/sendOtp

This request will send the OTP to the requested user in the preferred channel(sms/email)

Resource URL


Resource details

Request Part Parameters


Request for SMS

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.sendotp",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requesttime": "2019-05-14T07:24:47.605Z",
  "request": {
    "userId": "8907654778"

Responses for SMS

Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: OTP sent successfully to specified channel

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.sendotp",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-06-03T06:41:46.796Z",
  "response": {
    "message": "Sms Request Sent",
    "status": "success"
  "errors": null

For Email

Request for Email

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.sendotp",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requesttime": "2019-05-14T07:24:47.605Z",
  "request": {
	"userId": ""

Responses for Email

Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: OTP sent successfully to specified channel

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.sendotp",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-06-03T06:41:46.796Z",
  "response": {
    "message": "Email Request submitted",
    "status": "success"
  "errors": null

Failure Response

Status code: 200

Description: Invalid parameters

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.sendotp",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-14T16:46:39.582Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "PRG_AUTH_001",
      "message": "OTP failed to send through a specified channel"

Other Failure details

POST /login/validateOtp

This request will validate the OTP with respect to userid and provide the authorize token in the browser cookies.

Resource URL


Resource details

Request Part Parameters


  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.useridotp",
  "version": "1.0",
  "requesttime": "2019-06-03T08:28:04.783Z",
  "request": {
    "otp": "345674",
    "userId": "8907654778"


Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: sms sent successfully

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.useridotp",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-06-03T06:47:10.838Z",
  "response": {
    "status": "success"
  "errors": null

Failure Response

Status code: 200

Description: Invalid parameters

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.useridotp",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-06-03T18:03:12.305Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "KER-OTV-005",
      "message": "Validation can't be performed against this key. Generate OTP first."

Other Failure details

POST /login/invalidateToken

This request will invalidate the authorization token when force logout is done.

Resource URL


Resource details


Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: Token invalidated successfully

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.invalidate",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-16T09:37:04.941Z",
  "response": {
    "message": "Token has been invalidated successfully",
    "status": "success"
  "errors": null

Failure Response

Status code: 200

Description: Token is not present in cookies

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.invalidate",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-06-14T08:41:17.156Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "KER-ATH-007",
      "message": "Token is not present in cookies"

Other Failure details

GET /login/config

This request will load the configuration parameters while loading the pre-registration portal page.

All the values are retrieving from the pre-registration config properties file. If any value get changed in the config properties file it will get reflected in the response of this API. Following mentioned response is the sample of that.

Resource URL


Resource details


Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: Config parameter retrieved sucessfully

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.config",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-14T16:01:20.534Z",
  "response": {
    "mosip.kernel.otp.default-length": "6",
    "": "^[(?i)A-Z0-9]{5}$",
    "mosip.left_to_right_orientation": "eng,fra",
    "preregistration.recommended.centers.locCode": "5",
    "mosip.kernel.otp.validation-attempt-threshold": "10",
    "": "MOR",
    "mosip.primary-language": "fra",
    "preregistration.timespan.cancel": "1",
    "mosip.default.dob.month": "01",
    "": "60",
    "preregistration.availability.noOfDays": "5",
    "mosip.kernel.otp.expiry-time": "180",
    "": "^\\d{4}/([0]\\d|1[0-2])/([0-2]\\d|3[01])$",
    "mosip.supported-languages": "eng,ara,fra",
    "preregistration.workflow.documentupload": "true/false",
    "preregistration.workflow.demographic": "true/false",
    "preregistration.documentupload.allowed.file.nameLength": "50",
    "": "5",
    "mosip.kernel.sms.number.length": "10",
    "preregistration.availability.sync": "6",
    "": "50",
    "preregistration.timespan.rebook": "1",
    "": "^[\\w-\\+]+(\\.[\\w]+)*@[\\w-]+(\\.[\\w]+)*(\\.[a-z]{2,})$",
    "": "^(150|1[0-4][0-9]|[1-9]?[0-9])$",
    "": "^([0-9]{10,30})$",
    "mosip.right_to_left_orientation": "ara",
    "": "6",
    "": "^([6-9]{1})([0-9]{9})$",
    "": "true/false",
    "": "30 ",
    "": "30",
    "[*].value": "^(?=.{0,50}$).*",
    "[*].value": "^(?=.{0,50}$).*",
    "mosip.login.mode": "email,mobile",
    "": "10",
    "": "180",
    "": "10",
    "mosip.secondary-language": "ara",
    "preregistration.nearby.centers": "2000",
    "preregistration.documentupload.allowed.file.size": "1000000",
    "": "01",
    "": "1",
    "preregistration.documentupload.allowed.file.type": "application/pdf,image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif"
  "errors": null

Other Failure details

GET /login/refreshconfig

This request will reload the configuration parameters.

When ever there is change in the property file, then this rest end point should be called manually,so that the property get reflected.

Resource URL


Resource details


Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: Config parameter retrieved sucessfully

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.login.config",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-08-08T07:43:45.908Z",
  "response": "success",
  "errors": null

Other Failure details

Demographic Service (public)

This service details used by Pre-Registration portal to maintain the demographic data by providing his/her basic details.

