Android Registration Client v0.10.0

Release Name: Android Registration Client v0.10.0

Release version: 0.10.0

Support: Beta Release

Release Date: 14th June, 2024


The Android Registration Client is a tablet application designed to provide a mobile version of the existing desktop Registration Client. It has been developed to ensure accessibility on all Android devices and to meet the mobility needs of countries implementing MOSIP.

Version 0.10.0 of the Android Registration Client is the beta release, covering features such as Operator Onboarding, and the dashboard.

The new features included in this release, along with those from the Android Registration Client DP1 and Android Registration Client 0.9.0 releases, are:

  • Operator Onboarding: This feature enables Operators to onboard themselves onto the Android Registration Client.

  • Dashboard: This feature enables operators to view statistics related to packet creation and upload, as well as the list of users mapped to the device and the status of those users.

Note: Compatible with MOSIP version 1.2.0

Repository Released

Build and Deploy

To access the build and read through the deployment instructions, refer to the Developer Guide.


For details related to Android Registration Client configurations, refer to the Configuration Guide.

User Guide

To learn more about the available features, processes, and user interface, refer Android Registration User Guide for further information.

Last updated

Copyright © 2021 MOSIP. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY-4.0) International License unless otherwise noted.