POST /applications

This request is used to create new pre-registration with demographic details, which generates pre-registration id and associates it with demographic details.

Resource URL


Resource details

Request Body Parameters


  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.create",
  "version": "1.0",
  "request": {
    "langCode": "eng",
    "demographicDetails": {
      "identity": {
        "IDSchemaVersion": 1,
        "fullName": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "Puja Thakur"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "پُجَ تهَكُر"
        "dateOfBirth": "1996/01/01",
        "gender": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "MLE"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "MLE"
        "addressLine1": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "Green olive villa"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "گرِِن ُلِڤِ ڤِللَ"
        "residenceStatus": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "FR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "FR"
        "addressLine2": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "22 ananda reddy Layout"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "٢٢ َنَندَ رِددي لَيُُت"
        "addressLine3": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": ""
            "language": "ara",
            "value": ""
        "region": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "RSK"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "RSK"
        "province": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "KTA"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KTA"
        "city": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "KNT"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KNT"
        "zone": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "BNMR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "BNMR"
        "postalCode": "14022",
        "email": "",
        "referenceIdentityNumber": "12312312312312"
  "requesttime": "2019-08-19T11:18:48.393Z"


Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: Pre-Registration successfully Created

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.create",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-08-19T11:18:51.326Z",
  "response": {
    "preRegistrationId": "46537143845798",
    "createdDateTime": "2019-08-19T11:18:51.281Z",
    "statusCode": "Pending_Appointment",
    "langCode": "eng",
    "demographicDetails": {
      "identity": {
        "gender": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "MLE"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "MLE"
        "city": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "KNT"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KNT"
        "postalCode": "14022",
        "fullName": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "Puja Thakur"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "پُجَ تهَكُر"
        "dateOfBirth": "1996/01/01",
        "referenceIdentityNumber": "12312312312312",
        "email": "",
        "IDSchemaVersion": 1,
        "province": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "KTA"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KTA"
        "zone": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "BNMR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "BNMR"
        "addressLine1": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "Green olive villa"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "گرِِن ُلِڤِ ڤِللَ"
        "residenceStatus": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "FR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "FR"
        "addressLine2": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "22 ananda reddy Layout"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "٢٢ َنَندَ رِددي لَيُُت"
        "addressLine3": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": ""
            "language": "ara",
            "value": ""
        "region": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "RSK"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "RSK"
  "errors": null

Failure Response

Status code: 200

Description: invalid or empty request id

  "id": "mosip-registration.demographic.create",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-20T05:52:20.435Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "PRG_PAM_CORE_001",
      "message": "Request id is invalid"

Other Failure details

PUT /applications/{preRegistrationId}

This request is used to update pre-registration's demographic details by providing pre-registration id in the path parameter and updated demographic details in request body.

Resource URL


Resource details

Request Path Parameters

Request Body Parameters


  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.update",
  "version": "1.0",
  "request": {
    "langCode": "eng",
    "demographicDetails": {
      "identity": {
        "IDSchemaVersion": 1,
        "fullName": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "Puja Thakur"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "پُجَ تهَكُر"
        "dateOfBirth": "1996/01/01",
        "gender": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "MLE"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "MLE"
        "addressLine1": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "Green olive villa"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "گرِِن ُلِڤِ ڤِللَ"
        "residenceStatus": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "FR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "FR"
        "addressLine2": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "22 ananda reddy Layout"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "٢٢ َنَندَ رِددي لَيُُت"
        "addressLine3": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": ""
            "language": "ara",
            "value": ""
        "region": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "RSK"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "RSK"
        "province": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "KTA"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KTA"
        "city": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "KNT"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KNT"
        "zone": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "BNMR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "BNMR"
        "postalCode": "14022",
        "email": "",
        "referenceIdentityNumber": "12312312312312"
  "requesttime": "2019-08-19T11:18:48.393Z"


Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: Pre-Registration demographic details successfully updated

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.update",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-08-19T11:18:51.326Z",
  "response": {
    "preRegistrationId": "46537143845798",
    "createdDateTime": "2019-08-19T11:18:51.281Z",
    "statusCode": "Pending_Appointment",
    "langCode": "eng",
    "demographicDetails": {
      "identity": {
        "gender": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "MLE"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "MLE"
        "city": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "KNT"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KNT"
        "postalCode": "14022",
        "fullName": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "Puja Thakur"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "پُجَ تهَكُر"
        "dateOfBirth": "1996/01/01",
        "referenceIdentityNumber": "12312312312312",
        "IDSchemaVersion": 1,
        "province": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "KTA"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KTA"
        "zone": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "BNMR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "BNMR"
        "addressLine1": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "Green olive villa"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "گرِِن ُلِڤِ ڤِللَ"
        "residenceStatus": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "FR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "FR"
        "addressLine2": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "22 ananda reddy Layout"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "٢٢ َنَندَ رِددي لَيُُت"
        "addressLine3": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": ""
            "language": "ara",
            "value": ""
        "region": [
            "language": "eng",
            "value": "RSK"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "RSK"
        "phone": "9999999999",
        "email": ""
  "errors": null

Failure Response

Status code: 200

Description: Invalid preregistration id(non-empty) or data is not found for that preregistration id.

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.update",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-20T06:31:35.160Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "PRG_PAM_APP_005",
      "message": "No data found for the requested pre-registration id"

Other Failure details

GET /applications/{preRegistrationId}

This request is used to retrieve Pre-Registration demographic data by pre-Registration id provided in request path parameter.

Resource URL


Resource details

Request Path Parameters


Success Response:

Status code: 200

Description: Demographic data successfully retrieved

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.retrieve.details",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-20T06:33:08.516Z",
  "response": {
    "preRegistrationId": "32042841521591",
    "createdBy": "8754462073",
    "createdDateTime": "2019-05-20T06:25:00.262Z",
    "updatedBy": "8754462073",
    "updatedDateTime": "2019-05-20T06:30:37.900Z",
    "statusCode": "Pending_Appointment",
    "langCode": "fra",
    "demographicDetails": {
      "identity": {
        "referenceIdentityNumber": "9182345678456",
        "gender": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "MLE"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "MLE"
        "city": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "BNMR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "BNMR"
        "postalCode": "56059",
        "fullName": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "Rakesh P"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "سهَسهَنك "
        "zone": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "14022"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "14022"
        "dateOfBirth": "1993/12/12",
        "IDSchemaVersion": 1,
        "province": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "KTA"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "KTA"
        "phone": "9680958812",
        "addressLine1": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "005-DS Max Silicon"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "٠٠٥-دس مَكس سِلِكُن"
        "residenceStatus": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "NFR"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "NFR"
        "addressLine2": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "Global Village"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "گلُبَل ڤِللَگِ"
        "addressLine3": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "Karnataka"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "كَرنَتَكَ"
        "region": [
            "language": "fra",
            "value": "RSK"
            "language": "ara",
            "value": "RSK"
        "email": ""
  "errors": null

Failure Response

Status code: '200'

Description: No data found for the requested pre-registration id(non-empty).

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.retrieve.details",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-20T06:35:18.678Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "PRG_PAM_APP_005",
      "message": "No data found for the requested pre-registration id"

Other Failure details

GET /applications/status/{preRegistrationId}

This request is used to retrieve pre-registration application status by providing the pre-registration id in request path parameter.

Resource URL


Resource details

Request Path Parameter


Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: All applications status fetched successfully

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.retrieve.status",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-14T16:17:19.601Z",
  "response": {
    "preRegistartionId": "29810389154051",
    "statusCode": "Pending_Appointment"
  "errors": null

Failure Response

Status code: 200

Description: No data found for the requested pre-registration id(non-empty).

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.retrieve.status",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-14T16:17:34.330Z",
  "response": null,
  "errors": [
      "errorCode": "PRG_PAM_APP_005",
      "message": "No data found for the requested pre-registration id"

Other Failure details

GET /applications

This request is used to retrieve all Pre-Registration id, Full name in both language, Status Code, Document details(Only for Proof Of Address), Appointment details and Postal Code by user id from authorization token.

Without pagination

if pageIndex parameter is not passed as query param, then all the demographic data for the user will be retrieved without applying pagination mechanism.

Resource URL


Resource details


Success Response

Status code: 200

Description: All applications fetched successfully

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.retrieve.basic",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-06-27T10:44:18.988Z",
  "response": {
    "basicDetails": [
        "preRegistrationId": "26501647251326",
        "statusCode": "Pending_Appointment",
        "bookingMetadata": null,
        "demographicMetadata": {
          "proofOfAddress": null,
          "postalCode": "14022",
          "fullName": [
              "language": "fra",
              "value": "jagadishwari"
              "language": "ara",
              "value": "جَگَدِسهوَرِ سِلڤَرَج"
        "preRegistrationId": "31601973604129",
        "statusCode": "Booked",
        "bookingMetadata": {
          "registration_center_id": "10003",
          "appointment_date": "2019-07-01",
          "time_slot_from": "14:15",
          "time_slot_to": "14:30"
        "demographicMetadata": {
          "proofOfAddress": {
            "docCatCode": "POA",
            "docTypCode": "RNC",
            "docName": "Rajath.pdf",
            "langCode": "eng",
            "documentId": "ef51cd37-98c7-11e9-8fd2-6fbffb0a0035"
          "postalCode": "14023",
          "fullName": [
              "language": "eng",
              "value": "Rajath"
              "language": "ara",
              "value": "رَجَته"
    "totalRecords": "2",
    "noOfRecords": "0",
    "pageIndex": "0"
  "errors": null

Failure Response

Status code: 200

Description: No record found for the requested user id.

  "id": "mosip.pre-registration.demographic.retrieve.basic",
  "version": "1.0",
  "responsetime": "2019-05-20T07:12:37.316Z",
  "response": null,